Auxili - Passa el temps - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Auxili - Passa el temps

Passa el temps
Time Passes
Lluna, sol que un dia perdura
Moon, sun that lasts for a day
Dolç atac de paranoia amb Tashkenti d'aventura
Sweet attack of paranoia with Tashkent of adventure
I dura, és la lluita com l'espera
And it lasts, the struggle is like the wait
Escalfar-te les nits fredes observant-te sempre plena
Warming your cold nights, always observing you full
Val la pena, val la pena, canviar la nit pel dia
It's worth it, it's worth it, to change the night for the day
La teua companyia, et mire, desitge respire alegria, repeat
Your company, I look at you, desire breathes joy, repeat
La nostra melodia
Our melody
L'única força que ens motiva que balle la vida
The only force that motivates us, that makes life dance
Tal volta cregues que m'amague entre els estels
Perhaps you believe I hide among the stars
Sóc a la foscor distant del nostre amor
I am in the distant darkness of our love
I arriba l'hora d'eixir d'aquest infern
And the time comes to leave this hell
Vull sobreviure, mostrar per sempre un gran somriure
I want to survive, to show a big smile forever
Nits fluorescents provinents de milers d'anys llum
Fluorescent nights coming from thousands of light years
Em diuen, criden que m'estimen
They tell me, they shout that they love me
Volen de mi endolçar-me per conseguir-me
They want to sweeten me to get me
Però jo els dic sols tinc ulls per tu
But I tell them I only have eyes for you
Sols tinc ulls per tu, tu rajos per mi
I only have eyes for you, you rays for me
La terra ens enveja, s'interposa en el camí
The earth envies us, it stands in the way
Et mire de reüll no puc resistir
I look at you out of the corner of my eye, I can't resist
L'estar al teu costat
Being by your side
Avui m'acompanyarà la lluna
Today the moon will accompany me
Avui, que esta sola com ninguna
Today, that is alone like no other
Que vol parlar de la seua soledat
That wants to talk about her loneliness
Que d' algú es va enamorar però la nit ho va espantar
That she fell in love with someone but the night scared him away
Ay, ay, ay, ay lluna
Ay, ay, ay, ay moon
Ay, ay com ninguna
Ay, ay like no other
Si la soledat es fera com el temps
If loneliness is wild like time
Que mai para i sempre passa, se l'emporta el vent
That never stops and always passes, the wind carries it away
Gira la moneda, no vull més tristesa
Turn the coin, I don't want any more sadness
La soledat t'abriga, et dona la tendresa
Loneliness shelters you, gives you tenderness
Lluna tu eres plena i m'inspires cada nit
Moon you are full and you inspire me every night
Per somiar, que em fa volar
To dream, that makes me fly
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness
Per somiar despert sols fa falta una cançó
To dream awake you only need a song
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness
Per somiar, que em fa volar, no voldria despertar
To dream, that makes me fly, I wouldn't want to wake up
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness
Per somiar despert sols fa falta una cançó
To dream awake you only need a song
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness
Per somiar, que em fa volar, no voldria despertar
To dream, that makes me fly, I wouldn't want to wake up
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness
Per somiar despert sols fa falta una cançó
To dream awake you only need a song
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness
Per somiar, que em fa volar, no voldria despertar
To dream, that makes me fly, I wouldn't want to wake up
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness
Vine il·luminem la nit i ballem junts a la foscor
Come let's light up the night and dance together in the darkness

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