Aristide Bruant - A biribi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Aristide Bruant - A biribi

A biribi
A biribi
Y en a qui font la mauvais' tête
There are some who sulk
Au régiment,
In the regiment,
I's tir' au cul, ils font la bête
They pull up their trousers, play the beast
Quand i's veulent pus fair' l'exercice
When they no longer want to exercise
Et tout l' fourbi
And all the drills
On les envoi' fair' leur service
They are sent to do their service
A Biribi.
At Biribi.
A Biribi, c'est en Afrique
At Biribi, it's in Africa
qu'le pus fort
Where the strongest
Est obligé d'poser sa chique
Is forced to lay down his chew
Et d'fair' le mort;
And play dead;
que l'pus malin désespère
Where the smartest one despairs
De fair' chibi,
Of making it,
Car on peut jamais s'faire la paire,
Because you can never make a pair,
A Biribi.
At Biribi.
A Biribi, c'est qu'on marche,
At Biribi, that's where we march
Faut pas flancher
You can't flinch
Quand le chaouch crie: "En avant! marche!"
When the chaouch shouts: "Forward! March!"
I' faut marcher,
You have to march,
Et quand on veut fair' des épates,
And when you want to make a splash,
C'est peau d'zebi:
It's zebra skin:
On vous fout les fers aux quat' pattes
They put you in irons on all fours
A Biribi.
At Biribi.
A Biribi, c'est qu'on crève
At Biribi, that's where you die
De soif et d'faim
Of thirst and hunger
C'est qu'i faut marner sans treve
That's where you have to toil without respite
Jusqu'à la fin!...
Until the end!...
Le soir, on pense à la famille,
In the evening, you think of your family,
Sous le bourbi...
Under the mud...
On pleure encor' quand on roupille,
You still cry when you snooze,
A Biribi.
At Biribi.
A Biribi, c'est qu'on râle
At Biribi, that's where you grumble
On râle en rut,
You grumble in heat,
La nuit on entend hurler l'mâle
At night you hear the male roar
Qu'aurait pas cru
Who would not have believed
Qu'un jour i' s'rait forcé d' connaître
That one day he would be forced to know
Mam'zelle Bibi,
Mam'zelle Bibi,
Car tôt ou tard il faut en être,
Because sooner or later you have to be there,
A Biribi.
At Biribi.
On est sauvag', lâche et féroce,
You are savage, cowardly and fierce,
Quand on en r'vient...
When you come back...
Si par hasard on fait un gosse,
If by chance you have a child,
On se souvient...
You remember...
On aim'rait mieux, quand on s'rappelle
You would rather, when you remember
C'qu'on a subi,
What you have suffered,
Voir son enfant à la Nouvelle
See his child in New Caledonia
Qu'à Biribi.
Than in Biribi.

Авторы: Aristide Bruant

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