La ultimul concert am intalnit o panarama Care-a vrut sa suga p*** la toti care eram in camera
At the last concert I met a bitch who wanted to suck the shit out of everyone who was in the room
Adica eu, edy, greu, si tatae, Nu am vrut s-o f**** ea a luat gura pe c****Si cika: Uzzy, te iubesc, te iubesc, ce vrei sa-ti fac? Iubeste-ma de aici in jos incepe de la cap
I mean me, edy, hard, and tatae, I didn't mean to f**** she got her mouth on the c****and cika: Uzzy, I love you, I love you, what do you want me to do to you? Love me from down here starts from the head
Si suge, si suge, si suge fata p***Si suge de vreo ora, si-ar mai vrea manca-mi-ar p***! Momentul a venit! Sfecleul a tasnit! A stat, s-a uitat, s-a gandit, l-a? nghitit, Yooo! E profesoara de noapte, baietii o cunosc, se f*** de placere, frate
And suck, and suck, and suck p**
* girl and suck for about an hour, and would still want to eat-I would p***! The moment has come! The beet has burst! He sat, looked, thought, did he? gnaw, Yooo! She's the night teacher, the boys know her, they f**
* out of pleasure, bro
Are doar 17 ani, da rupe p****-n ea de mica
She is only 17 years old, but she breaks the p
* ***in her little
Placerea cea mai mare p*** mare-n pasarica
Greatest pleasure P**
* Big N pussy
Nimic mai frumos, peste tot, in orice loc, Intr-o scara de bloc, sau in hotel, face foc! Refren: Imi place tot ce faci, imi place cum te imbraci
Nothing more beautiful, everywhere, in any place, in a block staircase, or in the hotel, make fire! Chorus: I love everything you do, I love the way you dress
Imi place orice loc, in care? dar mai bine hai sa mergem sa ne f****Imi place tot ce faci, imi place sa te vad intre borfasi
I like any place in which? but better let's go get the f
* ***I love everything you do, I love seeing you between the crooks
Imi place sa te vad cum numai? dar hai sa mergem sa ne f****. O blonda cu un c** extra special m-am combinat asta vara intr-un club pe litoral
I like to see you how only? but let's go get the f****. A blonde with an extra special c
** I hooked up this summer in a seaside club
Da tocmai cand era sa-i propun si eu ceva vine una si ma trage pe o alta canapea
Yes just when I was about to propose something and I come one and pull me on another couch
A doua zi alcool si multa iarba sub paza
The next day alcohol and lots of grass under guard
Ajung spre seara cu p**** asta in camera
I arrive towards the evening with this p
* *** in the room
Si pune fata botu da nimic spectaculos
And put face botu give nothing spectacular
Ea intelegea primul sa roada p*** ca pe os
She understood the first to gnaw p**
* Like on the bone
Deci, n-a iesit nimic! Copii lui tatae au stat ascunsi, dimineata aveam o tona de c****Am facut ce-am putut am dat din nou de prima fata
So, nothing came of it! Tatae's kids were in hiding, in the morning I had a ton of c*
* **I did what I could I stumbled on the first girl again
Ea, ce sa vezi, doi copii, maritata, Si iata ca tati a reusit si o prefera
She, What to see, two children, married, and here daddy succeeded and prefers her
Niste sperma-n-gat pentru? La liviera
Some cum-n-throat for? La liviera
Te rog, nu te supara, stii ca de-as putea
Please don't get upset, you know if I could
As ***** cu placere si pe coana madalina! Refren: Imi place tot ce faci, imi place cum te imbraci
***** with pleasure and momma madalina! Chorus: I love everything you do, I love the way you dress
Imi place orice loc, in care suntem dar mai bine hai sa mergem sa ne f****Imi place tot ce faci, imi place cand te vad intre borfasi
I love any place we're in but better let's go get f***
* I love everything you do, I love when I see you between the crooks
Imi place sa te vad cum numai? dar hai sa mergem san e f**** Prosti sunt aia care cred ca toate femeile sunt doamne?.pt mine, toate femeile sunt la mine, toate femeile sunt c****?. La fiecare pas ai sa vezi cate o fata care-ar vrea sa suga p*** ca pe inghetata
I like to see you how only? but let's go san's F**** fools are those who think all women are doamne?.pt me, all women are at me, are all women c****?. Every step of the way you'll see a girl who'd like to suck p*
** like ice cream
Vrea s-o ia pe toata, de la cap pan? la scrot, pana la urma vrea si ea ceva nu doar? Asa ca da-i ce vrea, rupe p****-n 10, ca la tarfa totdeauna ii place te f****N-o? cu apa rece ca nu-i trece cu namoare
He wants to take it all from cap pan? at the scrotum, after all does she want something not just? So give her what she wants, break the p***
* n 10, like the bitch always likes you f
**** n her? with cold water it does not pass with namoare
O sa-ti spuna ca te vrea pana soarele rasare
He'll tell you he wants you until the sun rises
Stii ca o sa vrea si mai mult, tot mai mult, da-i mai mult
You know he'll want more, more and more, give him more
Si daca nu-i satula fute-o-n cur
And if she doesn't get enough fuck her ass
Fute-o si-ntre tate nu-I nimic de ascuns
Fuck her and between tits there's nothing to hide
N-o sa spuna niciodata ca i-a fost de ajuns! Refren: Imi place tot ce faci, imi place cum te imbraci
He'll never say it was enough for him! Chorus: I love everything you do, I love the way you dress
Imi place orice loc, in care suntem dar mai bine hai sa mergem sa ne f****Imi place tot ce faci, imi place cand te vad intre borfasi
I love any place we're in but better let's go get f***
* I love everything you do, I love when I see you between the crooks
Imi place sa te vad cum numai? dar haï sa mergem sa ne f****
I like to see you how only? but Ha let's go get US F****
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