Auxili - Donem la cara - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Auxili - Donem la cara

Donem la cara
Donem la cara
Avui no es dia d′ofrenar-te els nostres plors
Today is not the day to hide our tears
Diumenges sense glòries ni flors
Sundays without glories or flowers
No alcem barrera als nostres cors
Let's not raise a barrier in our hearts
Buit el carrer l'hem emplenat
The street is empty, we have filled it
Hem arribat per reclamar el nostre plat
We have arrived to claim what is ours
I ara hem assenyalat el mort
And now we have pointed out the dead
No és prou, res es pot, res es mou
It is not enough, nothing can be done, nothing can be moved
Venim d′un pou fosc, de la nit
We come from a dark pit, from the night
On vam aprendre a encendre foc
Where we learned to light a fire
A perdre poc, sentir-se al cim
To lose little, to feel at the top
Ja des de zero no partim
We don't start from zero anymore
Reconduïm la sort, organitzem el nostre joc
We redirect our luck, we organize our game
Ara que hem rectificat el vol
Now that we have corrected our course
Si fem prou tot es mou, tot es pot
If we do enough, everything moves, everything is possible
Ara que hem re-dibuixat el nord
Now that we have redrawn the north
Avui tornem per reclamar el nostre lloc
Today we return to reclaim our place
Eo, eo, perdura la ressaca i traca
Oh, oh, the hangover and rumble persist
Eo, eo, dels anys que ens hem begut
Oh, oh, from the years we have drunk
Eo, eo, no hem caigut, donem la cara
Oh, oh, we haven't fallen, we show our face
Eo, eo condemnat a ser Merut
Oh, oh, condemned to be Merut
Eo, eo, perdura la ressaca i traca
Oh, oh, the hangover and rumble persist
Eo, eo, dels anys que ens hem begut
Oh, oh, from the years we have drunk
Eo, eo, no hem caigut, donem la cara
Oh, oh, we haven't fallen, we show our face
Eo, eo condemnat a ser Merut
Oh, oh, condemned to be Merut
I a l'endemà dilluns, buff, altre junts
And the next day, Monday, well, together again
La dignitat, al mercat, l'hem perdut
Dignity has been lost at the market
El teixit ens l′han fotut, vas pas a pas
They have screwed us up, we go step by step
Resignat, improvisant un desenllaç
Resigned, improvising an outcome
Ara que ens han esclafat el cor
Now that our hearts have been crushed
Ens supura la ràbia, el dolor
Rage and pain ooze out of us
Lluny les perspectives de futur
Far from the prospects of the future
La pedrera no parava però era tot fum
The quarry did not stop but it was all smoke
Amb les roques, les trampes i els insults
With the rocks, the traps and the insults
Ens construïm la sort, per al pesar d′alguns
We build our luck, to the regret of some
Hem assenyalat el mort
We have pointed out the dead
Hem redibuixat el nord
We have redrawn the north
Avui tornem per reclamar el nostre lloc
Today we return to reclaim our place
Eo, eo, perdura la ressaca i traca
Oh, oh, the hangover and rumble persist
Eo, eo, dels anys que ens hem begut
Oh, oh, from the years we have drunk
Eo, eo, no hem caigut, donem la cara
Oh, oh, we haven't fallen, we show our face
Eo, eo condemnat a ser Merut
Oh, oh, condemned to be Merut
Eo, eo, perdura la ressaca i traca
Oh, oh, the hangover and rumble persist
Eo, eo, dels anys que ens hem begut
Oh, oh, from the years we have drunk
Eo, eo, no hem caigut, donem la cara
Oh, oh, we haven't fallen, we show our face
Eo, eo condemnat a ser Merut
Oh, oh, condemned to be Merut
Eo, eo
Oh, oh
Eo, eo
Oh, oh
Eo, eo
Oh, oh
Eo, eo
Oh, oh

Авторы: Auxili

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