Ansa feat. DJ Crum - Sche - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ansa feat. DJ Crum - Sche

I hass' verlogene Menschen
I hate fake people
Und laut vün Leit müsst i mi söbst damit treffen
And according to many, I should include myself
Dabei lieb i mi täglich
But I love myself daily
Egal ob wixxn oder Spiegel, I find
Whether mirror or reality, I find
Dass i euch ziemlich straight bin, oiso fick solche Bitches
That I'm pretty straight, so f*ck those bitches
Die nur Göd wolln, aber tjo, so is die Wöd holt
Who only want money, but yeah, that's the world
Die Gödgier mocht schirch, drum gibt's Makeup
Greed makes you ugly, that's why there's makeup
Söba ois schee reden, ondere in Dreck ziehn
Talking yourself up, dragging others down
Lenkt nur von den eigenen Problemen ab, exakt
Just distracting from your own problems, exactly
Menschen san so
That's how people are
Zumindest 90 Prozent von der Menschheit san gierig und geizig
At least 90 percent of humanity is greedy and stingy
Und geistig ned unbedingt a Vurzeigebeispiel
And mentally not exactly a prime example
Und deren Weitsicht geschätzt auf so 2 Meter 90
And their foresight estimated at about 2 meters 90
Schallklappen tragende, stur vorwärts trabende
Wearing blinders, stubbornly marching forward
Mit der Mode gehende, gelenkte Homo Sapiens
Following trends, controlled Homo Sapiens
Medienverblödete konsumsüchtige waache Leit
Media-dumbed down, consumer-addicted, awake people
Plappern olles nach wie a Papagei, konns ned sei
Parroting everything like a parrot, can't be
Meistens schauts in derem Freindeskreis ned onders aus
Mostly, it doesn't look any different in their circle of friends
Mei Freindeskreis is onders drauf
My circle of friends is different
Onders ois du und andre auch
Different from you and others too
Onders ois es, onders ois de, onders als Mainstream
Different from it, different from them, different from the mainstream
Onders ois "So muass des sei, wös grad im Trend liegt"
Different from "This is how it has to be, what's currently trendy"
Nasenziagende, Grelle Forelle gehende, im Hang-Over-Modus Antidepressiva nehmende
Turning up their noses, going to Grelle Forelle, taking antidepressants in hangover mode
Helene Fischer feiernde Kids, denen Argumente fehln
Kids celebrating Helene Fischer, lacking arguments
An eicha Stelle warat i froh, wenn's atemlos zu Ende geht
In your place, I'd be glad when "Atemlos" ends
Blick auf Handygames, Messenger oder Whatsapp-Chats
Eyes on mobile games, Messenger or Whatsapp chats
Instagram, Selfie-Stick, Hashtag es sads alle whack
Instagram, selfie stick, hashtag it's all whack
Und mindestens so deppat wie die Leit über die's deppat red
And at least as stupid as the people they talk stupid about
So vü, wie mir am Wecker gehn, miassatn lang scho Fetzen fliagn
As much as they annoy me, scraps should have flown long ago
Am besten afoch ignoriern, die habns ned so afoch mit so ana wachn Birn
It's best to just ignore them, they don't have it so easy with such an awake bulb
Des is a der Grund, warum so Leit kandidieren, solche Kreise san hoit eifach zu radikalisiern
That's also the reason why so many people run for office, such circles are just too easy to radicalize
Die Dummheit verdunkelt longsom scho unsern Horizont
Stupidity is slowly darkening our horizon
I siach ka Licht mehr und mog ned dran denken, wos no olles kommt
I don't see any more light and don't want to think about what else is coming
Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt und hofft, doss wos bewegt
Hope dies last and hopes that something will move
(somewhere, the [?]) schee
Because (somewhere, the [?]) beautiful
Wo is des Paradies, wo immer die Sunn strohlt
Where is this paradise where the sun always shines
Wo's kane Probleme gibt und immer ois rund lauft
Where there are no problems and everything always runs smoothly
Wo Göd ned des wichtigste der Wöd is, sondern Umgang
Where money is not the most important thing in the world, but interaction
Zwischen Menschen, die höfen und ned wegschaun, wei sa se umdrahn, Bruder
Between people who help and don't look away because they turn around, brother
Es war vor meiner und vor deiner Tiar, nur leider san die meisten Leit von Menschlichkeit befreit
It was before my and before your time, but unfortunately most people are freed from humanity
Denn zu viel Scheiße im Hirn
Because too much sh*t in their brains
Sie gebn kan Fick, ob ana nebenan krepiert
They don't give a f*ck if someone next door dies
Nur weils den persönlich ned kennst, haasts ned, dass Nächstenliebe stirbt
Just because you don't personally know them, you don't care that neighborly love dies
Gott, loss Hirne regen, wos is los mit eich?
God, let brains rain, what's wrong with you?
Es is ned schee, wenn man fliehen muss, daham Bomben fallen
It's not nice when you have to flee because bombs are falling at home
Echt zum genieren, wannst liest, wos monche Leit fia Comments schreiben
Really embarrassing when you read what some people write for comments
Nehmts eich an der Nosn und versetzts eich in die Opfer eine
Take a look at yourselves and put yourselves in the victims' shoes
Oh du guade Wöd, du worst so wundervoll
Oh, good world, you would be so wonderful
Und auch so wunderschee ohne unser Volk
And also so wonderfully beautiful without our people
Das beste wär, i geh
The best thing would be, I leave
(somewhere, the [?]) schee...
Because (somewhere, the [?]) beautiful...
Jo, du wundervolle Welt
Yes, you wonderful world
Du Welt voller Wunder
You world full of wonders
Des Gehirn zruckbliabn, deswegn wern sas nie begreifen
The brain left behind, that's why they will never understand
Somewhere, the [?]...
Somewhere, the [?]...

Ansa feat. DJ Crum - Jägiritter
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