Essa é uma das partes tristes da vida, é uma das histórias que eu preferia não contar, mas tem que ser, talvez essa história não seja realidade na tua casa, mas se for, força aí, do fundo do coração, força aí mana, yeah
This is one of the saddest parts of life, it's one of the stories I'd rather not tell, but it has to be, maybe this story isn't reality in your home, but if it is, strength there, from the bottom of your heart, strength there, sister, yeah
Eu nem sei como é que eu vou vos contar, só de saber que pra muitas pessoas é relidade, trás lágrimas aos olhos, mas pra essas pessoas que estão a sofrer, Cristo está aí pra nos ajudar, one love.
I don't even know how I'm going to tell you, just knowing that for many people it's reality, brings tears to my eyes, but for those people who are suffering, Christ is there to help us, one love.
Eu estive com a Paula
I was with Paula
Perguntei se estava bem
I asked her if she was okay
E ela respondeu, Anselmo, está tudo bem
And she replied, Anselmo, everything is fine
Convidei-lhe para sentar
I invited her to sit down
Ela disse, obrigado
She said, thank you
Cada vez mais bonita
More and more beautiful
Só mostrou-me um sorriso
She just showed me a smile
E eu perguntei, ja tens namorado?
I asked, do you have a boyfriend now?
E ela me respondeu, ainda não tenho
And she replied, I don't have one yet
E eu perguntei porquê?
I asked why?
Ela me disse, meu padrasto não deixa
She told me, my stepfather won't let me
E eu perguntei porquê?
And I asked why?
E chorando me disse:
And crying she said:
Ele me abusa
He abuses me
De noite, me agarra e me beija
At night, he grabs me and kisses me
Diz não fala nada
He says don't say anything
Me abusa
He abuses me
De noite me agarra e me beija
At night, he grabs me and kisses me
E eu perguntei,
And I asked,
Já contaste a tua mãe?
Have you told your mother?
E ela abanou a cabeça
And she shook her head
Ela não está a acreditar
She doesn't believe it
E eu disse: Paula, sai de casa
And I said: Paula, get out of the house
E chorando ela disse que
And crying, she said that
Eu não tenho pra onde ir
I have nowhere to go
E eu suspirei e disse (Paula)
And I sighed and said (Paula)
Vai pra policia
Go to the police
Ela disse:
She said:
Eu ja tentei, mas não deu em nada
I've tried before, but nothing happened
Então agarrei a sua mão e chorei com ela
Then I took her hand and cried with her
Ergueu a cara e olhou pra mim
She raised her head and looked at me
E me disse:
And she told me:
Ele me abusa
He abuses me
De noite, me agarra e me beija
At night, he grabs me and kisses me
Diz não fala nada
He says don't say anything
Me abusa
He abuses me
De noite, me agarra e me beija
At night, he grabs me and kisses me
E a Paula fica ali, sofrendo calada, ela quer falar, mas epa, ela sente-se envergonhada, ela sente-se traumatizada, ela sente-se abusada, portanto sofre calada, yeah, é hora de pararmos com esses abusos e outros mais, mas sabem o quê, meninas, meninos, é hora de abrir a boca, força manos, força manos, yeah. A Paula olhou pra mim e me disse: obrigado por me ouvires, as vezes a unica coisa que podes fazer é ouvir, mas mesmo assim, não deixa de ser uma ajuda, ela olhou pra mim e disse-me outra vez:
And Paula stays there, suffering in silence, she wants to speak, but hey, she feels ashamed, she feels traumatized, she feels abused, therefore she suffers in silence, yeah, it's time to stop with these abuses and others, but you know what, girls, boys, it's time to open your mouths, strength brothers, strength brothers, yeah. Paula looked at me and said: thank you for listening to me, sometimes the only thing you can do is listen, but even so, it still helps, she looked at me and told me again:
Ele me abusa
He abuses me
De noite, me agarra e me beija
At night, he grabs me and kisses me
Diz não fala nada
He says don't say anything
Me abusa
He abuses me
De noite, me agarra e me beija
At night, he grabs me and kisses me
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