B.U.G. Mafia - A fost odată-n cartiere - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia - A fost odată-n cartiere

A fost odată-n cartiere
It Was Once in the Neighborhoods
Niste tobe, niste versuri si un bas de la sensei
Some drums, some verses, and a bass from the sensei
Pentru ca acolo sus cineva a vrut asa
Because up there someone wanted it that way
Noi baietii aici jos am facut Mafia
We boys down here made the Mafia
Dam respect acum pentru orice microfon
We give respect now for any microphone
In care s-a tzipat vreodata Pantelimon
In which the name Pantelimon was ever shouted
Zic de cei care-au stiut ca tre' s-o facem cum ne place
I'm talking about those who knew to do it the way we like it
Pentru toba si pentru vali odihneasca-se in pace
For the drum and for vali may he rest in peace
Au fost multe care-au mers pentru noi, altele nu
There have been many that went well for us, others did not
Dar am avut intotdeauna voci care ne-au sustinut
But we have always had voices that supported us
Si s-au spus multe vorbe grele despre noi
And many harsh words were said about us
**** la toti care-au vrut sa ne traga inapoi
**** to all who wanted to pull us back
Mai am un singur lucru de adaugat
I have only one more thing to add
Respect pentru care in fata scenei au stat
Respect for those who stood in front of the stage
Am spus intotdeauna si-o spunem in continuare
We have always said and we continue to say
Am fost si noi, ati fost si voi, odata in cartiere
We were there too, you were there too, once in the neighborhoods
A fost odata-n cartiere
It was once in the neighborhoods
Sunt aici sa reprezint pe care vor sa fie asa cum trebuie
I am here to represent those who want to be the way they should be
Cum le-au placut si-mi place mie
How they liked and I like it
Au trecut 3 ani de cand am auzit prima oara
It has been 3 years since I first heard it
Abia atunci incepea in tara treaba sa sara
Only then did the work begin to jump in the country
S-au adunat niste ani, vreau sa m-apuc si eu
Some years have passed, I want to start too
As vrea la fel ca toti pustanii, ca baietii sa produc un leu
I wish, like all the kids, that the boys produced a lion
Si tot ce-am invatat ascultand hip-hop
And everything I learned listening to hip-hop
De vrei ceva, bagati p*** si ia cu mana ta
If you want something, go and take it with your own hand
Asta este regula peste tot in cartiere
This is the rule everywhere in the neighborhoods
Oriunde te-ai duce in tara pentru bani exista cereri
Wherever you go in the country there are demands for money
Ai vrea sa faci sa fie bine pentru tine in viitor
You would want to make things better for you in the future
Cum sau ce nu conteaza, e loc de toti cei care vor
How or what does not matter, there is room for all who want
Asa ca o sa fiu cum imi place mai mult sa fiu
So I'm going to be the way I like it best
Sper c-am ales calea cea buna, acum nu pot sa stiu
I hope I chose the right path, I can't know now
Sunt Luchian un mic baiat din cartier termin acum
I'm Luchian, a small boy from the neighborhood, I'm finishing now
Ne auzim in viitor poate-o sa scot si eu album
We'll hear from you in the future, maybe I'll release an album too
Plec din Bistrita-n Bacau si ajung si la Suceava
I leave Bistrita for Bacau and I reach Suceava
Am fost in zeci de orase, Romania - Timisoara
I've been to dozens of cities, Romania - Timisoara
Zalau, Piatra-Neamt, Craiova? zici?
Zalau, Piatra-Neamt, Craiova? You say?
Pentru baietii din Arad sunt inca aici
I'm still here for the guys in Arad
In Satu-Mare, Ploiesti si Turnu-Severin
In Satu-Mare, Ploiesti, and Turnu-Severin
Gaborii s-au pregatit cand au aflat ca venim
The cops prepared when they found out we were coming
Cluj, Deva, incet spre Sibiu
Cluj, Deva, slowly towards Sibiu
Pe la voi si inc-o data prin Targu-Jiu
In your place and once again through Targu-Jiu
Constanta, Targu-Mures, Baia-Mare alfel
Constanta, Targu-Mures, Baia-Mare otherwise
Primul lucru intotdeauna camera de hotel
The first thing is always the hotel room
Oradea, Iasi, Valcea si-n Galati
Oradea, Iasi, Valcea, and in Galati
Suta la suta pe felie sunt mii si mii de frati
There are thousands and thousands of brothers on the slice
Am fost in Resita, Targoviste, Braila si Focsani
I've been to Resita, Targoviste, Braila, and Focsani
S-au adunat tot mai multe an dupa an
More and more have gathered year after year
Si cum vin din Slatina trec prin Pitesti
And as I come from Slatina I pass through Pitesti
Si ajung acasa, in Bucuresti
And I get home, in Bucharest

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