Padre en el nombre de Jesus(en tu nombre), te doy gracias
Father, in the name of Jesus (in your name), I thank you
Porque por el espiritu sentí que venian tiempos fuertes
Because through the spirit I felt that strong times were coming
Para mí, y dificiles
For me, and difficult
Por eso a ti encomendé mi barca y todo lo crucé
That's why I entrusted my boat to you and crossed everything
Pero tú me cuidaste (todo el tiempo) me sanaste (mis heridas)
But you took care of me (all the time) you healed me (my wounds)
Haciendome una nueva criatura, un portador de tu uncion
Making me a new creature, a bearer of your anointing
Y tu gloria
And your glory
(Tu sangre resalta)
(Your blood stands out)
Por eso a tí dedico, este mi tercer proyecto (al igual que
That's why I dedicate this, my third project to you (just like
Todos sean)
May they all be)
Para que tu nombre sea exsaltado en las naciones (Aleluya señor!)
So that your name may be exalted among the nations (Hallelujah Lord!)
¡¡Buenas noches camarada!! ya salió la producción mas esperada
Good evening comrade!! the most anticipated production is out
Por la que su abuela oraba cada madrugada
For which your grandmother prayed every morning
Pa' que los oido sde sus nietos sea limpiao por este son
So that the ears of your grandchildren may be cleansed by this sound
Cuando bailo flamenco lo sapo
When I dance flamenco, the toad knows it
Y ahorita aparecio un varon que no entendió diciendo
And now a man appeared who didn't understand saying
(Míralo ahí, míralo ahí, yo lo sabia!!) y dice que eso no
(Look at him there, look at him there, I knew it!!) and he says no
Que el aca se apartó, para su información que nos encomendó no se equivocó
That he separated himself here, for your information, the one who commissioned us was not wrong
Me aparté del que lo pensó, del que lo creyó, del que difamó, me ignoró
I separated myself from the one who thought it, from the one who believed it, from the one who defamed me, ignored me
Y por mí ni oró
And he didn't even pray for me
Estoy mas rebozao' de Diós que la copa de homero de cerveza
I'm more coated with God than Homer's beer mug
Fuego que me quema de pies a cabeza!!
Fire that burns me from head to toe!!
Sera la oracion de mama grecia pimpi caridad
It will be the prayer of Mama Grecia Pimpi Charity
Mi producción se caracteriza por la calidad, VIOLENCIA ESPIRITUAL!
My production is characterized by quality, SPIRITUAL VIOLENCE!
Yo sé que ustedes estan ahí
I know you are there
Yo sé que desde muy cerca ustedes veran mis pasos
I know that you will see my steps from very close
Pero mi jefe es omnipresente, y el de ustedes no
But my boss is omnipresent, and yours is not
Así, que vayan y díganle
So, go and tell him
Que ninguna arma forjada contra mi prosperara
That no weapon forged against me will prosper
Y que DIOS condena toda lengua que se levante el juicio contra mi!
And that GOD condemns every tongue that rises up in judgment against me!
Ey Key, vamo' a hacerlo, ponte claro que tú sabe hacerlo
Hey Key, let's do it, make it clear that you know how to do it
¡manos arriba! quien puso la gracia fue CRISTO
hands up! whoever put the grace was CHRIST
Pongale por ahi que te voy a dar bien duro!!
Put it over there that I'm going to give you a hard time!!
Brinquen los que van pa'l cielo
Jump those who are going to heaven
Yo me artepenti yo meti la primera
I artpenti I put the first one
Muevete de aqui o te pierdes
Get out of here or you're lost
Sea visitante o sea residente, apaguen el radio a la musica satanica, apaguen el radio a la musica satanica, y dale vuelta a la onda, vuelta a la onda!!
Whether you are a visitor or a resident, turn off the radio to satanic music, turn off the radio to satanic music, and turn the wave back, turn the wave back!!
Hasta que derribes al gigante, desde el impactstudio, Ariel Kelly viene aqui
Until you bring down the giant, from the impactstudio, Ariel Kelly comes here
Con Violencia Espiritual
With Spiritual Violence
¡¡Mi gente, valió la pena la espera!!
My people, the wait was worth it!!
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