b.u.g. mafia - Dupa Blocuri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни b.u.g. mafia - Dupa Blocuri

Dupa Blocuri
Behind the Blocks
Dupa blocurile gri stam noi, majoritatea, sunt mai inalte la sosea sa nu se vada foamea,
We, the majority, reside behind the gray blocks, towering over the streets to conceal the hunger,
Sa nu se vada baietii care-i prostesc pe prosti si fetele care noaptea vand pizda la colt.
To hide the guys who fool the fools and the girls who sell their bodies on the corner at night.
O buna parte nu produce pentru comunitate.
A good portion doesn't contribute to the community.
Ma intreb cum asa, nu se platesc taxe?
I wonder how come, no taxes are paid?
Au venit de doua, trei, ori ca sa ceara bani si au luat-o la muie pe bani.
They came two, three, or more times to ask for money and got screwed over for it.
Spaga este cea care te scoate din cacat, un politist, un procuror, un senator si ai scapat.
Bribes are what get you out of shit, a cop, a prosecutor, a senator, and you're free.
Gigi, de ce e rau si e si bine, uite-te cum zi de zi, aparate, limuzine
Gigi, why is it bad and also good, look how every day, gadgets and limousines appear
Si se-ntampla deseori sa mai vezi un cersetor si sa-ti spuna cineva frate' asta a fost doctor.
And it often happens that you see a beggar and someone tells you, "Bro, this guy was a doctor."
Deci daca vrei tratament, hai dupa blocuri si-o sa-ti faca toti ai mei rand pa rand electro-socuri.
So if you need treatment, come behind the blocks and all my boys will give you electro-shocks one by one.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi, sa ne-ntelegi mai bine.
Behind the blocks, it's us, understand us better.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi care te facem pe tine.
Behind the blocks, it's us who make you.
Fraierii sa taca scriem zi de zi pe foaie,
Let the suckers shut up, we write it down on paper every day,
Fiindca totul in cartier se bazeaza pe coaie.
Because everything in the neighborhood is based on balls.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi, sa ne-ntelegi mai bine.
Behind the blocks, it's us, understand us better.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi care te facem pe tine.
Behind the blocks, it's us who make you.
Fraierii sa taca scriem zi de zi pe foaie,
Let the suckers shut up, we write it down on paper every day,
Fiindca totul in cartier se bazeaza pe coaie.
Because everything in the neighborhood is based on balls.
Multi ar vrea sa iasa, sa scape de dupa blocuri, sa traiasca linistiti undeva in alte locuri.
Many would like to get out, escape from behind the blocks, live peacefully somewhere else.
Aici e ca la noi si doar noi putem sa stim(cum e?) asa cum simtim, asa cum traim.
Here it's like with us and only we can know (how it is?) as we feel it, as we live it.
Cum pula mea sa fie altfel cand te doare-asa?
How the fuck can it be different when it hurts you like this?
De cand sunt eu aici nimic nu s-a schimbat.
Since I've been here, nothing has changed.
Aceleasi blocuri gri si dupa ele faci de toate, dintre noi toti multi, scapa cine poate.
The same gray blocks and behind them, you do everything, out of all of us, many escape, whoever can.
Poate ca guvernul te vede curva frate' din banii care-i faci, la ei ajung jumate'.
Maybe the government sees you as a whore, bro, half of the money you make goes to them.
Si atunci ce sa faci, sa supravietuiesti?
So what are you supposed to do, survive?
Te gandesti sa tepuiesti, te gandesti sa jefuiesti.
You think about scamming, you think about robbing.
Sa te combini si tu la ceva sa iasa in plus, sa faci bani, sa traiesti, sa fii un pic mai sus.
To get involved in something yourself so that there's a surplus, to make money, to live, to be a little higher up.
Nu stiu ce crezi tu, poate nu este ca mine, dar cu banii-n buzunar te simti mult mai bine!
I don't know what you think, maybe it's not like me, but with money in your pocket, you feel much better!
Dupa blocuri suntem noi, sa ne-ntelegi mai bine.
Behind the blocks, it's us, understand us better.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi care te facem pe tine.
Behind the blocks, it's us who make you.
Fraierii sa taca scriem zi de zi pe foaie,
Let the suckers shut up, we write it down on paper every day,
Fiindca totul in cartier se bazeaza pe coaie.
Because everything in the neighborhood is based on balls.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi, sa ne-ntelegi mai bine.
Behind the blocks, it's us, understand us better.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi care te facem pe tine.
Behind the blocks, it's us who make you.
Fraierii sa taca scriem zi de zi pe foaie,
Let the suckers shut up, we write it down on paper every day,
Fiindca totul in cartier se bazeaza pe coaie.
Because everything in the neighborhood is based on balls.
Asa vrem noi sa fie, ca asa e, ca sa e bine.
This is how we want it to be, because that's how it is, so it's good.
Totul intre noi si nici o treaba cu nimeni.
Everything between us and nothing to do with anyone else.
Stam pregatiti pt.orice, oricum, oricand, ia mai dai in pula mea pe toti care nu sunt.
We stand ready for anything, anyhow, anytime, fuck all those who aren't.
Care vor sa faca parte si ei din cacat, care vorbesc despre fapte fiindca asa e adevarat.
Who want to be part of the shit too, who talk about deeds because that's the truth.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi sa ne intelegi mai bine, dupa blocuri suntem noi care te facem pe tine.
Behind the blocks, it's us, understand us better, behind the blocks, it's us who make you.
Ne facem loc ca sa ne fie noua bine, e normal.
We make room for ourselves to be okay, it's normal.
Peste lege, peste mila, peste patul de spital.
Above the law, above pity, above the hospital bed.
Sunt zile bune sau rele, ramane totul aici, si-atata timp cat ai cazier nu prea conteaza ce zici.
There are good days or bad days, everything stays here, and as long as you have a criminal record, it doesn't really matter what you say.
Asa ca tot ce-a ramas de facut, aia facem, traim cum stim, producem bani si tacem.
So all that's left to do, we do it, we live as we know how, we make money and shut up.
Iti luam si femeia sa ne suga de pula, dupa blocuri suntem noi care te futem in gura.
We'll take your woman too, to suck our dicks, behind the blocks, it's us who fuck you in the mouth.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi, sa ne-ntelegi mai bine.
Behind the blocks, it's us, understand us better.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi care te facem pe tine.
Behind the blocks, it's us who make you.
Fraierii sa taca scriem zi de zi pe foaie,
Let the suckers shut up, we write it down on paper every day,
Fiindca totul in cartier se bazeaza pe coaie.
Because everything in the neighborhood is based on balls.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi, sa ne-ntelegi mai bine.
Behind the blocks, it's us, understand us better.
Dupa blocuri suntem noi care te facem pe tine.
Behind the blocks, it's us who make you.
Fraierii sa taca scriem zi de zi pe foaie,
Let the suckers shut up, we write it down on paper every day,
Fiindca totul in cartier se bazeaza pe coaie.
Because everything in the neighborhood is based on balls.

Авторы: alin adrian demeter, dragoş vlad neagu, vlad irimia

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