Annie - Barvy - перевод текста песни на английский

Barvy - Annieперевод на английский

Na lichou či na sudou, nezabíjej čas nudou
Whether on the odd day or even, don't waste time with boredom
Ptám se kam lidi jdou, kráčejí za duhou
I wonder where the people are going, they are following the rainbow
Kolem mýho světa vždy platilo právo veta
A veto right has always applied to my world
Svoboda je moje meta - je to tak - je to tak
Freedom is my goal - that's the way it is - that's the way it is
Říkám ti to s klidem, že mi stačí nádech, výdech
I tell you calmly that all I need is an inhalation, exhalation
Potom všechno vyjde - to je fakt - to je fakt
Then everything will come out - that's a fact - that's a fact
I když se svět obrací
Even when the world turns
Kouká se do šera
Stare into the twilight
naději neztrácí
May it not lose hope
Nezbarvil se do šeda
It has not turned gray
Barvy vidí, kdo se srdcem na svět dívá
Colors can be seen by those who look at the world with their heart
Pozná co se v nich ukrývá
They recognize what is hidden in them
Pestré barvy všude kolem
Bright colors all around us
Vzácné dary za každým rohem
Precious gifts around every corner
Proč je nevidíš? Proč je nevidíš
Why don't you see them? Why don't you see them
Proč je nevidíš? Proč je nevidíš
Why don't you see them? Why don't you see them
Nehledej v tom vědu, když si dovolíš
Don't look for science in it, if you allow yourself
Žít život na plno, tak je uvidíš
Live your life to the fullest, so you will see them
Tyrkysové nebe, zlaté slunce, bílé hory
Turquoise sky, golden sun, white mountains
Když je nebe rudé, slunce navštěvuje doly
When the sky is red, the sun visits the mines
Život hraje nám barevnou paletou
Life plays for us with a colorful palette
Kdo ji uvidí, toho druzí nesmetou
Those who see it will not be swept away by others
Nemusíš kráčet dál za duhou
You don't have to go any further behind the rainbow
Všechny barvy tady s námi dávno jsou
All the colors are with us for a long time now
S námi dávno jsou
They've been with us for a long time
Barvy vidí, kdo se srdcem na svět dívá
Colors can be seen by those who look at the world with their heart
Pozná, co se v nich ukrývá
They recognize what is hidden in them
Pestré barvy všude kolem
Bright colors all around us
Vzácné dary za každým rohem
Precious gifts around every corner
Proč je nevidíš? Proč je nevidíš
Why don't you see them? Why don't you see them
Proč je nevidíš? Tak proč je nevidíš
Why don't you see them? So why don't you see them
Barvy vidí kdo se srdcem na svět dívá
Colors can be seen by those who look at the world with their heart
Pozná, co se v nich ukrývá
They recognize what is hidden in them
Pestré barvy všude kolem
Bright colors all around us
Vzácné dary za každým rohem
Precious gifts around every corner
Proč je nevidíš? Tak proč je nevidíš
Why don't you see them? So why don't you see them
Proč je nevidíš? Tak proč je nevidíš
Why don't you see them? So why don't you see them

Авторы: Neny Music

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