Atupa - Desobedients - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Atupa - Desobedients

Avui han convidat els companys del SAT, el carro ple de whisky car
Today, our comrades from SAT have invited us, their van filled with expensive whisky
Rumb a Barna, la caravana per l'autopista estil Akira
Off to Barcelona, in a caravan down the highway, Akira style
"Passeu, nens, passeu", diu com un guinyol el del peatge
"Come on in, boys", the toll collector says like a clown
Aterrat dins la cabina davant 1000 cotxes que no paguen
Overwhelmed inside the cabin in front of 1,000 cars that don't pay
Recollim als de la PAH, anem sumant, Ada va amb
We pick up the people from PAH*, we keep adding on, Ada is with us
Ulleres de sol de color fluorescent. Ben preparada. Endavant.
Wearing fluorescent sunglasses. Well-prepared. Let's go.
Les tres del matí i crema Madrid, i "que bonic", "que bonic" m'he dit
Three in the morning and Madrid is burning, and "how beautiful", "how beautiful" I said to myself
Han vingut a per pastilles malalts crònics de tot el país
The chronically ill have come from all over the country for their pills.
Que per pegar-se la festa, no fa falta recepta
Because you don't need a prescription to party
Saps? Uns antiavalots han mort de sobredosi de llibertat
You know? Some riot police have died of an overdose of freedom.
I estem ebris de justícia, estem esnifant rebel·lia
And we are drunk with justice, we are snorting rebellion
Saps? Uns ministres no tindran demà on treballar
You know? Some ministers won't have a place to work tomorrow
Xiquetes al llit del pare polític que ploren de por pels crits al carrer
Little girls in the bed of their father-in-law cry out of fear from the screams in the street
Qui és el violent? Qui el resistent?
Who is the violent one? Who is the resistant one?
Qui és el violent? Qui el resistent?
Who is the violent one? Who is the resistant one?
Desobediència cívica o no tan cívica. Igual em
Civil disobedience or not so civil. I don't really care
Que ja estarà bé, que ja estarà bé... La rave escrache rodeja el congrés
That it will be okay, that it will be okay... The rave escrache surrounds congress
que es pot si som prou
Yes, we can if we are enough
Suportem tot el pes
We bear the weight
El primer que vam dir fou "No"
The first thing we said was "No"
que es pot si som prou
Yes, we can if we are enough
Suportem tot el pes
We bear the weight
El primer que vam dir fou "No"
The first thing we said was "No"
Legítima desobediència, tu pensa
Legitimate disobedience, you think about it
La qüestió és perquè la població encara més no fa
The question is why the population doesn't do it even more
Autodefensa, la cosa està tensa, immensa paciència que estem demostrant
Self-defense, things are tense, immense patience that we are demonstrating
Actitud exemplar i ens criminalitzaran
Exemplary attitude and they will criminalize us
Desnonats, afectats, aturats, el que cal són destrals demanant els seus caps
Evicted, affected, unemployed, what we need are pickaxes demanding their heads
Si només vos fem escraches deuríeu donar les gràcies
If we are only escraching you, you should be grateful
Diferents classes, vares de medir
Different classes, different standards
La PAH és ETA, Joan Carles un vell fràgil
PAH is ETA*, Juan Carlos an old man
Per què no poder cagar-se en ells?
Why can't we shit on them?
Joder, si ens volen dir si hem o no de parir
Damn, as if they want to tell us whether we should give birth or not
Qui ho diria, això no va gens
Who would have thought, this is not going well at all
Col·lectius recolzant, cada volta som més
Supporting groups, we are more and more every time
Antiavalots donant d'hòsties gratuïtament
Riot police giving free beatings
Que no som delinqüents, només lluitem pels nostres drets
We are not delinquents, we only fight for our rights
Com vols que te pague? Si no puc arribar a fi de mes
How do you want me to pay you? If I can't make ends meet
Perquè no treballe? Em tiren de casa, no què fer
Because I don't work? They throw me out of my house, I don't know what to do
Canviar català per anglés, jugueu amb nosaltres? Això no pot ser
Change Catalan for English, are you playing with us? This cannot be
Llibertat d'expressió? Això no existeix, polítics de merda aneu-se'n a l'infern
Freedom of speech? That doesn't exist, shitty politicians go to hell
que es pot si som prou
Yes, we can if we are enough
Suportem tot el pes
We bear the weight
El primer que vam dir fou "No"
The first thing we said was "No"
que es pot si som prou
Yes, we can if we are enough
Suportem tot el pes
We bear the weight
El primer que vam dir fou "No"
The first thing we said was "No"

Авторы: Atupa

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