No las puedes olvidar, de esas letras que aveces solo quieres desahogar y que por una causa o otra te la tienes que guardar bien intima de esas que hacen llorar de esas que cuando escribes pueden hacerte bisar, de esas letras que aveces solo quieres desahogar y que
You can't forget it, one of those letters that sometimes you just want to vent and that for one reason or another you have to keep it very intimate, one of those that make you cry, one of those that when you write can make you encore, one of those letters that sometimes you just want to vent and that
Por una causa o otra te la
For one reason or another I have to keep it.
You, se rompio el ceno familiar
My, the family hearth has been broken
Y tus padres se alejan la relacion
And your parents are drifting apart
Empareja, se te pone mas compleja eres libre pero te sientes
Couple, your relationship is getting more complex, you are free but you feel
Detras de una reja y la
Behind bars and the
Oportunidad de ser feliz
Opportunity to be happy
Cada vez mas se te aleja
Is getting further and further away
Andas triste y ries poco sufres
You're sad and you don't laugh much, you suffer
Tanto que en las noches los buenos recuerdos te hacen ir el llanto
So much that at night the good memories make you cry
Se extravio el encanto
The charm is gone
Y te deprime el corazon se oprime y deprime las lagrimas que hacen que te
And your heart is heavy and depressed, the tears that make you
Desanimes dime quieres huir, no puedes dormir, quieres seguir o te quieres ir a otro lado a vivir
Disheartened, tell me, do you want to run away, can't you sleep, do you want to stay or do you want to go live somewhere else
La vida te cansa y todo te aburre
Life tires you and everything bores you
Estan tan predipuesto y sencible
You're so prone and sensitive
Que todo te ocurre no quieres estar solo pero necesitas espacio para drenar todo eso que por dentro te produce un vacio sufrimiento
That everything affects you, you don't want to be alone but you need space to drain all that void that causes you suffering
Terrenal y pensar que todo
Earthly and to think that everything
Tiene su final te causa agotamiento fisico y mental esta de mal humor no quieres ver el resplandor
Has its end causes you physical and mental exhaustion, you're in a bad mood, you don't want to see the glow
Te apegas al dolor y ya
You cling to pain and now
No crees en el amor te armas de valor pero no suficiente hay que ser muy valiente para ponerse a nadar contra la corriente miras al cielo en buscas de una señal cierras los ojos, respiras los abres y todo sige igual no te llama
You don't believe in love, you steel yourself with courage but it's not enough, you have to be very brave to start swimming against the tide, you look up to the sky in search of a sign, you close your eyes, you breathe, you open them and everything is still the same, it doesn't call you
Y as perdido contacto con tus amigos
And you've lost touch with your friends
Y por tu zona la envidia calcome a tus enemigos hijo no entiendes porque se te cierran los caminos porque este mundo es tan malvado y tan mezquino dicen que esan son las jugadas del destino y que al final de todo al papan y vino vino,(sube el animo no date fuerza no te caigas no flaquees no importa lo que la marea se traiga, ya se buena o malo los problemas hay que atacarlos y solucionarlos para algun dia poder superarlos
And in your area, envy eats away at your enemies, child, you don't understand why all paths are closed to you, why this world is so evil and mean, they say these are the tricks of fate and that at the end of it all, there's food and wine.
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