B.U.G. Mafia feat. Lucian Colareza - Cand Trandafirii Mor - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia feat. Lucian Colareza - Cand Trandafirii Mor

Cand Trandafirii Mor
When Roses Die
Suna atât de frumos când spui poveste de iubire.
It sounds so beautiful when you tell a love story.
Simti ca se umple sufletul de fericire.
You feel your soul filling up with happiness.
Care e cuvântul cheie, nici n-ai idee cand sare prima scânteie,
What's the key word, you have no idea when the first spark jumps,
Se aprinde si dispare-n flăcări tot.
It ignites and everything disappears in flames.
Era un boboc de fata.
She was a young bud of a girl.
O inimă curata, caldă, catifelată.
A pure heart, warm and velvety.
Ca petalele de trandafiri,
Like rose petals,
Inevitabil sa nu te îndrăgostești de ea, iremediabil.
It was inevitable not to fall in love with her, irrevocably.
Ducea o viață scandalos de grea.
She led a scandalously hard life.
Cu un tată vitreg care o abuza.
With a stepfather who abused her.
Cu o mama care niciodată nu o asculta.
With a mother who never listened to her.
Ce avea de zis, ii pasa numai de ea.
What she had to say, she only cared about herself.
Băiatul... Nu era un pui de smecher.
The boy... He wasn't a big shot.
Da' la 22 de ani avea un nume-n cartier.
But at 22, he had a name in the neighborhood.
O iubea, atât de mult voia,
He loved her, he wanted so much,
Sa o scoată din coșmarul asta in care traia.
To take her out of this nightmare she was living in.
Cu o scamatorie ca din pălărie,
With a trick like out of a hat,
Au dispărut amândoi fără se știe,
They both disappeared without anyone knowing,
Unde au plecat, si nici macar daca
Where they went, and not even if
Se vor mai intoarce pe aici vreodata.
They would ever come back here.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Aproape 7 ani de când au plecat,
Almost 7 years since they left,
Fata niciodată nu l-a intrebat
The girl never asked him
Cum a reușit? Oare cum s-a descurcat?
How did he do it? How did he manage?
Era atât de fericita, nici n-ar fii contat
She was so happy, it wouldn't have even mattered.
Ii cântau îngerii la harpe,
Angels sang to her on harps,
Ar fii mers cu el si-n gaura de sarpe.
She would have gone with him even into a snake pit.
Doar sa-l tina-n brate si s-auda in noapte,
Just to hold him in her arms and hear at night,
Din gura lui cele mai frumoase șoapte.
The most beautiful whispers from his lips.
Dar într-o seară, era singura, gătea,
But one evening, she was alone, cooking,
Cineva apasă cu insistență sinceră
Someone presses the doorbell insistently
(Bing-bang, bing-bang)
(Ding-dong, ding-dong)
Deschide, vede in fata un malac,
She opens, sees a creep in front of her,
Dezvăluind o maceta de sub parpalac.
Revealing a machete from under his coat.
C-o mana-n gât
With one hand on her throat
O trage in sufragerie.
He drags her into the living room.
O intreaba unde-s banii,
He asks her where the money is,
Ea zice ca nu stie.
She says she doesn't know.
Ii rupe hainele si o violează,
He tears her clothes and rapes her,
Destinul ei se întorcea la prima faza.
Her destiny was returning to the first phase.
Suna frumos când spui poveste de iubire.
It sounds beautiful when you tell a love story.
Simti ca se umple sufletul de fericire.
You feel your soul filling up with happiness.
Care e cuvântul cheie,
What's the key word,
Nici n-ai idee cand sare prima
You have no idea when the first
Scânteie, se aprinde si dispare-n flăcări tot.
Spark jumps, ignites and everything disappears in flames.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Băiatul intra-n casa,
The boy enters the house,
Vesel, zâmbitor,
Happy, smiling,
Il priveste inapoi, o față din trecutul lor.
He looks back at him, a face from their past.
Face un pas, ce vede e de-a dreptul tragic.
He takes a step, what he sees is truly tragic.
Scamatoria nu-i ieșise tocmai magic.
The trick hadn't turned out so magical.
Înnebunit, ia o scrumieră si o aruncă.
Enraged, he grabs an ashtray and throws it.
Malacul ii taie gatul fetei si cade stanca.
The creep cuts the girl's throat and she falls like a rock.
Il lovește disperat, zbiara si plânge,
He hits him desperately, screams and cries,
Iubita lui zace moartă într-un lac de sânge.
His beloved lies dead in a pool of blood.
Nu poate fi adevarat!
It can't be true!
Nu e corect!
It's not fair!
De ce sa ti se intample tie, nu e drept!
Why should this happen to you, it's not right!
Nu, mama dracu, e numai vina mea.
No, damn it, it's all my fault.
N-as fii crezut c-o sa se termine asa.
I wouldn't have believed it would end like this.
Suna frumos când spui poveste de iubire.
It sounds beautiful when you tell a love story.
Simti ca se umple sufletul de fericire.
You feel your soul filling up with happiness.
Care e cuvântul cheie,
What's the key word,
Nici n-ai idee cand sare prima
You have no idea when the first
Scânteie, se aprinde si dispare-n flăcări tot.
Spark jumps, ignites and everything disappears in flames.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.
Era o floare, încântătoare,
She was a flower, enchanting,
Rămân acum amintiri chinuitoare.
Now only painful memories remain.
Si lacrimile vor mai fii
And the tears will still be there
Mult dupa ce trandafirii vor muri.
Long after the roses have died.

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