ansis - Nogrimušo kruīza kuģu baseini (bonus) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ansis - Nogrimušo kruīza kuģu baseini (bonus)

Nogrimušo kruīza kuģu baseini (bonus)
Sunken Cruise Ship Pools (bonus)
Karaļūdens speciālizlaidums
King Neptune Special Edition
Tiešā translācija no Dirty Deal Audio HQ, Brasā
Live from Dirty Deal Audio HQ, Brasa
Ansis, dotConcept...
Ansis, dotConcept...
Puikas taisa biznesus pēc savas 9. klases
Boys doing business after their 9th grade
Gatavi dot sevi visu, kad atstāj kredītā pasi
Ready to give their all when they leave their passport on credit
Bet nepiepildās tad nekas no neglītā sapņa
But nothing comes of that ugly dream
Jo puikas nezina tās takas, bet dzīvo cerībā atrast...
Because the boys don't know those paths, but live in the hope of finding...
Dienas beigās viss, ko vajag ir dabūt to sieru
At the end of the day, all you need is to get that cheese
Ko pēc tam sabarot kasēs priekš kādas atpūtas vietas
Which you then feed into the tills for some rest area
Kur tas kāposts palika? No rīta pagrūti spriest
Where did that cabbage go? Hard to tell in the morning
Pirmdien tu noklusē faktu, ka tur biji atlūzis viens
On Monday you don't mention the fact that you were broken open there
Dzīvot Rīgā? Kādam tas bija par dārgu
Living in Riga? Too expensive for some
Liek strādāt nelegāli, tirgojot no mašīnas zāli
Makes you work illegally, selling weed out of a car
Viņa bērni uz aug, meita lasīt jau māk
Her children grow up on it, her daughter can already read
Viņš pelna labi, bet meloja, kad viņam prasīja,
He earns well, but lied when they asked him how
Cits, kuru spiež apstākļi, domā, vajag zagt sākt
Another, pressured by circumstances, thinks he needs to start stealing
Ir labs plāns pizģīt kanalizācijas aku vākus
There's a good plan - to pinch manhole covers
Jutās gandrīz atvieglots, kad nonāca aiz restēm
He felt almost relieved when he ended up behind bars
Vienā akā iekrita bērns, viņš to neredzēja...
A child fell into one of the wells, he didn't see...
Tur ārā saka: "vajag zagt un krāpt", kas pelna
Out there they say: "you need to steal and cheat", who deserves it
Tev no bērnības to čukst jau tava kāpņu telpa
They've been whispering it to you since childhood, your stairwell
Un tu klausies, kaut te daudzus tāda apjausma biedē
And you listen, even though many such thoughts frighten you
Tas nav grūti appist tos, kas viegli apaug ar piepēm
It's not hard to screw those who easily grow fat with pus
Un tāpēc mana statistika rāda to
And that's why my statistics show
Kāpēc centrā iznākot no viena Fēniksa var tik labi redzēt nākamo
Why, coming out of one Phoenix in the centre, you can see the next so well
Sargi kaklu, kad meklē kādu, kas grib
Guard your neck when you're looking for someone who wants to
Tev palīdzēt stumt tavu vezumu uz nākamo cini
Help you push your cart to the next cynical
Jo tie ceļi tam domāti ir, lai mēs uz zemes kristu
Because those roads are meant for us to fall to earth
Dragātu mugurās dunčus, liekuļotu un sejas sistu
They would drag daggers on their backs, be hypocritical and beat faces
Justu bailes, bet tikmēr nejustu, ceļas risks
Feel fear, but not feel the risk rising
Dzīvot tai pilsētā, kur neviens vairs otram neuzticas...
To live in a city where no one trusts each other anymore...
Tieši tā...
Noziedo kādam naudu...
Loan someone money...
Kaut kur krīt bumbas, bet ārpus soda laukuma, tik
Bombs are falling somewhere, but only outside the penalty area
Tālu no redzesloka, ka mums ir trīspunkte!
So far out of sight that it's a three-pointer for us!
Kurš tev atklāja, cik ļoti dzīve ir sods?
Who told you how much life is a punishment?
Tu rausti plecus, starp skolniekiem, kuri pīpē pie skolas...
You shrug your shoulders, among the schoolchildren who smoke by the school...
Un tu strādā, ka līst sviedri, deviņi līdz pieci
And you work, as sweat pours, nine to five
Tad deviņi līdz seši, tad septiņi, viss viens
Then nine to six, then seven, it doesn't matter
Nemaz nesanāk satikt tos, kam vajag aizņemties priekš ēdiena
Never get to meet those who need to borrow for food
Vai parunāt ar kādu, kurš grib aizdzerties līdz mērķiem
Or talk to someone who wants to drink themselves to their goals
Un visi protesti te norimst ātri, pilns vilšanās
And all the protests here die down quickly, full of disappointment
Un rūgtuma tu dodies nopirkt kādu viltus gudrību
And with bitterness you go off to buy some false wisdom
Kuru kāds guru tev pārdot vēl paspēja, un tavs mēr ir
Which some guru still had time to sell you, and your target is
Pilns nogrimušo kruīza kuģu baseini
Full like the swimming pools of sunken cruise ships

Авторы: Ansis

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