Atupa - Indomables - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Atupa - Indomables

Ja vénen amb creus, són
They come with creeds, they are
Al terra la veu, com
On the floor the voice, as
S'han copat amb la glòria jugant
They have coped with glory playing
Amb la història i la ment de la gent.
With history and people's minds.
Creu, el missatge que et ven.
Believe, the message that sells you.
Seu, quan t'obligue el seu prec.
Sit down, when I force you to pray.
Per sort m'ensenyaren de ben xicotet
Thankfully, they taught me a little bit.
A cagar-me en els seus putos déus.
Fuck me in their fucking gods.
El sexe d'un bisbe és a un clot,
The sex of a bishop is in a pit,
Les monges amb dits és reapropien el cos.
Nuns with fingers are reappropriating the body.
Que rebente tot,
Que rebente todo,
Que tot el poder que acumulen uns tres s'agafés i els tornara al seu lloc.
Let all the power that some three accumulate take hold of them and return them to their place.
No, no volem sants ni papes.
No, we don't want saints or popes.
Buah, guarda't els teus miracles.
Buah, keep your miracles.
Que els dogmes de fe són grillons
That the dogmas of faith are shackles
Que trenquem amb el seny tard o d'hora les masses.
Let us break with sanity sooner or later the masses.
No ens privarem mai de cap goig.
We will never be deprived of any joy.
No tindrem pudor. No ens gestionareu les passions.
We won't stink. You will not manage our passions.
No ens fustigarem mentre us feu d'or.
We will not whip ourselves as long as you burn gold.
No renunciem a res, no,
Give up nothing, no.,
Si ho podem tindre tot.
If we can have it all.
Pel cel, quin és el preu?
For heaven, what is the price?
Per què sols tu tens clau?
Why do you have a key?
Et sents i ni tu et creus.
You feel and you don't believe.
El perdó no és pas teu.
Forgiveness is not yours.
No em sap greu.
I'm not sorry.
No crec en la creu.
I don't believe in the cross.
No em penja a esta cap clau.
I don't hold that key.
No sóc el seu esclau.
I'm not his slave.
En nom d'un déu
In the name of a God
Veniu pregonant la vostra moral.
Come and pray for your morals.
Ens lleveu llibertats i ens doneu el pecat.
You take away our liberties and give us sin.
Sols mentiu per un sou.
Just lying for a salary.
Mentiu per poder. Prou.
Lying for power. Stop it.
Mentiu constantment. Prou.
Constantly lying. Stop it.
"Mentir fa malbé". Prou.
"Lying hurts". Stop it.
"Anireu a l'infern!" Sabeu què volem?
"Go to hell!"Do you know what we want?
Desamortitzar-vos, que ho perdeu tot,
Get lost, you lose everything. ,
Fotre-vos fora de l'educació.
Get out of Education.
Desamortitzar-vos, que ho perdeu tot,
Get lost, you lose everything. ,
Desamortitzar-vos, que ho perdeu tot.
Get lost, you lose everything.
Fer vostra doctrina un malson del passat,
Making your doctrine a nightmare of the past,
Que el cos i el plaer mai més siguen domats.
May the body and pleasure never be tamed again.
Fer de cada església un espai okupat,
To make each church a space or area,
Una biblio, un Can Vies, un ateneu popular.
A Bible, a can Vies, a popular Athenaeum.
No ens privarem mai de cap goig.
We will never be deprived of any joy.
No tindrem pudor. No ens gestionareu les passions.
We won't stink. You will not manage our passions.
No ens fustigarem mentre us feu d'or.
We will not whip ourselves as long as you burn gold.
No renunciem a res, no,
Give up nothing, no.,
Si ho podem tindre tot.
If we can have it all.
Si tinguera un déu seria Michael,
If I had a God, it would be Michael.,
Si creguera en algú seria en mi.
If I believed in anyone, it would be in me.
Crec en la igualtat entre l'home i la dona,
I believe in equality between man and woman.,
Perdona "sodoma i gomorra" el meu crit.
Forgive "Sodom and Gomorrah" my cry.
Ni heteros ni homos som,
Neither heteros nor homos,
Som persones abans que tot,
We are people before everything,
I follem quan volem, no quan ens ho diuen,
And we fuck when we want to, not when they tell us,
Pederastes que abusen menors.
Parents who abuse children.
Les hòsties vénen i van.
The hosts come and go.
Està clar que no tots són iguals, sí,
Not all are equal, yes.,
Però si idolatre algun ésser
But if you idolize any being
Serà el pare i la mare que em va parir.
It will be the father and mother who gave birth to me.
"Achís". Jesús! Gràcies!
"Achis". Jesus! Thank you!
Fins la polla de tantes fal·làcies,
Until the chick of so many falsehoods,
No em mengeu més el cap, aneu a fer la
Don't eat my head anymore, go make your hand
I per fi podré cridar: amén!
I can finally say, Amen!
No ens privarem mai de cap goig.
We will never be deprived of any joy.
No tindrem pudor. No ens gestionareu les passions.
We won't stink. You will not manage our passions.
No ens fustigarem mentre us feu d'or.
We will not whip ourselves as long as you burn gold.
No renunciem a res, no,
Give up nothing, no.,
Si ho podem tindre tot.
If we can have it all.

Авторы: Atupa

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