B.U.G. Mafia feat. Mario - 40 Km - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia feat. Mario - 40 Km

40 Km
40 Km/h
Sunt eu un maniac
I'm a maniac
Probabil ca da
Probably, yeah
Pentru ca-mi place sa-mi bag banii in masina
Because I like to spend my money on my car
Yo yo yo yo yo yo.
Yo yo yo yo yo yo.
Special pentru cunoscatori
Especially for the connoisseurs
Si mai ales pentru fanatici.
And especially for the fanatics.
Nu nu
No no
Am 260 de cai sa ma intorc;
I have 260 horses to turn around;
Clasic ca un BMW din '90 torc;
Classic like a BMW from '90, I purr;
Admiratie de la orice rival,
Admiration from any rival,
Pe interval
On the interval
Sunt grav si ca W8-ul meu
I'm serious and like my W8
Declarat fatal.
Declared fatal.
Imi place genul de masini cu prezenta scenica,
I like the kind of cars with a stage presence,
Dramatica, enigmatica, singuratica, animalica
Dramatic, enigmatic, lonely, animalistic
Inca de mic??
Since I was little??
Mi-am dorit ceva special
I wanted something special
Cum sa explic??
How to explain??
Ai un Passat (stiu)
You have a Passat (I know)
2003 (stiu)
2003 (I know)
V6 TDI cu tot ce vrei pe el; stiu
V6 TDI with everything you want on it; I know
Da mai stiu ca sunt catva sute ca a ta
But I also know that there are a few hundred like yours
Parc-ati fute toti aceeasi piz*?
It's like you all f*ck the same bitch?
Nu te supara frate.
Don't be mad, girl.
Dau pe spate mai repede
I get more excited
Cand vad un Golf3
When I see a Golf 3
Carosat, umflat, vibrand
Bodied, inflated, vibrating
Sau vreo torpila de 2 metri, tunarita
Or some 2-meter torpedo, tuned
La volan vreo fata
With some girl at the wheel
Bai tata
Hey babe
Hai, las-o-n pu*a mea
Come on, f*ck it
Ca nu se mai poate asa
This can't go on like this
Ai bani sa-ti cumperi un Lex
You have the money to buy a Lex
Da nu ai bani s-o faci a ta.
But you don't have the money to make it yours.
Niste spoilere sau alte accesorii
Some spoilers or other accessories
Da-i o vopsea
Give it a paint job
Galben sau ceva si mai excentric
Yellow or something even more eccentric
Ala america.
That's America.
Curcubeu, cameleon sau cum vrei tu sa ii zici,
Rainbow, chameleon, or whatever you want to call it,
In ton cu orice sezon
In tune with any season
Portocaliu, violet verde-aprins perlat
Orange, violet, bright green pearl
M-astresat in pu*a mea atata gri metalizat.
I'm stressed out, f*ck this metallic gray.
Pune-i roti mari BBS, Antera
Put some big wheels on it, BBS, Antera
Sau niste croame garantate sa-ti fure privirea.
Or some chrome guaranteed to steal your gaze.
Elegant fenteaza-le pe-obstacole si-arde-o incet
Elegantly dodge obstacles and take it slow
Ca graba strica orice efect.
Because rushing ruins any effect.
2 x refren:
2 x chorus:
Cu tovarasi in masina si cu basi in portbagaj
With comrades in the car and bass in the trunk
Ne remarci repede in peisaj
You notice us quickly in the landscape
Plutim usor parca e un miraj;
We float easily like a mirage;
Senzatzie majora cu 40 la ora.
Major sensation at 40 km/h.
Trezoriant, fara indoiala extravagant,
Treasured, undoubtedly extravagant,
Reconfortant si in acelasi impresionant,
Comforting and at the same time impressive,
Fanaticii spun ca e relevant
Fanatics say it's relevant
Ca pana si cei neinteresati gasesc interesant.
That even those who are uninterested find it interesting.
Un tanc
A tank
Vopsit albastru si perlat cu negru
Painted blue and pearled with black
N-o ard in turma da' vreau sa raman integru
I don't roll with the herd, but I want to stay true
Si ca sa fiu mai aproape de strazi si cartier
And to be closer to the streets and the neighborhood
O sa-l cobor vreo cativa centimetrii lejer.
I'm gonna lower it a few centimeters, easy.
Caroserie unicat,
Unique bodywork,
Nimic cromat
Nothing chromed
In afara de roti
Except for the wheels
18 ", constat ca scotzi
18", I see you popping
Ochii din cap, nu poti
Your eyes out, you can't
Sa crezi c-ai dat cam toti
Believe you spent almost all
Banii pe c*cat de roti
Your money on sh*tty wheels
Te-au cam lucrat
They kinda played you
You figure.
Suprapondral sunt,
I'm all about excess,
Imi plac masinile mari.
I like big cars.
Temperamental sunt,
I'm temperamental,
Imi plac contrastele tari,
I like stark contrasts,
Pentru-o impresie totala
For a total impression
O sa fac pe comanda interior din piele alba.
I'm gonna custom-make the interior in white leather.
Extraterestru, sub scaune neon albastru
Extraterrestrial, blue neon under the seats
Modificat masiv in spatiu ca sa-ncapa numai 4,
Massively modified in space to fit only 4,
Pentru ca tancu' se transforma-n avion
Because the tank turns into a plane
Cand pe bancheta din spate pot sta doar 2 beton.
When only 2 can sit comfortably on the back seat.
Pe final
In the end
Precizez despre cum o sa auzi
I specify how you'll hear it
Si pe unde poti sa vezi
And where you can see it
DVD normal, niste ecrane-n tetiere
Normal DVD, some screens in the headrests
Ca sa nu poti sa spui ca nu e o placere;
So you can't say it's not a pleasure;
Vreo 4000 de Watzi putere
About 4000 Watts of power
Pentru ca cine stie stie si cine stie cere.
Because those who know, know and those who know, ask.
Asta-i tot, ne vedem pe strazi.
That's it, see you on the streets.
Te las sa iti combini masina cu ce crezï.
I'll let you combine your car with whatever you believe in.
2 x Refren.
2 x Chorus.

Авторы: Vasco Brondi

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