Ariel Ramirez feat. Indiomar, Rubinsky, Romy Ram, Eliud L'voices & Manny Montes - No Te Oigo Remix - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ariel Ramirez feat. Indiomar, Rubinsky, Romy Ram, Eliud L'voices & Manny Montes - No Te Oigo Remix

No Te Oigo Remix
I Can't Hear You Remix
Heredero soy
I am an heir
Del hombre en el madero
Of the man on the cross
Se pa' donde voy
I know where I'm going
Y se revolcó el avispero
And the hornet's nest has been stirred
Si vieras mi cuenta
If you saw my account
Ya no le caben más ceros
It can't fit any more zeros
Mi cuenta no la puedes monetizar
You can't monetize my account
Mi cuenta proviene del cielo
My account comes from heaven
No te oigo manito
I can't hear you, little mama
Tas sonando chiquito
You're sounding small
Tienes mucho video, dinero y baqueo pero no lo que yo necesito
You have a lot of videos, money and backing but not what I need
No te oigo manito
I can't hear you, little mama
Tampoco los imito
I don't imitate them either
Yo busco una nota que sea espiritual y no cumplen con los requisitos
I'm looking for a note that's spiritual and they don't meet the requirements
Toy cansao de lo mismo
I'm tired of the same thing
Tan trapeando en lo mismo
They're mopping the same floor
Que que yo no
That you do and I don't
Que tienes yo no
That you have and I don't
Por eso es que yo ya ni me animo
That's why I don't even feel like it anymore
Piensen en el contenido que no es lo mismo desde hace tiempo
Think about the content, it's been the same for a long time
oyes sus textos, escuchas sus versos y viven llorando por dentro
You hear their lyrics, listen to their verses and they live crying inside
Y debe de entender que
And you should understand that
La vida no es como usted cree
Life is not what you think it is
Mala mía si no estoy al día y no te
My bad if I'm not up to date and I don't
Parece que no cante pornografía pue
Seem to sing pornography well
Porque es una tontería que le está
Because it's nonsense that's
Dañando la mente a los menores hoy en día
Damaging the minds of minors today
Yo prefiero que sobre el escenario
I prefer on stage
Les guie a la cruz del calvario
To guide them to the cross of Calvary
No te hablo de religión
I'm not talking about religion
Yo te hablo de salvación, esto no es opción, es necesario
I'm talking about salvation, this is not an option, it's necessary
Oye che despertate, deja de ser un alicate
Hey girl, wake up, stop being a pair of pliers
De que vale de que tengas todo
What's the point of having everything
Si vida se volvió un disparate ¡eh!
If your life has become nonsense, huh!
Tan diciendo lo mismito
They're saying the same thing
Llueven sobre mojao, por eso no te oigo manito
Raining on wet ground, that's why I can't hear you, little mama
Tan haciendo lo mismo
They're doing the same thing
Tan cantando lo mismo
They're singing the same thing
Mucho bla bla bla bla
Lots of blah blah blah blah
Pero no los escucho topar ese mismo
But I don't hear them talking about that same thing
Tan hablando en millones
Talking about millions
Tan hablando en mansiones
Talking about mansions
Pero no son reales porque son tan falsos como sus canciones
But they're not real because they're as fake as their songs
Si se apagó la basura yo fui quien entro
If the garbage went out, I was the one who went in
Y la radio desconecto
And the radio disconnected
Quien se oponga que venga el fuego con to'
Whoever opposes, let the fire come with everything
Que le voy a prender como a molotov
I'm gonna light them up like a Molotov
Traiganmelo a to'
Bring them all to me
Yo no pido to'
I don't ask for everything
En el nombre de Cristo se salvan to'
In the name of Christ they are all saved
Son maleantes y gangster de jugue to'
They are all toy gangsters and thugs
Rantantantantantan y se malan to'
Rantantantantantan and they all get mad
En sus canciones toditos son malos toditos son capos
In their songs they are all bad, they are all bosses
El diablo los usa lo tienen mangao son muñecos de trapo
The devil uses them, he has them tied up, they are rag dolls
Te lo dije hace rato
I told you a while ago
Yo no te escucho yo te apago tu bulla y tu orgullo
I don't listen to you, I turn off your noise and your pride
no vas a dañar a mis hijos pa darle comida a lo tuyo
You're not going to harm my children to feed yours
No te oigo manito
I can't hear you, little mama
Tas sonando chiquito
You're sounding small
Tienes mucho video, dinero y baqueo pero no lo que yo necesito
You have a lot of videos, money and backing but not what I need
No te oigo manito
I can't hear you, little mama
Tampoco los imito
I don't imitate them either
Yo busco una nota que sea espiritual y no cumplen con los requisitos
I'm looking for a note that's spiritual and they don't meet the requirements
Un futuro oscuro augura
A dark future awaits
Cuando se rechaza la cura
When the cure is rejected
Yo abro camino pa' mi descendencia contra propagandas basura
I open the way for my descendants against garbage propaganda
Presumen dinero, sexo explícito, mucha Jordan y Jessie
They boast money, explicit sex, lots of Jordan and Jessie
Pero escribir tan elemental que es fundamental
But writing is so elementary that it's fundamental
Que juegan en modo easy
That they play in easy mode
Look camina como Pricy una maquina
Look, walk like Pricy, a machine
Que no puede parar
That can't stop
Qué bueno que no voy con mi fuerza
It's good that I don't go with my own strength
Y desde que entreno no he parao de ganar
And since I've been training, I haven't stopped winning
no entiendes bro' ser como un fiscal en la calle
You don't understand, bro, being like a prosecutor on the street
Porque los cuerpos voy levantando
Because I'm lifting bodies
Celoso en lo mío no te oigo a ti
Jealous in what's mine, I don't listen to you
Y a veces no oigo ni a los de mi bando
And sometimes I don't even listen to those on my side
Hay quien incita la violencia
There are those who incite violence
Y las balas ni lo están tocando
And the bullets aren't even touching them
El dinero nadando hijos ven en latino
Money swimming, children see it in Latino
Son los que se siguen matando
They are the ones who keep killing each other
La calle pide algo verdadero oh yeaa
The street asks for something true, oh yeaa
Algo que les pueda dar luz oh yeaa
Something that can give them light, oh yeaa
Un rap de verdad y te digo la verdad
A true rap and I'm telling you the truth
En esa lista no vas a estar
You're not going to be on that list
Mucho espuma y no hay chocolate
Lots of foam and no chocolate
No se cansan de repetir
They don't get tired of repeating
Parecen un disco rayao
They seem like a broken record
Ya no tienen na' que decir
They have nothing left to say
Porque yo ser cristiano
Because I'm a Christian
Tengo que mirarte y dañando y quedarme callao
I have to watch you do damage and stay silent
Yo no pierdo la clase pero esto es rima que te hace quedarte sentao
I don't lose my class, but this is rhyme that makes you sit down
Religiosos quisieron cambiarnos
Religious people wanted to change us
Por su alabanza favorita
For their favorite praise
Esto no es pa' to' mi ba'
This is not for everyone, my ba'
Afuera están lobos comiéndose mis ovejitas
Wolves are outside eating my sheep
Mi sueño no cabe en un sobre
My dream doesn't fit in an envelope
No andamos detrás del dinero
We are not after money
Del reino de los cielos soy un general
I am a general of the kingdom of heaven
me ves como un simple rapero
You see me as a simple rapper
La radio y la televisión
Radio and television
Esto no se trata de religión
This is not about religion
No quiere sonar la canción
Don't want to play the song
Después no te quejes de la situación
Then don't complain about the situation
Yo defiendo mi generación
I defend my generation
Somos gente que no se subasta
We are people who are not auctioned
Que prefiere la muerte antes de venir lo que cree
Who prefer death before coming what they believe
Para pode llenar su canasta
To be able to fill their basket
Que dice que no te
That you say you didn't hear me
Busque el escuadrón y volví
I looked for the squad and came back
No tengo aplausos pa' ti
I have no applause for you
No lo mereces Vico
You don't deserve it, Vico does
Dices que la lleve a la cama
You say take her to bed
Eres que la va a embarazar
You're the one who's going to get her pregnant
O si agarro sida voy al hospital
Or if I get AIDS, I go to the hospital
música me va a sanar
Your music is going to heal me
Y si pierdo todo lo que tengo
And if I lose everything I have
Voy a la cárcel me vas a sacar
I go to jail, you're going to get me out
todavía con el mismo problema
You're still with the same problem
Cómo rayos me vas a ayudar
How the hell are you going to help me
Zaqueo baja de la mata
Zacchaeus come down from the tree
haces lo que sea por plata
You do anything for money
Cuando ustedes no hablen de lo mismo
When you don't talk about the same thing
Me retiro y canto bachata
I retire and sing bachata
Soy manso pero no menso
I'm meek but not stupid
Mis hijos no están indefensos
My children are not defenseless
Antes de grabar lo pienso
Before I record, I think about it
Que pasa te noto tenso
What's wrong, you seem tense
Medios de entretenimiento
Entertainment media
Para sonar no piden billete
They don't ask for money to play
Dios dijo que no me hace falta
God said I don't need it
Que el mensaje no se compromete
That the message is not compromised
Yo puedo sonar ofensivo
I may sound offensive
El jefe chequea lo que escribo
The boss checks what I write
Yo quiero que todos se salven
I want everyone to be saved
Y que graben algo positivo
And to record something positive
Tienen dinero y salieron del barrio
They have money and they got out of the neighborhood
Pero llevan el barrio por dentro
But they carry the neighborhood inside
Yo vine pa' hacerles un cambio
I came to make a change
Y poner a Jesus en el centro
And put Jesus in the center
No te oigo manito
I can't hear you, little mama
Tas sonando chiquito
You're sounding small
Tienes mucho video, dinero y baqueo pero no lo que yo necesito
You have a lot of videos, money and backing but not what I need
No te oigo manito
I can't hear you, little mama
Tampoco los imito
I don't imitate them either
Yo busco una nota que sea espiritual y no cumplen con los requisitos
I'm looking for a note that's spiritual and they don't meet the requirements

Ariel Ramirez feat. Indiomar, Rubinsky, Romy Ram, Eliud L'voices & Manny Montes - No Te Oigo Remix
No Te Oigo Remix
дата релиза

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