Astro'n'out - Tilts - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Astro'n'out - Tilts

Ilgi jau es ilgi eju
For a long time I've been walking alone
Pati kaļu savu ceļu
Forging my own path, unknown
Ausis cieši aizvērusi
Ears tightly shut, I only hear
Dzirdu tikai savu pusi
My own side of things, that's clear
Šķiet, ka zinu smaidīt laikā
I think I know how to smile on cue
Zinu iet solī raitā
I know how to walk with a steady stride
Tikai vienaldzības līknē
But in the curve of indifference
Dažkārt aizmirstos tik cilvēcīgi
Sometimes I forget, that's human
Parādi, parādi man kur ir tas tilts
Show me, show me where the bridge is
Parādi man tas sākas un tur nokļūt
Show me how it starts and how to get there
Ja vien zinātu es, ka roku iedot
If only I knew, that to give a hand
Nemaz nav tik grūti.
Is not so hard after all
Pacel galvu, pacel augstāk
Raise your head, raise it higher
Kaut tev labas plaukstas raupjās
Even though your palms are rough
Zini ceļš, ko šodien sākām
You know the path we started today
Aizvest var līdz pašam galam
Can take us to the very end
Un rīt tu būsi milzis
And tomorrow you'll be a giant
Varbūt es būšu blakām uz tilta,
Maybe I'll be there with you on the bridge,
Kam pamatus šodien celt sākām
Whose foundations we started to build today
Pacel galvu, pacel augstāk
Raise your head, raise it higher
Un uzved manu sirdi sapratnes kalnā.
And take my heart up the mountain of understanding
Parādi, parādi man kur ir tas tilts
Show me, show me where the bridge is
Parādi man tas sākas un tur nokļūt
Show me how it starts and how to get there
Ja vien zinātu es, ka roku iedot
If only I knew, that to give a hand
Nemaz nav tik grūti.
Is not so hard after all
Parādi, parādi man kur ir tas tilts
Show me, show me where the bridge is
Parādi man tas sākas un tur nokļūt
Show me how it starts and how to get there
Parādi, parādi man kur ir tas tilts
Show me, show me where the bridge is
Parādi man tas sākas un tur nokļūt
Show me how it starts and how to get there

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