At Versaris - Vudú Particular - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни At Versaris - Vudú Particular

Vudú Particular
Particular Voodoo
Que perquè sent bon xaval em rodejo de tants cràpules?
Why do I, a good kid, surround myself with so many scoundrels?
Pel mateix que tinc mil cedes però només cinc caràtules.
For the same reason I have a thousand CDs but only five covers.
I què sabràs tu de bones companyies
And what would you know about good company
Si has venut el teu passat per un podrit plat de llenties.
If you sold your past for a rotten plate of lentils.
"Me la suda", vocifera, boca pestilent.
"I don't care", they shout, with a pestilent mouth.
No em posaré com una fera perquè ets envejós i lent.
I won't become a beast because you're envious and slow.
Si un fa tot el que pot fer, no està obligat a més.
If one does all they can, they are not obligated to do more.
I "suda" de llegir això del revés.
And "don't bother" reading this backwards.
Perquè si un pot fer-ho tot,
Because if one can do everything,
Fins i tot, baix d'autoestima voldrà dir que ho ha de fer tot,
Even low self-esteem will mean they have to do everything,
No només vomitar rima.
Not just vomit rhymes.
I mentre penso en "pocs són capaços de fer-me riure"
And while I think about "few are able to make me laugh"
Aquesta màxima em turmenta
This maxim torments me
I oblido ser lliure.
And I forget to be free.
Que no n'hi ha prou amb un notable si et pots sortir a classe?
Isn't a B enough if you can get out of class?
M'han donat mil raons però cap que tingui "un passe".
They've given me a thousand reasons but none that have a "pass".
I ja sé, estàs farta d'aquest buscaraons.
And I know, you're tired of this troublemaker.
Jo de tu pijaita i de que em pengis els galons.
If I were you, I'd step on it and hang my stripes on me.
De que pensis en la pasta,
Think about the dough,
Que et cargolis la rasta mentre sento fugir el temps
Twist your dreadlocks while I feel time slipping away
I aquesta història em desgasta.
And this story wears me down.
La casta dels mediocres fa mediocre allò que toquen.
The caste of the mediocre makes mediocre everything they touch.
Vigila amb ATV si al escoltar-los xoquen:
Watch out for ATV if they clash when you listen to them:
Els teus anhels passats amb el que has triat.
Your past yearnings with what you have chosen.
Els rics que legitimes amb un moviment armat.
The rich you legitimize with an armed movement.
Somnis defenestrats amb rutina i sexe fàcil
Dreams defenestrated with routine and easy sex
Els cops de puny de veritat amb estereotips de dòcil.
The punches of truth with stereotypes of docile.
Res a dir-te. Demà acaba un altre cicle
Nothing to tell you. Tomorrow another cycle ends
31-12-2007. No seré el típic que ric la broma de bastarda que no gràcia ni cos.
31-12-2007. I won't be the typical one who laughs at the bastard joke that has no grace or body.
Destorbarem el seu repòs.
We will disturb their rest.
A la festa de disfresses d'aquests "mendes"
At the costume party of these "mendas"
Vens si et dutxes, si portes la cara neta per no embrutar les caputxes.
Come if you shower, if you wear a clean face so as not to dirty the hoods.
Em coneixeràs perquè estaré tancat al lavabo.
You'll know me because I'll be locked in the bathroom.
No per la merda blanca sinó perquè ploro quan les clavo.
Not because of the white shit but because I cry when I nail them.
Ja has sentit el meu vudú particular a deshora
You've already heard my particular voodoo at the wrong time
A una esclava del Zara de mirada inquisidora
To a slave of Zara with an inquisitive look
Ja has sentit el meu vudú particular a deshora
You've already heard my particular voodoo at the wrong time
Ara ve la carta d'un incapaç que es declara
Now comes the letter of an incapable who declares himself
Cap més intenció que demostrar que es pot fer tot.
No more intention than to show that everything can be done.
Buscar un beat. Matar el singlot gravant guitarres.
Find a beat. Kill the hiccup by recording guitars.
No malgastar més de vint minuts en una lírica
Don't waste more than twenty minutes on a lyric
I sentir les barres de la mandíbula com freguen esperant farres boniques.
And feel the bars of the jaw rub together waiting for beautiful spree.
Fet miques. Les dues en punt.
Crumbs. Two o'clock.
Passar de fer-me un "sun"
Go from making myself a "sun"
I veure que has fet curt quan pronostiques
And see that you've fallen short when you predict
La virtut d'un nen petit "who's walking on the moon".
The virtue of a little boy "who's walking on the moon".
Somniar un món per compartir,
Dream of a world to share,
De ritme només me'n cal un.
I only need one rhythm.
No he sopat res com res he pretès.
I haven't eaten anything like nothing I've intended.
Només un ritme obès.
Just an obese rhythm.
Cada vegada que penso i lamento haver-te sobreentès...
Every time I think and regret having understood you...
Paraules fàcils flueixen fàcil en una boca dòcil.
Easy words flow easily in a docile mouth.
Pau, amb aquesta cara d'imbècil.
Peace, with that imbecile face.
"Qui et toca", pensant com un massoca.
"Who touches you", thinking like a masochist.
Dimarts 13 ahir, per mi, dur com una roca
Tuesday the 13th yesterday, for me, hard as a rock
O dolç com un bombó de moka.
Or sweet as a mocha bonbon.
T'han dit que: "No... que... ah..."
They've told you that: "No... that... ah..."
És freda i s'enroca.
She's cold and she's castling.
Només hi ha hagut una norma:
There has only been one rule:
No borrar cap paraula.
Don't erase any words.
Ho he escrit tal com raja i crec que m'ha quedat enorme.
I've written it as it flows and I think it's turned out huge.
Un barjaula davant del PC,
A chatterbox in front of the PC,
I si no rima, què importa.
And if it doesn't rhyme, who cares.
Avui només el temps pesa.
Today only time weighs.
Fer-ho ràpid i porta.
Do it fast and carry it.
A l'estiu vaig rimar "punt i final", una lletra viscuda,
In the summer I rhymed "full stop", a lived lyric,
No la guardo per no fer-te mal
I don't keep it so as not to hurt you
Sinó perquè el que es perd en última instància
But because what is lost in the last instance
No és la vida, és l'esperança més fotuda.
It's not life, it's the most fucked up hope.
Desequilibres com el meu cervell.
Imbalances like my brain.
No em facis cas, "suda".
Don't listen to me, "sweat it out".
Teoria de la paraula viva com l'avi Maragall. Tall.
Theory of the living word like Grandpa Maragall. Cut.
No és aquest el concepte, nen. El concepte és mall.
That's not the concept, kid. The concept is a mall.
La meva recepta, m'encanta aquest catxo.
My recipe, I love this piece.
Qui et toca, pensant com un massoca.
Who touches you, thinking like a masochist.
Dimarts 13 ahir, per mi, dur com una roca
Tuesday the 13th yesterday, for me, hard as a rock
O dolç com un bombó de moka.
Or sweet as a mocha bonbon.
T'han dit que: "No... que... ah..."
They've told you that: "No... that... ah..."
És freda i s'enroca.
She's cold and she's castling.
Ja has sentit el meu vudú particular a deshora
You've already heard my particular voodoo at the wrong time
A una esclava del Zara de mirada inquisidora
To a slave of Zara with an inquisitive look
Ja has sentit el meu vudú particular a deshora
You've already heard my particular voodoo at the wrong time
I la carta d'un incapaç que es declara.
And the letter of an incapable who declares himself.

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