Auxili feat. Oques Grasses - Converses de balcons - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Auxili feat. Oques Grasses - Converses de balcons

Converses de balcons
Balcony Conversations
Tinc una guitarra que crida auxili quan plora el món.
I have a guitar that cries for help when the world weeps.
Tinc mil amics repartits a les nits lluny de la babylon.
I have a thousand friends scattered in the nights, far from Babylon.
Tinc una guitarra que dóna guerra i dispara amor.
I have a guitar that wages war and shoots love.
Ballen els llençols, converses de balcons, veient sortir el sol.
The sheets dance, balcony conversations, watching the sun rise.
Jo vaig intentar fugir del món però no sabia com,
I tried to escape the world, but I didn't know how,
Vaig enganyar la ment amb estupefaents.
I deceived my mind with drugs.
Oh, no! Extasiat per la cançó,
Oh, no! Ecstatic from the song,
All right vam trobar la solució.
Alright, we found the solution.
Ooooh, oooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Ooooh, oooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Lluny de la babylon, lluny de la babylon.
Far from Babylon, far from Babylon.
Ooooh, oooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Ooooh, oooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Auxili party rebel·lió.
Auxili party rebellion.
Tu vas intentar fugir del món però no sabies com.
You tried to escape the world, but you didn't know how.
Vas fer volar la ment amb les cançons desobedients,
You let your mind fly with disobedient songs,
Amb les històries que guardàvem baix la pell,
With the stories we kept under our skin,
Perquè tu i jo pensàvem el mateix.
Because you and I thought the same.
Ooooh, oooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Ooooh, oooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Lluny de la babylon, lluny de la babylon.
Far from Babylon, far from Babylon.
Ooooh, oooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Ooooh, oooh, ooooh, ooooh!
Auxili party rebel·lió.
Auxili party rebellion.
M′aguanta la nit a la retina,
The night lingers in my retina,
No tinc por al dia
I'm not afraid of the day
Si eres tu una part d'esta rutina
If you are a part of this routine
I seguirem cantant,
And we'll keep singing,
Brindant per la teua companyia.
Toasting to your company.
I anar fent dels problemes, pols.
And turning problems into dust.
Entrarem al cel derrapant tots dos.
We'll enter heaven skidding, both of us.
Tinc una guitarra que crida auxili quan plora el món.
I have a guitar that cries for help when the world weeps.
Tinc mil amics repartits a les nits lluny de la babylon.
I have a thousand friends scattered in the nights, far from Babylon.
Tinc una guitarra que dóna guerra i dispara amor.
I have a guitar that wages war and shoots love.
Ballen els llençols, converses de balcons, veient sortir el sol.
The sheets dance, balcony conversations, watching the sun rise.
Abraçats a una veritat ens ho creiem,
Embraced by a truth, we believe it,
Que mentre crema la mentida ens estimem.
That while the lie burns, we love each other.
Sabem que fent el que volem ho fem millor,
We know that doing what we want, we do it better,
Que la set que va omplint el got buida la por.
That the thirst filling the glass empties the fear.
Som ocells que canten de nit,
We are birds that sing at night,
Inflem el pit inaugurant matins.
We inflate our chests, inaugurating mornings.
Sota la pell un crit que vol sortir,
Under the skin, a cry that wants to come out,
Així, digues que sí.
So, say yes.
L′alba tenyida de silenci,
The dawn dyed with silence,
Salva't i crida'm si no hi penso.
Save yourself and call me if I don't think of it.
Que la voleiada eterna fa camí,
That the eternal flight makes its way,
Que encara que faci fred seguim aquí.
That even if it's cold, we're still here.
Desclava els peus, deixa que creixi
Unnail your feet, let it grow
Marxa el moment abans que hi pensis
The moment leaves before you think about it
Tot el que ens hem emportat ens fa ser així,
Everything we've taken makes us this way,
Que encara que faci fred seguim aquí.
That even if it's cold, we're still here.
Tinc una guitarra que crida auxili quan plora el món.
I have a guitar that cries for help when the world weeps.
Tinc mil amics repartits a les nits lluny de la babylon.
I have a thousand friends scattered in the nights, far from Babylon.
Tinc una guitarra que dóna guerra i dispara amor.
I have a guitar that wages war and shoots love.
Ballen els llençols, converses de balcons, veient sortir el sol.
The sheets dance, balcony conversations, watching the sun rise.
Tinc una guitarra que crida auxili quan plora el món.
I have a guitar that cries for help when the world weeps.
Tinc mil amics repartits a les nits lluny de la babylon.
I have a thousand friends scattered in the nights, far from Babylon.
Tinc una guitarra que dóna guerra i dispara amor.
I have a guitar that wages war and shoots love.
Ballen els llençols, converses de balcons, veient sortir el sol.
The sheets dance, balcony conversations, watching the sun rise.

Авторы: Auxili

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