Arian - Glej! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Arian - Glej!

Glej pa mi ti povej
Look and tell me
A sm vredn
Am I worthy
Poslusi me zdej
Listen to me now
Nebit bedn
Not to be miserable
Pokam tele rime
I bust these rhymes
Pokam tele bite
I spit these bars
Kar se tiče rapa
When it comes to rap
Js Loh sm tvoj dedek
I Loh, am your grandpa
Med nama vedno
Between us there will always be
Bo presledek
A gap
Lah bi reku
I could say
Da sm redek
That I am rare
Sladk k bombon
Sweet like candy
Lah me klics Tony bons
You can call me Tony Bons
Kliče me kolega
My friend calls me
Ceu panicn
Like a panic
Se dere po fonu
He yells on the phone
Nism ga sploh razumeu
I didn't understand him at all
Govoru je u čudnem tonu
He spoke in a strange tone
Prav D. Je frka
Right D. is a joke
Sam itak je zabit
But of course he is dumb
Pa stvari po brka
And shallow
Vedno smrka
Always snotty
Zato pa folk
That's why people
U glavo drka
Jerk in the head
Karma na usakemu koraku
Karma at every step
Usi se smejete bedaku
Everyone laughs at the fool
Srce predou tupaku
Heart beat for Tupac
Zaceu delat svojo zapuscino
I started making my own legacy
Da repa ne zapustimo
So that we don't abandon rap
Ubijam old school trake
I kill old school tracks
Gledam te današnje trap spake
I watch today's trap sakes
Hotelske napake
Hotel mistakes
Bolsa izbira splav
Bolsa makes a choice
Kokr slaba Muska
Like a poor Muska
Zarad kere se mi dav
Because of her I am choking
Au slišim po končani lekciji
Au I hear after the lesson is over
Odrastu u napačni sekciji
I grew up in the wrong section
Med temi hinauci
Among these hypocrites
Gledam jih propadat
I watch them fall
Oni nočjo mene vidt zmagat
They don't want to see me win
Za njih ni vredn padat
They are not worth falling for
Ker od veselja se jim
Because they are happy
Oči iskrijo
Their eyes sparkle
Misli. Mi bežijo
My thoughts are running away
Glej pa mi ti povej
Look and tell me
A sm vredn
Am I worthy
Poslusi me zdej
Listen to me now
Nebit bedn
Not to be miserable
Ta misli da leti
This one thinks he flies
Vendar pogosto samo pada
But often he just falls
In kadar je prepozen
And when it's too late
Samo se bogu nada
He only hopes in God
Pa valda
Well of course
Ko ni frendov
When there are no friends
Samo foter in majka
Only father and mother
Med smrtjo in uspehom
Between death and success
Linija je tanka
The line is thin
Ta bela pa debela
This white and fat one
Zabita vam je scena
Your scene is stupid
Kurči se dok može se
Enjoy it while you can
A šta onda kad se nema
But what then when you don't have it
To realna ti je scena
This is the real scene for you
Vaša zabita cela
Your stupid whole
Smo črna pa bela
We are black and white
Sm gledam kaj vam dela
I watch what you do
Napišem tok kitic
Write this many verses
Kok v lajfu ti nemoreš
You won't be able to in your life
Ne gre ti ta rep
This rap is not for you
Džaba ti to goneš
You're wasting your time
Poslusu to usak dan
Listen to this every single day
Ucasih biu sm sam
I used to be alone
Verjeu vase
I believed in myself
Biu sam zase
I was for myself
Vedu to dase
I know that
Vaja dela mojstra
Practice makes perfect
To mi reku cora
That's what my mother told me
Prjeu sm kuli
I took a pen
Biu je ze na nuli
It was at zero
To je ta prica
This is the story
O kateri se mi sanja
That I dream about
Brze pare manje sica
Fast bucks less problems
Da meu bi poune dvorane
To have full halls
Pesmi ne zlagane
Not fake songs
Prjatle ne prodane
Not sold friends
Delam plan
I make a plan
Da ne ostanm sam
So I don't stay alone
Kako bom to dobu
How will I get it
Kr slej al prej vrh se bo ponudu
Because sooner or later the top will be offered

Авторы: Arian Ceroviku

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