Anupam Roy - Bezubaan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Anupam Roy - Bezubaan

किस लम्हें ने थामी ऊँगली मेरी
Which moment held my finger
फुसला के मुझको ले चला
Coaxed me away
नंगे पाँव दौड़ी आँखें मेरी
Barefoot, my eyes ran
ख़्वाबों की सारी बस्तियां
All the settlements of dreams
हर दूरियां हर फासले, करीब है
All distances, all distances, are close
इस उम्र की भी शख्सियत अजीब हैं
The personality of this age is also strange
झीनी-झीनी इन साँसों से
From these fine breaths
पहचानी सी आवाज़ों में
In familiar voices
गूंजा है आज आसमां, कैसे हम बेज़ुबां
How have I become speechless, the sky is resonating today?
इस जीने में कहीं हम भी थे
Were we somewhere in this living?
थे ज्यादा या ज़रा कम ही थे
Were there more, or were there fewer?
रुक के भी चल पड़े मगर रस्ते सब बेजुबां
Stopped and still walked, but all roads are speechless
जीने की ये कैसी आदत लगी
How did this habit of living begin?
बेमतलब कर्ज़े चढ़ गए
Meaningless debts were taken
हादसों से बच के जाते कहाँ
Where did we go, escaping from accidents?
सब रोते हँसते सह गए
Everyone laughed and cried and endured!
अब गलतियां जो मान लीं तो ठीक है
Now if mistakes are forgiven, it's good
कमजोरियों को मात दी तो ठीक है
If weaknesses are defeated, it's good
झीनी-झीनी इन साँसों से
From these fine breaths
पहचानी सी आवाज़ों में
In familiar voices
गूंजा है आज आसमां, कैसे हम बेज़ुबां
How have I become speechless, the sky is resonating today?
इस जीने में कहीं हम भी थे
Were we somewhere in this living?
थे ज्यादा या ज़रा कम ही थे
Were there more, or were there fewer?
रुक के भी चल पड़े मगर रस्ते सब बेज़ुबां
Stopped and still walked, but all roads are speechless
हम बन गए बेज़ुबां
I've become speechless
झीनी-झीनी इन साँसों से
From these fine breaths
पहचानी सी आवाज़ों में
In familiar voices
गूंजा है आज आसमां, कैसे हम बेज़ुबां
How have I become speechless, the sky is resonating today?
इस जीने में कहीं हम भी थे
Were we somewhere in this living?
थे ज्यादा या ज़रा कम ही थे
Were there more, or were there fewer?
रुक के भी चल पड़े मगर रस्ते सब बेज़ुबां
Stopped and still walked, but all roads are speechless


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