B.U.G. Mafia - Exces pervers - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia - Exces pervers

Exces pervers
Perverted exces
Invitam toate fetele...
We invite all the girls...
Sa rupa mesele...
Break the tables...
Sa rupa fesele...
To break the buttocks...
Sa-si piarda mintile! Inchideti usile! Ascundeti cheile! Patronu' reprezinta repede resursele! Elibereaza mesele a tot ce ai mai bun pe raft
Lose their minds! Close the doors! Hide the keys! The patron represents the resources quickly! Free the tables of all the best on the shelf
Toata lumea, mainile-n tavan, ca si cum ar fi un jaf! Dopuri de sampanie, luminile dezvaluie
Everybody, hands on the ceiling, like this is a robbery! Champagne corks, lights reveal
Femei care te-nvaluie, modelul porno! Varsta: domnisoare.
Women who love you, porn model! Age: ladies.
P***e extraordinare-n cautare de p**a mare.
Great P** * s looking for big p ** a.
Ca sa redefinesc pa cap, aleg un inger16 ani, pur-sange, f**e fara bani, suge fara bani
To redefine pa cap, I choose an angel16 years old, pure-blooded, f ** e without money, suck without money
Sau complimente, vrea propuneri indecente...
Or compliments, wants indecent proposals...
Vrea aventura si nu are masura.
He wants adventure and has no measure.
Pun palmele la gura, strig:"HEI, DJ!"Da cu basii aia grei, ca le place la femei
I put my palms to my mouth, shout: "Hey, DJ!"Yes with those heavy basses, that they like in women
Cand se simt studiate-ndeaproape de baieti ca noi
When they feel close to boys like us
Vibreaza din g****e si-alte chestii noi.
It vibrates out of the g*** * e and-other new stuff.
Domnisoara: Pa mas-oferta-i grasa, zi ceva! De baut, de fumat, sau de aliniat p-oglinda ta? Nu te speria, adunarea-i selectata
Miss: Pa mas-offer her fat, say something! Drinking, smoking, or lining up your P-mirror? Don't be scared, the assembly is selected
Si tot ce vezi aici e calitate garantata! Refren(X1): E timpul sa fac abuz
And all you see here is guaranteed quality! Chorus (X1): it's time to abuse
Aici pot sa fiu confuz
Here I can be confused
Da-mi tot ce ai nu refuz
Give me everything you have I do not refuse
Nu am de ce sa ma scuz.
I have nothing to apologize for.
Plin de tentatii insist
Full of temptations I insist
Gata sa vad cat rezist
Ready to see how long I can last
Crescut in spirit marchist
Raised in marchist spirit
Nu ma abtin, clubul e plin. Sa ma prezint: Grasu XXXAm venit cu un kilogram asa cum am promis
I'm not holding back, the club is full. To introduce myself: fat XXXAm came with a kilogram as promised
Declar in scris, ca Omis, face streap-tease
I declare in writing that omitted, make streap-tease
Si lumea s-ancins, si bara s-ancins.
And the world came together, and the bar came together.
E in-ter-zis sub 18 ani
Dar daca ma asculti, nu mai conteaza cati ani ai! Hai! Mainile pe sus! Si nu-ntelegi de ce: Ai mancat cumva pastile pe post de analgezice? Si-acum, in exces, vrei sa faci sex
But if you listen to me, it doesn't matter how old you are! Come on! Hands up! And you don't understand why: did you eat pills as painkillers? And now, in excess, you want to have sex
Dar daca vine sor-ta face mon-incest
But if your sister comes do mon-incest
Doua gemene se bat cu sampanie
Two twins fight with champagne
Care e, tighie, doar pe banii ei, ca: Fetele cu bani, p***ele de la volan
Which is, tighie, only on her money, like: the girls with money, the p***s behind the wheel
Au venit la bairam
They came to bairam
Va rog: nu sariti pe geam! Ele in exces, tzatzele fara sutien
Please don't jump out the window! They in excess, tits without a bra
P***e-n p**a mea, sa vedem... Veteranii latini din Romania din Est
P** * s in my p**, let's see... Latin American veterans in the East
Santem Mafia la tine-n Bucuresti SEIn club, club in club
We are the Mafia in Bucharest SEIn club, club in club
A-nceput paranghelia, personal
The parangelia began, personally
Tot ce vreau as zic: G-Yeah, G-Yeah! Atat de bi-ne e atat de bine
All I want to say is, G-Yeah, G-Yeah! So bi-We're so good
Cand toate p***ele danseaza pentru mine
When all the p** * they dance for me
Pentru baietii care stiu sa faca show
For guys who know how to show
Swamp cu mana lui zice:"Yo!"Am venit, m-am bagat, n-am intoarcere
Swamp with his hand says, " Yo!"I have come, I have entered, I have not returned
Vreau sa beau, sa ma-nbat, sa uit grijile! Vreau bucurie rulata: adica jointu' pe masa! La masa cu fratii mei: producatorii de lei! Trag si vreo 10 femei
I want to drink, drink, forget my worries! I want joy rolled: I mean the joint on the table! At the table with my brothers: the producers of lions! I shoot about 10 women
Ca am 1000 de gabori care m-asteapta pa strada
That I have 1,000 cops waiting for me on the street
Pentru o singura fapta...
For one act...
Ridic paharu' sus, dau noroc! AAAAAAA! Deocamdata, nu conteaza, sant in club, hai noroc, zi! Refren(X1) Lasa-ma sa le explic putin
I raise the glass up, I give Luck! AAAAAAA! For now, it does not matter, I'm in the club, let's luck, day! Chorus (X1) let me explain a little
Cum o ardem noi acolo de unde venim
How we burn it where we come from
Yo! Clubul e plin! Yo! Clubul e plin
Yo! The club's full! Yo! The club is full
Toata lumea vrea sa se distreze-asa ca vin
Everyone wants to have fun-so come
Sa danseze pe ring, sa se danseze pe boxe
To dance on the ring, to dance on the speakers
Sa se danseze pe bani, sa se danseze pe loc.
To dance for money, to dance on the spot.
Se apropie de mine o fata si poarta tanga
A girl approaches me and wears a thong
Am atatia bani de parca am spart banca! Am intalnit o fata vorbea-ntruna fara sens
I have so much money like I broke the bank! I met a girl who was talking senselessly
Si-am intalnit o fata, fuma multa iarba des.
And I met a girl, she smoked a lot of weed a lot.
Si peste toate astea, ce sa vezi? Am intalnit o fata o chema Mercedes-Benz.
And on top of that, what can you see? I met a girl named Mercedes-Benz.
Eu ma misc asa incet, vezi? Nu dansez! Singuru' scop e sa ma relaxez...
I move so slowly, see? I'm not dancing! The only purpose is to relax...
Mereu! In club! Toate fetele vor
Always! In the club! All the girls will
Sa se combine cu baietii si masinile lor! Cu desur de la Sarrieri si haine sumare
To combine with the boys and their cars! With Desur De La Sarrieri and scantily clad clothes
Forme rotunjite si miscari ametitoare
Rounded shapes and dizzying movements
La femei...
In women...
Li se face de f***t
They get f * **t
Bautura le ridica apetitu', stii si tu! Arde blantu'! Haide, trage, ce mai stai? E deja... prea mult! Sau ce dracu' ai? Daca nu te vrei sa te bagi, da-mi-l mie! Poseda de Henassy, sant aproape de 1000. Asta pentru cine stie ca o ardem la greu! Tataee, Uzzi, Swamp, Villy, Grasu', Paco si eu
Drink raises their appetite, you know! Burn the coat! Come on, shoot, what are you holding? It already is... too much! Or what the hell is wrong with you? If you don't want to interfere, give it to me! Possessed by Henassy, ditch close to 1000. That's because who knows we're burning it hard! Tataee, Uzzi, Swamp, Villy, fat, Paco and I
Mai mereu...
Most of the time...
Santem in actiune, daca stii
We're in action, if you know
Si de-abia ne-am imbatat, inca n-ai vazut nimic! Asa ca...
And we just got drunk, you haven't seen anything yet! So...
Sigur, o sa-ti placa nu te mai gandi! De unde sa incep? Sau unde sa termin? Lasa totu' sa vina de la sine, e mai bine
Sure, you'll like it don't think about it! Where do I start? Or where do I finish? Let everything come by itself, it's better
Ai o noapte de succes ïn exces pervers! Refren(X1)
Have a successful night excesonn perverted excess! Chorus (X1)

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