Auxili - Existirem...? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Auxili - Existirem...?

Will You Exist...?
Quan el sol ja no ilumina
When the sun no longer shines
I el somriure pel mati
And the smile in the morning
Es el cant de la natura
Is the song of nature
Que ens indica el seu destí
That tells us its destiny
I esperant una resposta
And waiting for an answer
I observant el llarg camí
And watching the long road
D'una platja sense costa
Of a beach without a shore
I és la nostra fi!
And it is our end!
I somiar que existirem
And dream that we will exist
I existir per fer-nos sentir
And exist to make us feel
I somiar que existirem
And dream that we will exist
I existir per fer-nos sentir
And exist to make us feel
Ja no queden més muntanyes
There are no more mountains
Ja no baixa aigua pel riu
No more water flows down the river
A la tardor no cauen fulles
The leaves don't fall in autumn
I a l'hivern no hi ha reixiu
And there is no frost in winter
Impregnant altres estreles
Impregnating other stars
De residus i pudor
With waste and stench
I a la nostra mare terra
And to our mother earth
Ja l'hi ha entrat calor
It has already become hot
I somiar que existirem
And dream that we will exist
I existir per fer-nos sentir
And exist to make us feel
I somiar que existirem
And dream that we will exist
I existir per fer-nos sentir
And exist to make us feel
I somiar que existirem
And dream that we will exist
I existir per fer-nos sentir
And exist to make us feel
I somiar que existirem
And dream that we will exist
I existir per fer-nos sentir
And exist to make us feel
I somiar que existirem
And dream that we will exist
I existir per fer-nos sentir
And exist to make us feel

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