Austn - All Good For You - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Austn - All Good For You

All Good For You
All Good For You
어제 나는 어렴풋이
Yesterday I vaguely
생각 났던 너의 말이
I thought of something you said
아직 너무 아른거려
It's still too hazy
대단한적 한번 없던
Having never been a big shot
주위에 멋진 사람들이
The wonderful people around me
It's like a dream
엄마 진이 이제 커서 비행기를 타면 ye
Mom, I'm all grown up now, I'm a pilot, haha
입국 신고서에 가수라고 적어 remember uh
When you fill out the arrival card, remember to write singer, haha
그거 보면 웃었지
I smiled when I saw it
누나도 마찬가지
My sister too
내가 어리댔지
I was immature
친구 아들 남부럽지
Don't be envious of your friends' sons
않게 내가 만들어줄게
I'll make it happen
솔직히 말할래
Let me be honest with you
작년 원룸에 살땐
When I was living in a one-room apartment last year
진짜 힘들었는데
It was really tough
진짜 못된 아들이지
A really bad son
그땐 너무 정신없이
Back then I was too absent-minded
친구들은 학교 갔지
My friends went to school
졸업하거나 취직
Either graduated or got a job
거짓말 지낸다고
I lied, saying I was doing well
5만원짜리 마이크 전부 umh
That 50,000 won microphone was all I had
그걸로 마지막인듯이 만들어낸게
As if it was my last, I made something called
Wonder라는 싱글
A single called Wonder
Tv에서만 보던 형에게 왔던
Only seen on TV, to my brother who got into
Contact에 표정관리
Expression management on the contact
어지러웠던 삶은 어김없이
My chaotic life has undoubtedly
지나간 어제가 되고 다시 고쳐
Become yesterday's past, and I rewrite it
주위 친구들도 마찬가지
My friends around me are the same
다들 고생했어 많이
We've all suffered a lot
천번쯤은 oh yeah
A thousand times or so, oh yeah
자랑스러워 해줘
Be proud of me
나도 너희가 자랑스러워
I'm proud of you too
천번쯤 그래 천번쯤은
A thousand times or so, yeah, a thousand times or so
정말 고생했어
We've really suffered
너무 고생했어
We've suffered so much
우린 어김없이
We will undoubtedly
아빠를 닮아서 내성적 uh
Like my father, I'm introverted, haha
아빠만큼 똑똑해지고 싶어
I want to be as smart as my father
사랑받아서 많이
I'm loved so much
돌려주고 싶은데 맘은 벌써
I want to give it back, but my heart is already
여기까지 근데 급해서
Here, but I'm in a hurry
다시 돌아갈 없어 okay
I can't go back again, okay
중학교땐 정말 많이 맞았었는데
I was hit a lot in junior high school
돈이 없어 몸으로도 때웠었는데
I didn't have any money to pay, so I paid with my body
지금 걔넨 눈앞에 있지도 못하는데
Now they can't even stand in front of me
몇십만원 술값 내도
Even if they spend hundreds of thousands of won on alcohol
아무렇지 않은데 이젠
It doesn't matter anymore
친구들과 그때를 추억해
I reminisce about those days with my friends
앨범을 들은 걔네 코는 납작해
Their noses are flat when they hear my album
아빠 아들 노래 전국에서 울리네
My father's son's songs are echoing all over the country
아침에 일어나면 카톡 어디서 들었대
When I wake up in the morning, I check Kakao again to see where I've been heard
어지러웠던 삶은 어김없이
My chaotic life has undoubtedly
지나간 어제가 되고 다시 고쳐
Become yesterday's past, and I rewrite it
주위 친구들도 마찬가지
My friends around me are the same
다들 고생했어 많이
We've all suffered a lot
천번쯤은 oh yeah
A thousand times or so, oh yeah
자랑스러워 해줘
Be proud of me
나도 너희가 자랑스러워
I'm proud of you too
천번쯤 그래 천번쯤은
A thousand times or so, yeah, a thousand times or so
정말 고생했어
We've really suffered
너무 고생했어
We've suffered so much
우린 어김없이
We will undoubtedly
엄마 아빠
Mom, dad
정말로 미안해
I'm so sorry
넥타이는 내가 맬거 같애
I don't think I can wear a tie
요즘 너무 바쁜데도 행복해서
Even though you're so busy these days, I'm happy
어지러웠던 마저 잊어
I've forgotten all about the chaotic things
오늘 고생했어
I've suffered today
다들 고생했어 umh
You've all suffered, haha

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