Que
sepan
amor,
lo
que
esta
pasando
y
que
la
gente
siga
murmurandoque
todo
se
detenga
alrededor,
no
importay
que
este
sueno
eterno,
se
quede
en
mi
memoriaque
sepan
amor,
que
tu
me
tienes
locaque
tan
solo
al
mirarme
me
provocasque
es
una
sensacion
que
me
lleva
al
delirioy
que
es
morir
en
vida,
cuando
no
estas
conmigoque
el
amor
se
echa
de
menos,
ay
cuando
no
estamos
juntosque
el
vacio
se
hace
eternoy
se
nos
acaba
el
mundoque
el
amor
se
echa
de
menosy
todo
es
color
a
olvidoy
que
lo
demas
se
acabepero
menos
yo
contigocuando
no
estas
aqui
el
amor
se
echa
de
menoscuando
no
estas
aquique
sepan
amor,
que
lo
nuestro
es
delirioy
que
si
no
te
veo
ya
es
exilioque
nos
hemos
dejado
hogueras
en
el
almaque
cuando
nos
besamos
se
vuelven
llamaradasque
sepan
amor,
que
es
lo
que
esta
pasandoy
que
la
gente
siga
murmurandoque
todo
se
detenga
alrededor,
no
importay
que
este
sueno
eterno,
se
quede
en
mi
memoria
que
el
amor
se
echa
de
menos,
ay
cuando
no
estamos
juntosque
el
vacio
se
hace
eternoy
se
nos
acaba
el
mundoque
el
amor
se
echa
de
menosy
todo
es
color
a
olvidoy
que
lo
demas
se
acabepero
menos
yo
contigocuando
no
estas
aqui
el
amor
se
echa
de
menoscuando
no
estas
aquique
el
amor
se
echa
de
menos,
ay
cuando
no
estamosj
untosque
el
vacio
se
hace
eternoy
se
nos
acaba
el
mundoque
el
amor
se
echa
de
menosy
todo
es
color
a
olvidoy
que
lo
demas
se
acabepero
menos
yo
contigocuando
no
estas
aqui
el
amor
se
echa
de
menoscuando
no
estas
aqui
Let
them
know,
my
love,
what's
going
on,
and
let
people
keep
whispering,
let
everything
stop
around
me,
it
doesn't
matter,
and
let
this
eternal
dream
remain
in
my
memory,
let
them
know,
my
love,
that
you
drive
me
crazy,
that
just
by
looking
at
me
you
arouse
me,
it's
a
sensation
that
drives
me
to
delirium,
and
it's
like
dying
while
alive
when
you're
not
with
me,
that
love
is
missed,
oh,
when
we're
not
together,
that
the
emptiness
becomes
eternal,
and
the
world
ends
for
us,
that
love
is
missed,
and
everything
is
the
color
of
oblivion,
and
let
everything
else
end,
but
not
me
with
you,
when
you're
not
here,
love
is
missed,
when
you're
not
here,
let
them
know,
my
love,
that
what
we
have
is
delirium,
and
that
if
don't
see
you,
it's
already
exile,
that
we
have
left
bonfires
in
our
souls,
that
when
we
kiss
they
turn
into
flames,
let
them
know,
my
love,
what's
going
on,
and
let
people
keep
whispering,
let
everything
stop
around
me,
it
doesn't
matter,
and
let
this
eternal
dream
remain
in
my
memory
that
love
is
missed,
oh,
when
we're
not
together,
that
the
emptiness
becomes
eternal,
and
the
world
ends
for
us,
that
love
is
missed,
and
everything
is
the
color
of
oblivion,
and
let
everything
else
end,
but
not
me
with
you,
when
you're
not
here,
love
is
missed,
when
you're
not
here,
that
love
is
missed,
oh,
when
we're
not
together,
that
the
emptiness
becomes
eternal,
and
the
world
ends
for
us,
that
love
is
missed,
and
everything
is
the
color
of
oblivion,
and
let
everything
else
end,
but
not
me
with
you,
when
you're
not
here,
love
is
missed,
when
you're
not
here