Atahualpa Yupanqui - La Carreta y el Camión - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Atahualpa Yupanqui - La Carreta y el Camión

La Carreta y el Camión
The Cart and the Truck
Hoy que vivo abandonada
Now that I'm abandoned, my love,
En solitario rincón
In a lonely corner I reside,
Esto le piensa la carreta
This is what the cart thinks,
Nuestra carreta criolla, ¿no?
Our creole cart, you see?
Hoy que vivo abandonada en solitario rincón
Now that I'm abandoned, my love, in this lonely corner I reside
Hoy que lo miro al camión por esas rutas amadas
Now that I see the truck, my dear, on those beloved routes we knew
Hoy que ya no tengo nada, ni barrito en mi rodao
Now that I have nothing left, not even mud on my wheel
Hoy que solo me ha quedao la sombra de mi armazón
Now that all I have left, my sweet, is the shadow of my frame
Le quiero dar al camión lo que los años me han dao
I want to give to the truck what the years have given to me
Conozco la patria entera en mi infinito rodar
I know the whole country, my love, from my endless roaming
Yo lo que es peludear en barro y en polvareda
I know what it's like to struggle, my dear, in mud and dust along the way
Yo he crujido en las laderas buscando los horizontes
I've creaked on the hillsides seeking horizons far and wide
Yo fui gusano en los montes y mariposa en los llanos
I was a worm in the mountains, my sweet, and a butterfly on the plains
Yo crucé noches y arcanos como barca de Caronte
I crossed nights and mysteries like Charon's ferry, old and gray
Si un rancho ves al pasar y de ahí te mira un paisano
If you see a ranch as you pass, my love, and a countryman looks your way
Con ademán campechano lo debes saludar
With a friendly, open gesture, you must greet him without delay
Es cencia del buen viajar mostrase bien educau
It's the way of a good traveler, my dear, to show himself polite and kind
Y si hay barro en tu rodao por causa de un chaparrón
And if there's mud on your wheel because of a sudden downpour you find
Procurá que el corazón no se te quede embarrau
Make sure your heart, my sweet, doesn't get stuck behind
Si en ese trajinar duro ves alguno en la estaquida
If on that hard journey, my love, you see someone in a bind
Hacele alguna gauchada, que es como luz en lo oscuro
Do him a good turn, my dear, it's like a light in the dark you'll find
En mis tiempos, te lo juro, sin molestar con pregunta
In my time, I swear to you, without bothering with a question
Yo desataba las yuntas sin mirar marcas, ni pelo
I untied the yokes, my sweet, without looking at brands or hair, my confession
El camino es como un cielo 'ande los buenos se juntan
The road is like a heaven where good men gather and share
Es claro que hay desengaño porque no somos perfectos
It's clear there's disappointment, my love, because we are not perfect, it's true
Amigazo, los defectos son males que duran años
My friend, defects are evils, my dear, that last for years, it's nothing new
Yo también sufrí del daño por no vivir ventajeando
I also suffered from the damage of not living by taking advantage, too
Pero, compadre, pensado que al final gana el mejor
But, my friend, remember, in the end the best man will see it through
El vivo pierde el honor y el bueno se va salvando
The sly one loses his honor, my sweet, and the good man finds his rescue
Carretero y camionero, los dos andan por la huella
Carter and trucker, my love, both travel the same track
A los dos la misma estrella le señala el derrotero
The same star guides them both, my dear, showing them where to turn back
No se vuelva, farolero, el de anteojos y campera
Don't become, like a lamplighter, the one with glasses and a jacket so grand
Y no imite a los de ajuera en el modo de vestir
And don't imitate outsiders, my sweet, in the way they dress and stand
Que imite el criollo sentir de aquel que usó corralera
Imitate the creole feeling of the one who wore the corralera band
Que naides quede enfadau si aconsejo como siento
Let no one be angry, my love, if I advise as I feel inside
El hombre vale por dentro que lo de afuera es prestau
A man is worth what's within, my dear, the outside is merely a borrowed hide
Por plata que haiga juntao, no te sientas cordillera
For all the money you've gathered, don't think you're a mountain so wide
Pues en la vida rutera aquel que se cree muy grande
Because in the road life, my sweet, the one who thinks he's so grand
Se pone al lado de los Andes y es un enano cualquiera
Stands next to the Andes and is just any dwarf in the land
Aunque vivís entre ruidos de motores y engranajes
Although you live among the noises of engines and gears so loud
No cometas el ultraje de hablar a los alaridos
Do not commit the outrage, my dear, of speaking in shouts in the crowd
Poné los cinco sentidos en lo que estás conversando
Put your five senses, my sweet, on what you are discussing now
Y si algo te va alegrando, ríe, que la risa es vida
And if something makes you happy, laugh, for laughter is life, I avow
Pero hay risas parecidas a caballos relinchando
But there are laughs similar to horses neighing somehow
Si a vos te gusta cuidarlo y lubricarlo al camión
If you like to take care of it, my love, and lubricate your truck with care
Pensá que a tu corazón también debes aceitarlo
Think that your heart, my dear, you must also oil and repair
Con cuidado has de tratarlo y llenarlo de bellezas
Treat it with care, my sweet, and fill it with beauty so rare
Si hay algunas tristezas que te venza o que te espante
If there are some sorrows that overcome you or scare
Alumbralo pa' que cante y levantarás la cabeza
Light it up so it can sing and you'll lift your head in the air
El canto es como un cogollo, hijo del largo camino
Singing is like a bud, my love, born of the long road we roam
Si tu canto es argentino vos te sentirás más criollo
If your song is Argentinian, my dear, you will feel more creole at home
La copla tiene mil rollos que a veces surcan los vientos
The copla has a thousand twists that sometimes ride the winds that moan
Y a veces, como de intentos, sin ni siquiera cantar
And sometimes, as if by attempts, my sweet, without even singing a tone
Adentro tuyo ha de estar endulzando tu momento
Inside you it will be sweetening your moment, all alone
Le aconsejo en la ocasión al hermano camionero
I advise on this occasion, my love, the trucker brother so bold
Como los de antes, obreros con otra disposición
Like those of before, workers, my dear, with a different disposition of old
Yo me vuelvo a mi rincón donde el tiempo me empujó
I return to my corner where time has pushed me, growing cold
Soy carreta que trazó entre cardales la huella
I am a cart that traced the path among thistles, brave and uncontrolled
A toditas las estrellas, si les habré cantau yo
To all the stars, my sweet, how I have sung to them, untold
Bendito los herederos de aquel paisano argentino
Blessed be the heirs, my love, of that Argentinian countryman so fine
Que picaneó en los caminos y se llamaba "carrero"
Who drove his cart on the roads, my dear, and was called "carrero," a name divine
En tu viaje camionero te sigue mi sombra bella
On your truck journey, my sweet, my beautiful shadow follows thine
No ha de fallarte una estrella que te acompañe feliz
A star will not fail you, accompanying you, happy and benign
Como no me faltó a cuando anduve por la huella
As it did not fail me when I traveled the road, a memory enshrined
Nada en el mundo es eterno, pero aunque llegó mi fin
Nothing in the world is eternal, my love, but although my end has come
Me prolongo en el trajín del camionero moderno
I continue in the journey, my dear, of the modern trucker, on the run
Es menos crudo el invierno para el que tiene cabina
Winter is less harsh, my sweet, for those who have a cabin to shun
Y el rutero que camina contento en su profesión
And the road warrior who walks happy in his profession, second to none
Merece la bendición de la carreta argentina
Deserves the blessing of the Argentinian cart, his victory won

Авторы: Atahualpa Yupanqui

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