Azam Ali - O Quanta Qualia - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Azam Ali - O Quanta Qualia

O Quanta Qualia
O Quanta Qualia
O quanta, qualia sunt illa sabbata
O how great are those sabbaths
Quae semper celebrat superna curia.
That the heavenly court always celebrates.
Quae fessis requies, quae merces fortibus,
Which are a rest for the weary, a reward for the strong,
Cum erit omnia Deus in omnibus.
When God will be all in all.
Vere Ierusalem est illa civitas,
Truly Jerusalem is that city,
Cuius pax iugis est, summa iucunditas,
Whose peace is everlasting, its joy supreme,
Ubi non praevenit rem desiderium,
Where desire does not precede the thing,
Nec desiderio minus est praemium.
Nor the reward fall short of the desire.
Quis rex, quae curia, quale palatium,
What king, what court, what palace,
Quae pax, quae requies, quod illud gaudium,
What peace, what rest, what joy,
Huius participes exponant gloriam,
Let the partakers of this glory declare,
Si quantum sentiunt, possint exprimere.
If they can express how much they feel.
Illic ex sabbato succedet sabbatum,
There from sabbath to sabbath shall succeed,
Perpes laetitia sabbatizantium,
The endless joy of those who keep sabbath,
Nec ineffabiles cessabunt iubili,
Nor shall the ineffable jubilees cease,
Quos decantabimus et nos et angeli.
Which we and the angels shall sing.
Perenni Domino perpes sit Gloria,
To the eternal Lord be eternal Glory,
Ex quo sunt, per quem sunt, in quo sunt omnia;
From whom are, through whom are, in whom are all things;
Ex quo sunt, Pater est; per quem sunt, Filius;
From whom are, the Father is; through whom are, the Son;
In quo sunt, Patris et Filii Spiritus.
In whom are, the Spirit of the Father and of the Son.

Авторы: Azam Ali

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