Atupa - De pas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Atupa - De pas

De pas
Passing Through
Que bonic recordar-te de nou, anava a ser una nit més
How beautiful to remember you again, it was going to be just another night
Però no volies consentir-ho
But you didn’t want to allow it
No volíem parlar d'amor, sols érem lliures
We didn’t want to talk about love, we were just free
No puc oblidar aquella forma de somriure
I can't forget that way of smiling
Una freda nit començà a ser més que càlida
A cold night began to be more than warm
Ens varem estimar durant el coit com si no hi hagués demà
We made love during intercourse as if there were no tomorrow
Però el demà arribà i tu ja no estaves
But tomorrow came and you were gone
El teu olor a eixos llençols, va ser l'últim que em deixares
Your scent on those sheets was the last thing you left me
Vam ser objectes, tot va ser un joc
We were objects, it was all a game
Les dos vam acceptar assaborir els nostres cossos
We both agreed to savor our bodies
Vas fer especial una nit que no ho anava a ser
You made a night special that wasn't going to be
Així que espere que tot et vaja bé!
So I hope everything goes well for you!
Estava de pas
You were just passing through
Va vindre i tan fàcil va marxar
You came and left so easily
Per la vida a les palpentes
Through life by touch
Ni amor ni complexes
Neither love nor hang-ups
Atrapen qui vol volar
They trap those who want to fly
Estava de pas
You were just passing through
Amb mil amors sense cap comiat
With a thousand loves without a single farewell
Trencava els zels estimant-se
You broke the jealousy by loving yourself
I amb cada somriure
And with every smile
Un cos mes alliberat
One more body liberated
I jo volia aprendre. Articles, blocs, textos de gènere
And I wanted to learn. Articles, blogs, gender texts
I ho vaig comprendre a l'instant quan allà ens vam veure
And I understood it instantly when we saw each other there
Sols practicant-ho ho sabràs
You will only know it by practicing it
La invitació a este joc sense ahir ni demà
The invitation to this game without yesterday or tomorrow
Perdut en la seua esquena, besos nostàlgics
Lost in your back, nostalgic kisses
Tremolaven les parets que esperaven un moment màgic
The walls trembled waiting for a magical moment
I no les vam fer esperar, les vam fer veure
And we didn't make them wait, we made them see
Com vas seure a sobre de mi i no vam decebre
How you sat on top of me and we didn't disappoint
La nit és nostra i la farem eterna i ella tendra
The night is ours and we will make it eternal and tender
Va fer com si em creguera i em besà
You acted like you believed me and kissed me
Una de tantes amb un de tants
One of many with one of many
Compartírem la suor dels nostres cossos amerats
We shared the sweat of our soaked bodies
Amb les paraules som, entre llençols els dos
With words we are, between the sheets the two of us
Arrapant el cos i mossegant-nos en clau d'amor
Grabbing the body and biting each other in a loving way
I ambdós sabíem que era ficció
And we both knew it was fiction
I que aquell adéu fou un fins sempre que sempre recordaré amb dolçor
And that goodbye was a forever that I will always remember with sweetness
Estava de pas
You were just passing through
Va vindre i tan fàcil va marxar
You came and left so easily
Per la vida a les palpentes
Through life by touch
Ni amor ni complexes
Neither love nor hang-ups
Atrapen qui vol volar
They trap those who want to fly
Estava de pas
You were just passing through
Amb mil amors sense cap comiat
With a thousand loves without a single farewell
Trencava els zels estimant-se
You broke the jealousy by loving yourself
I amb cada somriure
And with every smile
Un cos mes alliberat
One more body liberated
Com qui gana i no vol cuinar
Like someone who is hungry and doesn't want to cook
Em preguntà si em podia follar
You asked me if you could fuck me
"I tant"
"Of course"
A mi també em fan pal els rituals
I also like rituals
Així acabàrem al pis despullades
So we ended up in the apartment naked
Regalant el nostre aprenentatge
Giving away our learning
No en sabíem res l'una de l'altra
We didn't know anything about each other
I als cossos no els hi feia falta
And the bodies didn't need it
Descobríem les regles fent
We were discovering the rules by doing
I les rompíem quan ja estava
And we broke them when it was okay
Quan el gest ens ho feia saber
When the gesture let us know
Perquè parlem el llenguatge de pells
Because we speak the language of skins
Em va follar cada pam del cos
You fucked every inch of my body
Amb cada pam del seu cos
With every inch of your body
I en disfrutar del darrer goig
And enjoying the last joy
Ens vam dir els noms
We told each other our names
El que tardà a liar-se el tabac sec
The one who took a long time to roll the dry tobacco
és el que va tardar a marxar-se
is the one who took a long time to leave
No sense abans donar-me uns consells
But not before giving me some advice
En suport de qui vingués després
In support of whoever came next
Cap recerca em va donar fruits
No research gave me any results
I he deduït que el nom era un pseudònim
And I have deduced that the name was a pseudonym
A sovint em sobte buscant-la entre el públic
I often startle myself looking for her in the audience
Però si coincidim serà el seu desig
But if we coincide it will be her wish
Estava de pas
You were just passing through
Va vindre i tan fàcil va marxar
You came and left so easily
Per la vida a les palpentes
Through life by touch
Ni amor ni complexes
Neither love nor hang-ups
Atrapen qui vol volar
They trap those who want to fly
Estava de pas
You were just passing through
Amb mil amors sense cap comiat
With a thousand loves without a single farewell
Trencava els zels estimant-se
You broke the jealousy by loving yourself
I amb cada somriure
And with every smile
Un cos mes alliberat
One more body liberated
Lliures sense models
Free without models
Com un ací i ara al marge del temps
Like a here and now outside of time
Lliures els nostres cossos
Our bodies free
Plaers indomables, creuran que estem bojos
Untamable pleasures, they will think we are crazy

Авторы: Atupa

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