b.u.g. mafia feat. Grasu XXL, Paco 10 Grei, Mashat, Luchian - Iarba Si Alcool - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни b.u.g. mafia feat. Grasu XXL, Paco 10 Grei, Mashat, Luchian - Iarba Si Alcool

Iarba Si Alcool
Grass and Alcohol
Ba ce faci mah... bah
Yo, what's up girl... hey
Direct din casa alba ghetoul peteme
Straight from the white house, the ghetto calls
Dincolo de toata lumea dincolo de cer
Beyond everyone, beyond the sky
Dincolo de gabori dinclo de blocuri'
Beyond the cops, beyond the blocks'
Dincolo de sticle de vin fumam joint
Beyond bottles of wine, we smoke joints
Baietii mei totdeauna fac ce vor
My boys always do what they want
De la Bacau, Bucuresti, p-acolo in Pantelimon
From Bacau, Bucharest, over there in Pantelimon
Si va dorim tuturor auditie placuta
And we wish you all a pleasant listening
La o sedinta cu alcool si iarba multa,
At a session with lots of alcohol and weed,
Multa iarba, dau frate intotdeauna pentru ca
Lots of weed, I always give, brother, because
Opt baieti, patru pereti dupa colt
Eight guys, four walls, around the corner
Sase jointure, doua bombe opt morti
Six joints, two bombs, eight dead
Multa iarba multa bautura multi baieti
Lots of weed, lots of booze, lots of guys
Fara griji fara stres, foarte lenti
No worries, no stress, very slow
In fiecare zi in fiecare noapte suntem rupti
Every day, every night, we're ripped
Pana dau ai nostrii anunt ca suntem disparuti
Until our people announce we're missing
Si ne facem de cap, si mai facem inca unul
And we go wild, and we roll another one
Imediat ce al nostru s-a terminat, ce pacat
As soon as ours is finished, what a shame
Si non stop, ascultam muzica buna,
And non-stop, we listen to good music,
Si nimic nu mai conteaza cat timp suntem impreuna
And nothing else matters as long as we're together
Cu ochii pe spate cu parul in vant
With eyes on the back of my head, hair in the wind
Bag in priza,??? E in Spania fara viza
Plug it in, ??? He's in Spain without a visa
Cine mai dorste niste iarba, cine vrea
Who else wants some weed, who wants
Sa fumeze pana cade in cap sa-i dau sticla sa beau
To smoke until they fall on their head, let me give them the bottle to drink
Nu intelegi nimic nici eu nu inteleg nimic
You don't understand anything, I don't understand anything either
Am uitat ce-am vrut nimic intelegi ce vreau sa zic (sa fumam)
I forgot what I wanted, nothing, you understand what I mean (to smoke)
Aaa cred ca da desprea sata era vorba
Aaa I think so, it was about the weed
Trebuia ia ia
It had to be taken, yeah
In fata ta la jorgon, am sa-ti explid
In front of you, in slang, I will explain
Ca viata este chiar beton
That life is really concrete
Cu un kg de iarba si vreo doua tone de alcool,
With a kg of weed and about two tons of alcohol,
Dupa o luna inchis in casa ne vedem la vorbitor
After a month locked up in the house, we'll see each other at the visiting room
Consum propiu nicidecum posesie
Personal consumption, not possession at all
Ptr scopuri personale cantitati industriale
For personal purposes, industrial quantities
Frate facem parte tot ce-am adunat
Brother, we share everything we've gathered
Din piatra neamt pana-n cartierul minunat
From Piatra Neamt to the wonderful neighborhood
Ref .
Fac atmosfera argon
I make the atmosphere argon
Haide zicesa fac rost
Come on, let's get it
Cateva tipe, fori, alcool,
Some chicks, parties, alcohol,
Zdrente imbracte ca din moll
Clothes ripped like from the mall
Dimineata nu le recunosc
In the morning I don't recognize them
Am paharul gol si jointul se arede nasol
My glass is empty and the joint burns badly
10 grei z ice vrei
10 Grei says you want
Am ochii mici ca tailanda
My eyes are small like Thailand
Destinatia cat e de mare harta
The destination, how big is the map
Pornind din baicului din spate l; a complex
Starting from Baicului, behind the complex
Unde cultivi, prestezi, probezi impachetezi,
Where you cultivate, perform, test, pack,
Sezonul estival sunt oval sa moara masa
Summer season, I'm oval, let Masa die
Pe malul lacului in baicului la casa
On the shore of the lake, in Baicului at the house
Scaote frate umbreluta si sejlongul pe balcon
Take out the umbrella, brother, and the deck chair on the balcony
Ca hasisul cu alcool si caldura vreau sa mor
With hashish, alcohol, and heat, I want to die
Cei mai bun sa moara masa cei mai nebunie
The best, let Masa die, the craziest
Ce??? in havane ce baieti adevarat
What ??? in Havana, what real guys
Si pe unde n-am gasit
And where we haven't found it
Si tot aici avem doar o viata de murit
And here we have only one life to die
Indeferent dak esti sau nu de acolo
It doesn't matter if you're from there or not
Ins eara asta am de gand sa stabilesc un record
But tonight I'm going to set a record
Mi-a dat uzzi alea 2000 de joint-uri datorie
Uzzi gave me those 2000 joints on credit
Aseara am fost cu 19 baieti sa-nvat presa sa scrie
Last night I went with 19 guys to teach the press to write
Si-am dat comada acolo tona, care m-asteapta acolo-n zona
And I ordered a ton there, which is waiting for me there in the area
Pericol de coma
Danger of coma
Ma simt in forma trec la actiune fara protocol
I feel in shape, I'm taking action without protocol
Avem iarba si alcool dar nici hasisi n-ar fi nasol
We have weed and alcohol, but some hashish wouldn't be bad either
Fi atent il ard pe joint desi e consistent
Watch out, I'm burning the joint even though it's consistent
La fel de repede ca P**** mea in weekend
Just as fast as my P**** on the weekend
Pe cer e vara sunt 35 de grade afara tracgem niste iarba rara
It's summer in the sky, it's 35 degrees outside, we smoke some rare weed
O bara de hasisi sunt afis cativa n-ar mai fuma n-ar bea
A bar of hashish, I'm a poster, some wouldn't smoke anymore, wouldn't drink
E mare mugeala ia un sprit lejer reveneala
It's a big mess, have a light spritzer, come back
Simte fumul si grigore de la 1 latra ca un dobitoc
Feel the smoke and Grigore from 1 barks like an idiot
Suntem in baicului chiar la mine in bloc/
We're in Baicului, right in my block/
Ref ...
Chorus ...

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