Azzido Da Bass - Doomsnight - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Azzido Da Bass - Doomsnight

Naviru suze, al' jak sam majko kao otac
Tears are flowing, but I'm strong mother, like father
Neću plakat' noćaš, noćaš moram pravit' novac
I won't cry tonight, tonight I must make money
Suze tvoje majke, noćaš idu na moj obraz
Your tears, mother, fall on my face tonight
Sjetim je na tebe, svaka njena riječ je poraz
They remind me of you, every word a defeat
Vidim tebe kad se gledam u ogledalu
I see you when I look in the mirror
I neka stid me brate, ne mogu da gledam nju
And shame on me brother, I can't look at her
Da bar te oči vide, toliko te trebam tu
If only those eyes could see, I need you so much here
I ove pičke gdje su, sad' kada nam trebaju?!!!
And where are these bitches, now when we need them?!!!
Bos hodam trnjem, o klin kačim teret sa tugom
I walk barefoot on thorns, hanging the burden of sorrow on a nail
U vrtu ruže crne, moj horor ne veži s' glumom
In the garden, black roses bloom, my horror is not a performance
Po hrtu zec, novac bježi, trčim režim na ulov
A hare on the greyhound's track, money escapes, I run in pursuit
Jer novac vrti gdje burgija neće
Because money spins where the drill won't reach
I onda mi kažu... sreća nije para puna vreća
And then they tell me... happiness isn't a bag full of money
Al' u nesreći je bez tih, nesreća još veća
But in misfortune, without it, misfortune is even greater
Nekad bitka je preća, nego cijeli rat
Sometimes a battle is more important than the whole war
Nekad armija nije, sto je jedan brat!!! (ajmo)
Sometimes an army isn't worth as much as one brother!!! (let's go)
Ubija me, bol se prolama, o mama, o mama
It kills me, the pain breaks through, oh mama, oh mama
Okovan bolom, moram poć'
Bound by pain, I must go
Ubi'će me ovo zlo mama, samo Bog zna
This evil will kill me mama, only God knows
Da li ću kući noćaš doć'
If I will come home tonight
U snu ti ime zovem, dok vuku me na dno
I call your name in my sleep, as they drag me to the bottom
Ne dam da me slome, ali boli prazan dom
I won't let them break me, but the empty home hurts
U snu ti ime zovem, dok vuku me na dno
I call your name in my sleep, as they drag me to the bottom
Ne dam da me slome, ali boli prazan dom
I won't let them break me, but the empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom, dom, dom, dom, dom
The empty home hurts, home, home, home, home
Sve je manja i veća, sve mi je rulet i bankrot
Everything is getting smaller and bigger, everything is roulette and bankruptcy for me
Krečem drumom, gdje jecaj odzvanja okovan paklom
I walk the path where cries echo, bound by hell
S' bakljom na ledu tankom, tražim svjetlo pod mrakom
With a torch on thin ice, I search for light under darkness
Korak po korak, gorak k'o crna zemlja nad drakom
Step by step, bitter as the black earth over a dragon
Do sad nisam znao, sta je to na koljenima klečati
Until now, I didn't know what it meant to kneel
Molit' Boga za oprost, dok nož mi probija ledja
To pray to God for forgiveness, as a knife pierces my back
K'o da svaka rijec vrijedja, nesreća probija pleća
As if every word insults, misfortune pierces my shoulders
Mećava emocija, al' nijedna neće bit' sreća
A blizzard of emotions, but none will be happiness
Moja braća su bačena, kavez uzima danak
My brothers are thrown away, the cage takes its toll
Režu oštrice plača, k'o stare žice gitara
The blades of crying cut, like old guitar strings
Stežu, piše mi priče k'o zadnji dim od cigara
They tighten, writing my stories like the last puff of a cigarette
Da bolje bi'će, i ciganu dam da čita mi s' dlana (ooo mama)
For a better future, I would even let a gypsy read my palm (oh mama)
Mjesto dobar, žele mi da budem vrag
Instead of good, they want me to be evil
Al' karma je kučka stara, vrati se k'o boomerang
But karma is an old bitch, it comes back like a boomerang
Mjesto toga, ja biram da budem drag
Instead of that, I choose to be kind
Umjesto prljavog kaveza, biram svoj kućni prag!!! (ajmoo)
Instead of a dirty cage, I choose my own doorstep!!! (let's go)
Ubija me, bol se prolama, o mama, o mama
It kills me, the pain breaks through, oh mama, oh mama
Okovan bolom, moram poć'
Bound by pain, I must go
Ubi'će me ovo zlo mama, samo Bog zna
This evil will kill me mama, only God knows
Da li ću kući noćaš doć'
If I will come home tonight
U snu ti ime zovem, dok vuku me na dno
I call your name in my sleep, as they drag me to the bottom
Ne dam da me slome, ali boli prazan dom
I won't let them break me, but the empty home hurts
U snu ti ime zovem, dok vuku me na dno
I call your name in my sleep, as they drag me to the bottom
Ne dam da me slome, ali boli prazan dom
I won't let them break me, but the empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom.dom.dom.dom.dom
The empty home hurts. home. home. home. home
Ubija me, bol se prolama, o mama, o mama
It kills me, the pain breaks through, oh mama, oh mama
Okovan bolom, moram poć'
Bound by pain, I must go
Ubi'će me ovo zlo mama, samo Bog zna
This evil will kill me mama, only God knows
Da li ću kući noćaš doć'
If I will come home tonight
U snu ti ime zovem, dok vuku me na dno
I call your name in my sleep, as they drag me to the bottom
Ne dam da me slome, ali boli prazan dom
I won't let them break me, but the empty home hurts
U snu ti ime zovem, dok vuku me na dno
I call your name in my sleep, as they drag me to the bottom
Ne dam da me slome, ali boli prazan dom
I won't let them break me, but the empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom.dom.dom.dom.dom.
The empty home hurts. home. home. home. home.
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom
The empty home hurts
Boli prazan dom.dom.dom.dom.dom.
The empty home hurts. home. home. home. home.

Авторы: Timo Maas, Azzido Da Bass, Martin Buttrich, Stevo Wilcken, Andy Bolleshon

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