At Versaris - No Apte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни At Versaris - No Apte

No Apte
No Apte (Not Suitable)
Si t'equivoques et diuen pobre noi,
They call you "poor boy" when you make mistakes,
Surts del camí correcte i et diuen paranoic.
Stray from the right path, they say you're paranoid.
És absurd, la gent es compara,
It's absurd, how people compare,
Has retingut cada cara com una polaroid.
You've memorized every face like a polaroid.
Saps molt que són la plaga
You know well they are the plague,
Els que baixen del vaixell si naufraga.
Those who jump ship when it starts to sink.
Seguim la saga dels qui disparaven els de verd per deixar-los de vermell.
We follow the saga of those who shot the green ones, leaving them red.
Pel cantó salvatge de la vaga
On the wild side of the strike,
Del que no cau la moneda.
Where the coin doesn't fall.
Una altra gerra d'aigua freda,
Another jug of cold water,
Plou sobre mullat.
Raining on wet ground.
La decisió incorrecte,
The wrong decision,
Per defecte, apunta els meus consells i crema la llibreta.
By default, write down my advice and burn the notebook.
Dieu que no podem, doncs fem-ho!
They say we can't, so let's do it!
Si la vida són dos dies, pregunta-li a un "buseru".
If life is two days, ask a "buseru".
Et tallen les ales o et desplomen.
They clip your wings or pluck you clean.
L'encert és el diploma, estalvia't prolegòmens.
Success is the diploma, spare the preambles.
Ho preguntes?
Are you asking?
Tinc indicis, no com els aguantes,
I have clues, I don't know how you endure them,
El sol està tapat per edificis de milers de plantes.
The sun is blocked by buildings with thousands of floors.
Els terrats planten antenes.
The roofs sprout antennas.
Pillem càncer de cervell mentre ens expliquem les penes.
We get brain cancer while sharing our sorrows.
Aquí els carrers fan trenes,
Here the streets braid together,
Son les venes del consum.
They are the veins of consumption.
El barri és color a merda
The neighborhood is the color of shit
Si mires a contrallum.
If you look against the light.
Toquen el clàxon, pugen els fums,
Horns honking, fumes rising,
Jo porto MF Doom als cascos i em pujo el volum.
I wear MF Doom on my headphones and turn up the volume.
Dius que ens clitxes?
You say we're clicking?
Doncs som-hi, no?
So let's go, right?
Tens totes les fitxes?
Do you have all the chips?
Per què et fundim el domino?
Why do we melt your dominoes?
La racionalitat i el cor estan com gat i gos.
Rationality and the heart are like cat and dog.
Esnifes clenxes d'un color blanquinós.
You sniff lines of a whitish color.
Vaig quedar-me a la sortida, tots corrien...
I stayed at the exit, everyone was running...
No hi ha cap tensió mal resolta
There's no unresolved tension
Resulta que el que em pots oferir-me ja no em fa falta
Turns out what you can offer me, I no longer need
I clar que sí...
And of course...
Vaig quedar-me a la sortida, tots corrien...
I stayed at the exit, everyone was running...
És absurd la gent es compara...
It's absurd, how people compare...
No has aconseguit que m'espavili ni a base de txapes
You haven't managed to get me to wise up, even with slaps.
Diuen que estàs perdent el temps noi,
They say you're wasting your time, boy,
L'exemple cristal·lí perquè comprenguis
The crystal-clear example for you to understand
Que no saben viure en pau
That they don't know how to live in peace
I perquè t'inundi la calma.
And for calm to flood you.
Sents que estàs en un reialme
You feel like you're in a realm
Amb una barca sense rems, oi?
With a boat without oars, right?
Mira, no vols ser un exemple.
Look, you don't want to be an example.
Sempre has pensat que era una pretensió ridícula,
You always thought it was a ridiculous pretension,
Per l'inepte en temple.
For the inept in the temple.
HI ha qui somia que ejacula en una brètola
There are those who dream of ejaculating on a whore
Que somia ser Elsa Pataki,
Who dream of being Elsa Pataki,
Però a tu no t'omple ni la faràndula ni la pija de l'escola
But you're not filled by show business or the school's posh girl
Que s'anul·la i recula a cada paraula.
Who cancels and backtracks with every word.
I dius: "mira no hi ha cap tensió mal resolta,
And you say: "look, there's no unresolved tension,
Resulta que el que pots oferir-me ja no em fa falta"
Turns out what you can offer me, I no longer need"
Clar que sí, carbasses a mansalva.
Of course, pumpkins galore.
Res et pertorba, levitant a l'habita en un beat gran reserva.
Nothing disturbs you, levitating in the room in a state of deep reserve.
La tele sempre estorba,
The TV always gets in the way,
Quan parla el camí es corba.
When the path speaks, it curves.
Escarba el Vapor Badia i amb un llibre jeu a l'herba.
Dig up the Vapor Badia and lie on the grass with a book.
Projectes, llistes, el llapis sobre l'orella.
Projects, lists, the pencil behind your ear.
Literatura, música i política entre cella i cella.
Literature, music, and politics between your eyebrows.
Saps que mentre hi hagi una explotada en aquest món
You know that as long as there's an exploited person in this world
Hauràs de mostrar com tremola el gos a cada ovella.
You'll have to show how the dog trembles at every sheep.
On, entre amics i bona gent,
Where, among friends and good people,
Algun dirà que "buah", que "sona bé",
Someone will say "whoa", that "it sounds good",
T'abraçarà. Dirà que li havien dit
They'll hug you. They'll say they were told
Que eres bo però que n'hi somiar-ho
That you were good but to even dream of it
Que et sortissis tant.
That you'd turn out so well.
You'll be silent.
Quan te la foti un flanagan comença a afalagant.
When a flanagan screws you over, they start by flattering.
Vaig quedar-me a la sortida, tots corrien...
I stayed at the exit, everyone was running...
No hi ha cap tensió mal resolta
There's no unresolved tension
Resulta que el que em pots oferir-me ja no em fa falta
Turns out what you can offer me, I no longer need
I clar que sí...
And of course...
Vaig quedar-me a la sortida, tots corrien...
I stayed at the exit, everyone was running...
És absurd la gent es compara...
It's absurd, how people compare...
No has aconseguit que m'espavili ni a base de txapes
You haven't managed to get me to wise up, even with slaps.

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