Ayben - Benim O - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ayben - Benim O

Benim O
My He
Son kez zorlandın, son kez hor görüldün
You struggled for the last time, you were despised for the last time
Bak baştan başlar.
Look, it starts all over again.
–Sen karışma işime de yürü uğraşamam
–Don't interfere in my business, walk on, I can't deal with it
Bir de sen karşıma çıkma!
And don't you get in my way!
–Ama her seferde ben uyardım,
–But I warned you every time,
İnadı bırak dur bu kez bulaşma.
Stop being stubborn, don't get involved this time.
–Sus bak hatalarımı bırak.
–Shut up, leave my mistakes alone.
Bunu ben toparlarım, sen bi karışma!
I'll handle this, don't you interfere!
–Kaç oldu bak kaçıncı çatlak kalbine
–How many times has your heart cracked?
Gururunu da parçalatma.
Don't let your pride be shattered.
–Bırak artık toplanmaz, biz karıştık
–Leave it alone, it can't be fixed, we're messed up
Arkası gelsin kaçma!
Let it come, don't run away!
–Kaçmıyorum ben, senden bıktım.
–I'm not running away, I'm tired of you.
Yak ateşini yan, beni de çağırma.
Light your fire, burn, and don't call me.
–Senden beklediğim tek şey:
–The only thing I expect from you:
Çık içimden, kes sesini bağırma!
Get out of me, shut up, don't yell!
–Ben gibi fazla söylenen MC,
–An MC who talks too much like me,
Bil ki köteklerle paklanırmış...
Know that they are cleaned with beatings...
Islak elle bağlama çalanın
The one who plays the bağlama with a wet hand
Duy, başına köpekler toplanırmış...
Hear, dogs gather around his head...
–Sessizlik beklerken ben sen nerden çıktın?
–While I was waiting for silence, where did you come from?
Tuz basma, sustuğum her güne on hor görüldü
Don't rub salt in the wounds, every day I was silent I was despised ten times
Susmam bu kez bu son kapıyı kapatma!
I won't shut up this time, don't close this last door!
–Aptalsın sen saf, yine kandıracaklar
–You're stupid, you're naive, they'll fool you again
Dur, bu kadar hızlı koşma.
Stop, don't run so fast.
–Gelme peşimden, bakma düşüme
–Don't follow me, don't look at my dreams
Beni tanıma, bilme beni görmemiş ol git!
Don't know me, don't know me, go as if you haven't seen me!
–Kimse yoktu bak hep ben vardım
–No one was there, look, I was always there
Bak kendine yap ama beni aldatma.
Look at yourself, do it, but don't cheat on me.
–Her daim biz yalnızdık git
–We were always alone, go
Onları sustur, beni çıldırtma!!
Silence them, drive me crazy!!
–Sakin kalmazdım, lakin yalnızdım...
–I wouldn't be calm, but I was alone...
–Susmak öldürür, susmak yok!
–Silence kills, there is no silence!
Ölene kadar bana durmak yok!
There is no stopping for me until I die!
–Korkum yalnız O, benden farksız O...
–My only fear is Him, He is no different from me...
–Benim o kimseden korkmayan aynen,
–My He who is not afraid of anyone, exactly,
Benim o her yerde korkulan AYBEN!
My He who is feared everywhere, AYBEN!
–Hayat bu içinde ince bir çizgi ve
–This is life, there is a thin line in it and
Birçok cambaz oynar bu ipte.
Many tightrope walkers play on this rope.
–Gönül gözünle de bak bi kimse yok,
–Look with your heart's eye, there is no one,
Senin meşhur çizgin en dipte!
Your famous line is at the bottom!
–Bak bu yarış değil, aldatmaca
–Look, this is not a race, it's a deception
Bize oyun oynadılar, sen yapma.
They played games with us, don't you do it.
–Beni sen sananlara son bir oyun bu
–This is one last game for those who think I'm you
Dert yanmam, hadi beni korkutma!
I won't complain, come on, don't scare me!
–Sen korku nedir bilmezsin ki
–You don't know what fear is
Dur bi konuşalım, beni ağlatma.
Let's talk, don't make me cry.
–Sen zor nedir hiç bilmezsin ki
–You don't know what hardship is
Bir damla gözyaşın yok, hadi abartma!
You don't have a single tear, come on, don't exaggerate!
–Herkese güldü bu yüzün maskara ve
–This face laughed at everyone, it's a clown and
Bana sığındın hep, beni suçlama.
You always took refuge in me, don't blame me.
–Suçlu hep benim, ben bilirim,
–I'm always the culprit, I know,
Bugünün sonunda yine bana dönerim!
I'll come back to myself again at the end of the day!
–Dönüp durduğun hep aynı yer küçük,
–The place you keep turning to is small,
Kendine dön, bunu bana anlatma.
Turn to yourself, don't tell me this.
–Susarsam anlatırım derdimi
–If I shut up, I'll tell you my troubles
Herkes alır payını, bu konuyu kapatma!
Everyone gets their share, don't close this topic!
–Konuları kendin kapattın hep,
–You always closed the topics yourself,
Kendine gel, kendin ol da bi durakla.
Come to your senses, be yourself and stop for a while.
–Son gülen iyi gülermiş kızım,
–The last laugh is the best laugh, girl,
Ben de gülerim belki de son durakta!(haha!)
I will laugh too, maybe at the last stop!(haha!)
–Yolun sonunu görmeden kastederlerse canına kaybedersin sen.
–If they mean before you see the end of the road, you will lose your life.
–Yolun sonuna gelmeden can bedenden ayrılmaz, haybeden bir sen!
–Before you reach the end of the road, the soul does not leave the body, you are in vain!
–Mazeretlerim hep afiyette gibi göründü;
–My excuses always seemed like apologies;
Şükür, mağlubiyet yok.
Thank God, there is no defeat.
–Galibiyetlerimi akıbetimde kaybettin
–You lost my victories in your fate
Sen hep kabiliyetsiz!(aaa!)
You are always incompetent!(aaa!)
–Benim sayemde yürüdüğün o yolda
–On that path you walked thanks to me
Zor buldun yönünü kalabalıkta.
You found your way with difficulty in the crowd.
–Benle beraber yürüdüğün yolu
–The path you walked with me
Ay gibi aydınlattım karanlıkta!
I illuminated it like the moon in the dark!
–Işığı yansıttığın kadar, hayatı aydınlattığın kadar varsın.
–You exist as much as you reflect the light, as much as you illuminate life.
–Kendi kendimle konuştuğum,
–When I talk to myself,
Kendimi dinlediğim anda bana vardım!
I reached myself when I listened to myself!
–Sakin kalmazdım, lakin yalnızdım...
–I wouldn't be calm, but I was alone...
–Susmak öldürür, susmak yok!
–Silence kills, there is no silence!
Ölene kadar bana durmak yok!
There is no stopping for me until I die!
–Korkum yalnız O, benden farksız O...
–My only fear is Him, He is no different from me...
–Benim o kimseden korkmayan aynen,
–My He who is not afraid of anyone, exactly,
Benim o her yerde korkulan AYBEN!
My He who is feared everywhere, AYBEN!

Авторы: Ayben

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