Geri dönmek ister aynen beni geri al der aynı pis heryeri gönlüne sorarsan uslanmaz aşık olur onu kimse anlamaz
He wants to go back, wants me back, same old shitIf you ask his heart, he'll never learn, he falls in love, nobody understands him
Kafası karışır hep tam serseri ona sorarsan aşkı tertemiz kalbine sermiş gül bahçesi o da aşk böceği bu bahçede
His mind is always confused, he's a messIf you ask him, love is pure, he's spread it all over his heart, he's a love bug in this garden
Her zaman aşık ooooo
He's always in love ooooo
Kalp kırmaya alışık oooo
He's used to breaking hearts oooo
Göz boyar hep karışık hıııımmm
He's always dazzling, so confusing hıııımmm
Tekmeyi koy barışır wauuuu
He dumps you and then makes up wauuuu
Herkes aşk arar belayı bulur gerçek aşkı bulunca tedavi olur büyü sona erince kalp yanılmış olur.Yeni ba aşk gelin
Everybody looks for love, finds troubleWhen they find true love, they are cured, the spell is over, their heart is broken. New love, new bride
Cede merasim olur sözlerde yalan gözlerde dolan aşk denilen şeyi ben istemem aman kötü bi imajı var dillerde
There's a wedding ceremonyLies in the words, deceit in the eyesI don't want that thing called love, it has a bad reputation
Dolaşan adı aşk olsun ki ben aşktan anlamam.
Its name is love, but I don't understand love.
Bir tek kalp var ask cok sever ask yalan ki ben aşktan anlamam.
There is only one heart, love loves a lot, love is a lie, but I don't understand love.
Sinemaya gidelim konu aşk olsun.Şeker al bana ama adı aşk olsun.Gezmeye gidelim ama yer aşk olsun.Hadi çay içelim
Let's go to the movies, let the movie be about love. Buy me candy, but let the name be love. Let's go for a walk, but let the place be love. Let's have some tea
Ama şeker aşk olsun.Kalpli jelibon kutu kalpli çukulata ve kalpli ayıcık ayı kalbi yumuşatır.Kalbe giden yol
But let the sugar be love. Heart-shaped jelly bean, heart-shaped chocolate, and heart-shaped teddy bear softens the heart. The way to the heart
Mideye uğrar.Yoğurun bu keki de kalbi yumuşasın
Passes through the stomach. Knead this cake and soften the heart
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