Aspencat - S'atura el temps - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Aspencat - S'atura el temps

S'atura el temps
Time Stops
Set mil milions d'habitants esclaus d'un fons monetari,
Seven billion inhabitants, slaves to a monetary fund,
Sang en les seues mans, i la terra que gira al contrari,
Blood on their hands, and the earth spins in reverse,
S'atura el temps i en estos moments, jo seré el vostre adversari,
Time stops, and in these moments, I will be your adversary,
és de batalla este vers i en este univers no seré el vostre sicari.
This verse is a battle cry, and in this universe, I won't be your assassin.
El Mite de la Caverna, base d'aquesta política,
The Myth of the Cave, the foundation of this politics,
Ple d'assassins dins de l'Àgora, volen callar a la crítica,
Full of assassins within the Agora, they want to silence criticism,
Esta és la cova dels lladres, i aficionats a l'èpica,
This is the den of thieves, and epic enthusiasts,
Ells cremaran tots els arbres, per construir Terra Mítica.
They will burn all the trees to build their own Terra Mítica.
Segles de liberalisme i de colonialisme
Centuries of liberalism and colonialism,
Soterren als pobles en calç,
Burying peoples in lime,
Són diners tacats de sang,
It's money stained with blood,
La sobirania s'ofega en el fang.
Sovereignty drowns in the mud.
Un nou tractat comercial
A new trade agreement
Que amplie l'imperi i no hi haurà demà!
That expands the empire, and there will be no tomorrow!
Hi haurà, hi haurà un últim crit en la tomba que diu,
There will be, there will be a final cry from the grave that says,
Vull que nasques per a viure,
I want you to be born to live,
Sense amagar-te entre escuts,
Without hiding behind shields,
Vull que cresques per a riure,
I want you to grow to laugh,
Vull que només sigues tu.
I want you to just be you.
Vull que nasques, vull que nasques,
I want you to be born, I want you to be born,
Vull que nasques per a viure!
I want you to be born to live!
Jo renegue d'esta Europa,
I reject this Europe,
Alce la copa, brinde pel noi que provoca.
I raise my glass, a toast to the one who provokes.
Este és el Joc de l'Oca, jo, torne a tirar perquè em toca.
This is the Game of the Goose, I roll again because it's my turn.
Sense amagar-me entre escuts, ningú m'atura, tu eres la meua armadura,
Without hiding behind shields, no one stops me, you are my armor,
Vaig nàixer com home lliure, no em llevaran el teu somriure.
I was born a free man, they won't take away your smile.
Mentre la Troika ens ofega, el cor batega,
While the Troika suffocates us, the heart beats,
T'inclines i agafes la pedra,
You bend down and pick up the stone,
S'obri la veda, en busca i captura,
The hunt is open, wanted and captured,
Tu no interesses a la moneda,
You are of no interest to the currency,
La policia carrega, pedrega, i el poble unit a la contra,
The police charge, they stone, and the people united in resistance,
El ciutadà que s'enfronta,
The citizen who confronts,
La llibertat amb nosaltres fins a la tomba.
Freedom with us to the grave.
Vull que nasques per a viure,
I want you to be born to live,
Sense amagar-te entre escuts,
Without hiding behind shields,
Vull que cresques per a riure.
I want you to grow to laugh.
Controla emocions i el preu del petroli
Controls emotions and the price of oil,
Qui escriu el passat i amaga el present,
Who writes the past and hides the present,
Qui fa que la crisi semble un accident
Who makes the crisis seem like an accident,
Fa malabars amb el nostre aliment.
Juggles with our food.
Guerres mundials, Cuba i Vietnam,
World wars, Cuba and Vietnam,
No hi ha frontera, no hi haurà demà.
There is no border, there will be no tomorrow.
Hi haurà, hi haurà un últim crit en la tomba que diu,
There will be, there will be a final cry from the grave that says,
Vull que nasques per a viure,
I want you to be born to live,
Sense amagar-te entre escuts,
Without hiding behind shields,
Vull que cresques per a riure,
I want you to grow to laugh,
Vull que només sigues tu.
I want you to just be you.
Vull que nasques, vull que nasques,
I want you to be born, I want you to be born,
Vull que nasques per a viure!
I want you to be born to live!

Авторы: Aspencat

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