Ashit Desai ,Hema Desai - Devyaparadhkshamapan Stotra - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ashit Desai ,Hema Desai - Devyaparadhkshamapan Stotra

Devyaparadhkshamapan Stotra
Devyaparadhkshamapan Stotra
मन्त्रं नो यन्त्रं तदपि जाने स्तुतिमहो
I have neither mantra nor yantra, nor do I know the great praise,
चाह्वानं ध्यानं तदपि जाने स्तुतिकथाः।
I do not know the invocation, the meditation, nor the stories of praise.
जाने मुद्रास्ते तदपि जाने विलपनं
I do not know the gestures, nor do I know the lament,
परं जाने मातस्त्वदनुसरणं क्लेशहरणम्॥१॥
But I know, Mother, that following you is the remover of afflictions.॥1॥
विधेरज्ञानेन द्रविणविरहेणालसतया
By ignorance of the divine, by lack of wealth, by laziness,
विधेयाशक्यत्वात्तव चरणयोर्या च्युतिरभूत्।
By inability to do what is to be done, I have fallen from your feet.
तदेतत् क्षन्तव्यं जननि सकलोद्धारिणि शिवे
So this is to be forgiven, O mother, who uplifts all,
कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता भवति॥२॥
A bad son may be born, but a bad mother is not.॥2॥
पृथिव्यां पुत्रास्ते जननि बहवः सन्ति सरलाः
On earth, Mother, you have many sons who are simple,
परं तेषां मध्ये विरलतरलोऽहं तव सुतः।
But among them, I am the rarest, your son.
मदीयोऽयं त्यागः समुचितमिदं नो तव शिवे
My renunciation is appropriate, it is not for you, O Shiva,
कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता भवति॥३॥
A bad son may be born, but a bad mother is not.॥3॥
जगन्मातर्मातस्तव चरणसेवा रचिता
Mother of the world, Mother, I have not served your feet,
वा दत्तं देवि द्रविणमपि भूयस्तव मया।
Nor have I given you wealth, O goddess, in great abundance.
तथापि त्वं स्नेहं मयि निरुपमं यत्प्रकुरुषे
Yet you have a love for me that is unmatched,
कुपुत्रो जायेत क्वचिदपि कुमाता भवति॥४॥
A bad son may be born, but a bad mother is not.॥4॥
परित्यक्ता देवा विविधविधसेवाकुलतया
Abandoned by the gods, I have been busy with various services,
मया पञ्चाशीतेरधिकमपनीते तु वयसि।
At eighty-five, my age has been taken away.
इदानीं चेन्मातस्तव यदि कृपा नापि भविता
If even now, Mother, your grace is not there,
निरालम्बो लम्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम्॥५॥
O mother of Lambodara, who is the support without support, to whom shall I go for refuge?॥5॥
श्वपाको जल्पाको भवति मधुपाकोपमगिरा
The sweeper of dogs becomes a speaker of honey-like words,
निरातङ्को रङ्को विहरति चिरं कोटिकनकैः।
The penniless one roams about for a long time with millions of coins.
तवापर्णे कर्णे विशति मनुवर्णे फलमिदं
O Aparna, in your ear, the fruit of this mantra is heard,
जनः को जानीते जननि जपनीयं जपविधौ॥६॥
Who knows, Mother, in the method of chanting, what is to be chanted?॥6॥
चिताभस्मालेपो गरलमशनं दिक्पटधरो
Smearing of funeral ash, swallowing of poison, wearing of tiger skin,
जटाधारी कण्ठे भुजगपतिहारी पशुपतिः।
Wearing of matted hair, holding a serpent around the neck, Lord of the beasts.
कपाली भूतेशो भजति जगदीशैकपदवीं
Kapali, Lord of the ghosts, worships the one position of the Lord of the universe,
भवानि त्वत्पाणिग्रहणपरिपाटीफलमिदम्॥७॥
This is the fruit of taking your hand, Bhavani.॥7॥
मोक्षस्याकाङ्क्षा भवविभववाञ्छापि मे
I have no desire for liberation, nor do I desire worldly wealth,
विज्ञानापेक्षा शशिमुखि सुखेच्छापि पुनः।
I have no desire for knowledge, O moon-faced one, nor do I desire happiness.
अतस्त्वां संयाचे जननि जननं यातु मम वै
Therefore, I beg you, Mother, let my birth be,
मृडानी रुद्राणी शिव शिव भवानीति जपतः॥८॥
O destroyer, Rudrani, Shiva Shiva Bhavani, chanting this.॥8॥
नाराधितासि विधिना विविधोपचारैः
You are not worshiped by the method of various offerings,
किं रुक्षचिन्तनपरैर्न कृतं वचोभिः।
What is not done by those who are engaged in the thought of the Rig Veda?.
श्यामे त्वमेव यदि किञ्चन मय्यनाथे
O Shyam, if you do anything to me who am helpless,
धत्से कृपामुचितमम्ब परं तवैव॥९॥
Then it is proper to have compassion, but that is only yours.॥9॥
आपत्सु मग्नः स्मरणं त्वदीयं
In distress, your remembrance
करोमि दुर्गे करुणार्णवेशि।
I do, Durga, who is in the lake of compassion.
नैतच्छठत्वं मम भावयेथाः
Do not think of this as a sin,
क्षुधातृषार्ता जननीं स्मरन्ति॥१०॥
The hungry and thirsty remember their mother.॥10॥
जगदम्ब विचित्रमत्र किं परिपूर्णा करुणास्ति चेन्मयि।
O Jagadamba, what is strange in this, if there is complete compassion in me.
अपराधपरम्परापरं हि माता समुपेक्षते सुतम्॥११॥
The mother does not disregard her son, even after a series of offenses.॥11॥
मत्समः पातकी नास्ति पापघ्नी त्वत्समा हि।
There is no sinner like me, there is no destroyer of sin like you.
एवं ज्ञात्वा महादेवि यथायोग्यं तथा कुरु॥१२॥
Knowing this, O great goddess, do as you think is right.॥12॥

Авторы: Desai Ashit, Desai Hemant K

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