Aspencat - L'últim segon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Aspencat - L'últim segon

L'últim segon
The last second
Mire al darrere i recorde tota una vida veig passar
I look back and see a whole life go by
I si poguera tornar a donar-li al start
And if I could hit start again
I travessar les línies roges
And cross the red lines
Cartografia del teu cos
Cartography of your body
Per no trobar les coordenades
For not finding the coordinates
El nord i les petjades
The north and footsteps
I arribar a un lloc sense nom
And get to a place with no name
I rebobinar, anar pels camins que no vam anar
And rewind, go down the paths we didn't take
Hissar les veles en un nou mar
Hoist the sails on a new sea
Si poguera tornar-te a besar
If I could kiss you again
I rebobinar, encendre els teus llavis i no pensar
And rewind, light your lips and not think
Tocar les estrelles i tremolar
Touch the stars and tremble
Si poguera tornar-te a tastar
If I could taste you again
No el final d′esta història
I don't know the ending of this story
Jo vull ser esta nit el teu heroi
I want to be your hero tonight
No em guardes en la memòria
Don't keep me in your memory
Només vull que em dónes l'últim segon
I just want you to give me the last second
Sóc addicte a tu, sempre ho he sigut
I'm addicted to you, I always have been
A les teues manies als teus pits i junts
To your quirks, to your tits and together
Vam provocar terratrèmols junts
We triggered earthquakes together
I vam escriure diaris plens de fum
And we wrote diaries full of smoke
Tornar a nàixer, tornar a ser un xiquet
To be born again, to be a child again
Tindré el secret de la vida eterna
I'll have the secret of eternal life
Que fores tu l′únic govern que em governa
That you were the only government that governs me
Que fores tu l'únic govern que em governa
That you were the only government that governs me
Que fores tu l'únic govern que em governa
That you were the only government that governs me
No el final d′esta història
I don't know the ending of this story
Jo vull ser esta nit el teu heroi
I want to be your hero tonight
No em guardes en la memòria
Don't keep me in your memory
Només vull que em dónes l′últim segon
I just want you to give me the last second
De San Francesc al cap de Barbaria en moto
From San Francisco to Cap de Barbaria by motorbike
No em puc llevar del cap eixa foto
I can't get that picture out of my head
Ni eixa posta de sol de postal
Or that postcard sunset
Que despertava el nostre instint animal
That awakened our animal instinct
Tota la nit m'impregnava del teu olor
All night I was filled with your scent
En la foscor tu eres la lluerna
In the darkness, you are the light
I és que eres tu l′únic govern que em governa
And it is that you are the only government that governs me
Perquè eres tu l'únic govern que em governa
Because you are the only government that governs me
Perquè eres tu l′únic govern que em governa
Because you are the only government that governs me
No el final d'esta història
I do not know the end of this story
Jo vull ser esta nit el teu heroi
I want to be your hero tonight
No em guardes en la memòria
Don't keep me in your memory
Només vull que em dónes l′últim segon
I just want you to give me the last second
No el final d'esta història
I do not know the end of this story
Jo vull ser esta nit el teu heroi
I want to be your hero tonight
No em guardes en la memòria
Don't keep me in your memory
Només vull que em dónes l'últim segon
I just want you to give me the last second
Només vull que em dónes l′últim segon
I just want you to give me the last second

Авторы: Aspencat

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