Antonio Aguilar - El Ojo de Vidrio - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Antonio Aguilar - El Ojo de Vidrio

El Ojo de Vidrio
The Glass Eye
Ay, ay, ay
Oh, woe is me
Ahí les va la historia del viejo prieto bigotón
My love was Porfirio, the old mustachioed man,
Que se llamaba Porfirio
A man called The Glass Eye,
Apodado El Ojo de Vidrio, ¡uah!
And oh, how I loved that man!
Voy a cantar el corrido
And now I sing his tale
Del salteador de caminos
Of the robber on the road,
Que se llamaba Porfirio
Who they called Porfirio,
Llámabanle "Ojo de Vidrio"
"The Glass Eye" was his nickname,
Lo tuerto no le importaba
And he cared not for his eye
Pues no fallaba en el tiro
For never did he miss his mark
Acertaba el pelao, y no jerraba, ¡uah!
His aim was true, he never erred,
Se disfrazaba de arriero
He would dress in muleteer's garb
Para asaltar los poblados
To rob and raid the villages
Burlándose del gobierno
Making a mockery of the government,
Mataba a muchos soldados
And killing many soldiers
Nomás blanqueaban los cerros
Whose white uniforms would soon stain
De puros encalzonados
The brown hills red with blood
"¡Ahí viene el Ojo de Vidrio!"
"The Glass Eye rides!"
Gritaba el pueblo asustado
The fearful townsfolk cried
Y a las mujeres buscaba
And he would seek out womenfolk
Mirando pa' todos lados
With eyes that roamed far and wide
Dejaba pueblos enteros
He would leave whole towns at his back
Lleno de puros colgados
With bodies strung from poles
Dejaba una ensarta de viejos que parecía aquello un colgadero
He would leave a garland of old men, and it would seem like a rack
De purititos guachales, ¡uah!
Of stringed-up skeletons,
Ahí se asoleaban pa' la Cuaresma
They would sun themselves for Lent
Después de tantas hazañas
After so many exploits
Al verlo que se paseaba
They saw him walking by,
En su caballo tordillo
On his pale horse,
Frente de la plaza de armas
Before the town square,
Lo acribillaron a tiros
And riddled him with bullets,
Sin que le pasara nada
But nothing seemed to faze him
Decían que estaba forrado
'Twas said he wore a coat of mail
Con un chaleco de malla
Beneath his waistcoat,
Las balas le rebotaban
The bullets bouncing off,
Mientras él se carcajeaba
While he just laughed and laughed
Se iba tranquilo a caballo
He rode off on his horse
Sin que nadie le estorbara
And not a soul could stop him
Bajaron tres campesinos
Three peasants then descended
De allá del Cerro Escondido
From the hills of Cerro Escondido,
Traíban al Ojo de Vidrio
They brought The Glass Eye with them,
Picado de un coralillo
Struck by a coral snake,
Venía ya muerto el bandido
And dead now was the bandit,
En su caballo tordillo
On his pale horse he was carried

Авторы: Victor Cordero Aurrecoechea

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