Atupa - Plors i suor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Atupa - Plors i suor

Plors i suor
Tears and Sweat
Plors i suor, el que ens toca aguantar entre tantes misèries
Tears and sweat, what we have to endure among so much misery
Les ciutats plenes de derrotes amb noms i cognoms en voreres
Cities full of defeats with names and surnames on the margins
Persones fartes, la justícia al remat s'ha pres bones vacances
People are fed up, justice, in the end, has taken a good vacation
És matar o perdre, mentre altres es posen d'acord per a furtar-te
It is kill or be killed, while others agree to rob you
Món de desastres, l'obvietat ací és utopia impensable
World of disasters, the obvious here is an unthinkable utopia
Sobren les cases, el menjar i la roba que a altres els falten
There are too many houses, food and clothes that others lack
Sobren culpables, que amb somriure a la boca et demanen les gràcies
There are too many culprits, who with a smile on their face ask you for thanks
Sols per l'atzar de, que eixa puta misèria no ens passe a nosaltres
Only by chance, that fucking misery doesn't happen to us
Som els condemnats del projecte
We are the condemned of the project
Descartats en les xifres que ells empren
Discarded in the numbers they use
Cossos cansats de buscar solucions al final paguem els de sempre
Tired bodies looking for solutions, in the end, we always pay
Plors i suor
Tears and sweat
Qui ha de pagar el dolor i la incertesa?
Who has to pay for the pain and uncertainty?
No seré jo, mira, no serè jo
It won't be me, look, it won't be me
Són els culpables d'aquesta desfeta
They are the culprits of this debacle
Buscarem colls, mira, buscarem colls
We will look for necks, look, we will look for necks
Comptes, normes, m'empresonen a este desordre,
Accounts, norms, imprison me in this disorder,
On parelles a casa treballen amb sous que tenien de joves, fent més hores.
Where couples work at home with salaries they had when they were young, working more hours.
Mira, ho pilles o ho deixes, ja ho acceptaran altres
Look, you get it or you leave it, others will accept it
I a eixe cap no li falta ni un duro després quan va de vacances.
And that boss doesn't lack a dime later when he goes on vacation.
Veig companys que sols amb el sou dels "capdes"
I see colleagues who only with the salary of the "bosses"
Duen la casa endavant per sos pares
They carry the house forward for their parents
Paguen el màster que els permeta deixar de currar de cambrers
They pay for the master's degree that allows them to stop working as waiters
Mares amb fills al carrer, avis cuidant els xiquets, pares aprenen anglès
Mothers with children on the street, grandparents taking care of the children, fathers learn English
Busquen un curro de merda per a manar la paga des de l'estranger
They are looking for a shitty job to order the payment from abroad
He vist robots que malviuen tan sols per a portar endavant la faena
I have seen robots that are abused just to carry out the work
Consumidors amb la pena d'un codi de barres tatuat a l'esquena
Consumers with the pain of a barcode tattooed on their back
La carlota esdevé la moneda, retrobem les arrels del problema
The charlotte becomes the currency, we rediscover the roots of the problem
Que d'aquesta n'eixim amb els peus al davant o guanyant la partida al sistema
That we get out of this one with our feet first or by winning the game against the system
Som els condemnats del projecte
We are the condemned of the project
Descartats en les xifres que ells empren
Discarded in the numbers they use
Cossos cansats de buscar solucions al final paguem els de sempre
Tired bodies looking for solutions, in the end, we always pay
Plors i suor
Tears and sweat
S'embruta el cor, amb el plor en els ulls contemplem el dolor
The heart is bruised, with tears in our eyes we contemplate the pain
Quanta gent ha de caure als carrers i penjar-se a sa casa perquè diem prou
How many people have to fall in the streets and hang themselves at home before we say enough
Prou! Prou! Jo em baixe d'un món que fa pena
Enough! Enough! I get off a world that is a shame
On s'odien companys que somriuen al cap del treball que a tots dos els ofega
Where colleagues hate each other, they smile at the end of the work that suffocates them both
No, viure així no és normal. L'angoixa i l'estrès ara ens posen malalts
No, living like this is not normal. Anxiety and stress are making us sick now
No, sentiments enfrontats, o trague o m'emporte més d'un per davant
No, conflicting feelings, either I shoot or I take more than one in front
Ho estan tensant tant que quan tots diem ja
They are tightening it so much that when we all say yes
Rebentarà a la cara la fúria creada i no es podran amagar
The fury created will rebound in the face and they will not be able to hide
Què van a pagar! Que la merda que diuen no l'hem d'acceptar
What are they going to pay! That the crap they say we shouldn't accept
El futur que suposen, que diuen les bosses, ens condemna a no tindre un espai
The future they suppose, what the bags say, condemns us to not having a space
Que ens hem d'ajuntar, perquè aïllats ens ofeguem sense guanyar un pam
That we have to get together, because isolated we drown without gaining an inch
Que tremole el poder quan onades de gent es proposen tallar-los el cap
Let power tremble when waves of people intend to cut off their heads

Авторы: Atupa

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