b.u.g. mafia - Prin Cartieru' Minunat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни b.u.g. mafia - Prin Cartieru' Minunat

Prin Cartieru' Minunat
Through My Wonderful Neighborhood
Majoritatea stiu despre Pantelimon
Most people know about Pantelimon,
Ca este capitala periferiei din Bucuresti
That it's the capital of Bucharest's outskirts,
Locu cu cei mai mari borfasi... mafioti... si hotzi
The place with the biggest thugs... mobsters... and thieves.
Ce poate n-ai stiut niciodata este faptul ca noi
What you might not know is that we,
Toti astia care am trait aici... vom fi mereu de aici.
All of us who lived here... will always be from here.
Este cartieru nostru...
It's our neighborhood...
Si nimic nu s-a schimbat. totul e la fel.
And nothing has changed, everything's the same.
Copiii te intampina cand intri in cartier.
The kids greet you when you enter the neighborhood,
Pe fiecare strada. la fiecare bloc.
On every street, at every block.
Nu e sarbatoare... da' e vara si soare... si p****le ca si goale,
It's not a holiday... but it's summer and sunny... and the girls are practically naked,
Chilotii-n cur, tate bine,
Panties riding low, looking good,
Nu poti sa nu le zici ceva cand trec pe langa tine
You can't help but say something when they walk by.
"Zii fa tati cum te cheama... ne vedem si noi.
"Hey girl, what's your name... let's see each other sometime.
Stai p'aici. te-am vazut... cand si noi. noi doi"
Stay here, I saw you... when, how about us two?"
Mai departe. ma uit in spate... ajung la scara.
Further on, I look back... I reach the stairs.
La bermude si papuci... toti tovarashii p-afara...
In Bermuda shorts and slippers... all my buddies are outside...
Cu berea'n mana... si tricou pe umar... si.
With beers in hand... and shirts on their shoulders... and,
Jointu arde. aberam o saptamana.
The joint is burning, we're talking nonsense for a week.
Ca nimic nu s'a schimbat. defapt totu' e la fel.
Because nothing has changed, in fact everything's the same.
Nicaieri nu e mai bine. ca la mine in cartier.
Nowhere is better than my neighborhood.
Pe fiecare strada... la fiecare bloc...
On every street... at every block...
Nu e sarbatoare... da' e marfa rau de tot!...
It's not a holiday... but the stuff is really good!...
Pot sa plec, pot sa stau, pot sa fac ce vreau,
I can leave, I can stay, I can do what I want,
Si daca plec unde merg tot cu mine il iau,
And if I leave, wherever I go, I take it with me,
Poate sti, poate nu da iti spun mereu,
You may know, you may not, but I always tell you,
Pantelimonu' a fost si va ramane cartieru meu!
Pantelimon was and will always be my neighborhood!
Deschide-ti mintea putin si lasa-ma sa intervin
Open your mind a little and let me intervene
Fiindca tin sa te lamuresc... ca am cu ce sa ma mandresc
Because I want to make it clear... that I have something to be proud of
Sunt aici sa'ti reamintesc... de cartiru meu Pantelimon
I'm here to remind you... of my neighborhood, Pantelimon
Pe care il iubesc. cu copii care zi de zi se bucura p-afara
Which I love, with kids who enjoy themselves outside every day
Cu fetele astea care vor sa te bage-n boala
With these girls who want to drive you crazy
Cu pushtanii care au modele veteranii
With the youngsters who look up to the veterans
Adica aia care au stiu sa faca banii
Meaning those who knew how to make money
Cu chioscuri si bodegi si terasele pline
With kiosks and pubs and terraces full
Cu vremea care tine neaparat sa fie bine
With the weather that insists on being good
E carteru'n care m'am nascut si am crescut
It's the neighborhood where I was born and raised
Pantelimonu' ma face sa vreau s'o iau de la'nceput
Pantelimon makes me want to start all over again
Pot sa plec, pot sa stau, pot sa fac ce vreau,
I can leave, I can stay, I can do what I want,
Si daca plec unde merg tot cu mine il iau,
And if I leave, wherever I go, I take it with me,
Poate sti, poate nu da iti spun mereu,
You may know, you may not, but I always tell you,
Pantelimonu' a fost si va ramane cartieru meu!
Pantelimon was and will always be my neighborhood!
Poti sa vezi tot ce vad si eu
You can see everything I see
Sa nu'ntelegi ca unerori conteaza doar sa fi atent pe unde mergi
But you might not understand that sometimes it's just about being careful where you walk
Pune dreptu. stangu dupa el
Put your right, then your left after it
Iti cer sa nu ma intrerupi cand vorbesc despre cartier
I ask you not to interrupt me when I talk about the neighborhood
Poti sa vezi la coltu strazii un baiat ca mine
You can see a guy like me on the street corner
In trening si adidasi. moda asta inca tine
In a tracksuit and sneakers, this fashion still holds up
Si sa te intrebi cum sta chiar langa el... un copil imbracat exact la fel
And you might wonder how he stands right next to him... a kid dressed exactly the same
Poti sa vezi. sa nu-ti vina sa crezi asa ceva
You can see, you can't believe something like that
O femeie atat de buna. te gandeai noaptea la ea
A woman so good, you thought about her at night
Sa'ti arate ca e mai intepata. linge-n fata ta dintr-o mare inghetata
To show you she's even hotter, licking a big ice cream in front of you
Poti sa vezi... cativa pushtani inspira scandal.
You can see... some youngsters causing trouble.
Sa fi uimit cand te slauta. poate pare banal.
To be amazed when he salutes you, it might seem trivial.
E timpu sa privesti mai pozitiv un pic
It's time to look a little more positively
Ca poti sa vezi tot ce vad eu. si sa nu'ntelegi nimic
Because you can see everything I see, and understand nothing
Pot sa plec, pot sa stau, pot sa fac ce vreau,
I can leave, I can stay, I can do what I want,
Si daca plec unde merg tot cu mine il iau,
And if I leave, wherever I go, I take it with me,
Poate sti, poate nu da iti spun mereu,
You may know, you may not, but I always tell you,
Pantelimonu' a fost si va ramane cartieru meu!
Pantelimon was and will always be my neighborhood!

Авторы: alin adrian demeter, dragoş vlad neagu, vlad irimia

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