Azam Ali - O Euchari - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Azam Ali - O Euchari

O Euchari
O Euchari
O euchari, in leta via ambulasti ubi cum filio del mansisti
O Euchari, thou didst walk in a blissful way with God's son, where thou didst abide
Illum tangendo et miracula eius que fecit videndo
Touching him and perceiving the miracles that he performed
Tu eum perfecte amasti cum sodales tui exterriti erant
Thou perfectly loved him when thy companions were terrified
Pro eo quod homines erant
Because they were human
Nec possibilitatem habebant bona perfecte intueri
And did not have the capacity to contemplate the good perfectly
Tu autem in ardenti amore plene caritatis illum amplexus es
But in burning love thou didst embrace him fully
Cum manipulos preceptorum eius ad te collegisti
When thou didst gather the sheaves of his precepts
O euchari, valde beatus fuisti cum verbum dei te in igne columbe imbuit
O Euchari, supremely fortunate thou wert when God's word imbued thee with fire within a dove
Ubi tu quasi aurora illuminatus es
Where thou wast illumined like the dawn
Et sic fundamentum ecclesie edificasti
And thus didst lay the foundation of the church
Per os tuum ecclesia ruminat vetus et novum vinum
Through thy mouth the church ruminates on the old and new wine
Videlicet poculum sanctitatis
Namely the chalice of holiness
Nunc in tua clara voce filium dei ora pro hac turba
Now, in thy clear voice, entreat God's son for this flock
Ne in cerimoniis del deficiat
That it may not grow weary in God's ceremonies
Sed ut vivens holocaustum ante altare dei fiat
But rather that it may become a living holocaust before God's altar

Авторы: Azam Ali

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