B.U.G. Mafia - Gherila PTM - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia - Gherila PTM

Gherila PTM
Guerilla PTM
Din prima zi reprezentand strazile, Este Gherila PTM, fi atent Caddy, Fi atent frate, husenii n-i s-au adunat acum
From day one representing the streets, it's Guerilla PTM, pay attention babe, listen up, the homies haven't just gathered now
Doar ca poate asa o sa ne faca si le spun: O dam cu fiecare dintre voi parte in parte
Just maybe this way they'll make us and I tell them: We'll take on each of you one by one
Indiscutabil si direct trecem la fapte
Undisputedly and directly we take action
Ca nu e nici o trupa mai unita decat noi
Because there's no crew more united than us
Ca noi nu am inceput niciodata un razboi
Because we never started a war
Ca noi va luam la p.a atunci cand nu aveti masura
Because we'll f*ck you up when you cross the line
Fara sa dau nume va simtiti futu-va'n gura
Without naming names, you feel like you're gonna get f*cked in the mouth
Lumea va asculta, poate unii chiar va cred
The world listens to you, maybe some even believe you
De-aia, stau asa, ma uit la voi si ma intreb
That's why I stand here, look at you, and wonder
Oare cat o sa rezistam sa nu va dau macar o palma
How long can we resist not giving you at least a slap
Poate o i-au razna si va caut cu vreo arma
Maybe I'll go crazy and come after you with a weapon
De foc, ca de-astea albe am destule
A firearm, because I have enough of those white ones
Incat sa va macelaresc pe toti pentru insulte
Enough to butcher you all for the insults
Aduse fara motiv mie si fratilor mei
Thrown at me and my brothers for no reason
Gherila PTM e aici sa faca lei_ ________________________ Refren: Cu pasi apasati si calitati de campion Reprezint Gherila autentic Pantelimon
Guerilla PTM is here to make money _________________________ Chorus: With heavy steps and champion qualities I represent Guerilla authentic Pantelimon
Legati de teritoriu, avem reclame pe beton
Tied to the territory, we have ads on concrete
Cu sau fara scena rupem orice microfon Ie Ie, Gherila PTM, Gherila PTM, Gherila PTMIe Ie, Gherila PTM, Gherila PTM, Gherila PTM S-au intors cum nimeni nu credea
With or without a stage, we break any microphone Yo Yo, Guerilla PTM, Guerilla PTM, Guerilla PTMYo Yo, Guerilla PTM, Guerilla PTM, Guerilla PTM They're back like nobody believed
Au venit sa i-a ce mai era
They came to take what was left
Te-au gasit nu mai poti scapa
They found you, you can't escape
G H E R I L A _________________________ Drepti, stanga imprejur dictez, Mars, ti-o dau la m.e nu apreciez
G H E R I L A _________________________ Right, left about face I dictate, March, I'll give it to you, I don't appreciate
Nici o tarfa, nici un prost care fara rost Se agata si considera ca pot fi un prost
Any b*tch, any fool who pointlessly Clings and thinks I can be a fool
Nu o mica parte, nu doar jumatate
Not a small part, not just half
Luam tot ce vrem si ceva in plus poate
We take everything we want and maybe something extra
Fara greseala, nu e loc de prosti pe aici
No mistake, there's no room for fools around here
Tu trebuie sa fi atent la ce zici
You need to be careful what you say
Ca eu vreau sa fac bani cu fratii mei
Because I want to make money with my brothers
Ce, cat, cum vine, stim doar noi cei care suntem implicati
What, how much, how it comes, only we who are involved know
Uita-te intrebare exista rezolvare la orice colaborare Unii aleg bine altii au ales rau Si se duc pe p.a zi de zi, e rau tot mai rau
Look, there's a solution to every collaboration question Some choose well, others have chosen badly And they go to sh*t day by day, it's getting worse and worse
Eu si acum sunt in direct cu stazile
I'm still directly connected to the streets
Reprezint Gherila PTM_ ________________________ Refren _________________________ E momentul potrivit sa apar si yo
I represent Guerilla PTM_ ________________________ Chorus _________________________ It's the right time for me to show up too
In atata caterinca si atata mishto
In all this banter and all this fun
Serios baga-mi-a-si p.a ca un glont in teasta ta
Seriously, I'd stick my d*ck in your head like a bullet
Cand cant, hai baieti, pune-ti banii pe masa
When I sing, come on boys, put your money on the table
Am crescut in cea mai rea parte din Pantelimon
I grew up in the worst part of Pantelimon
La cutitarii din capatul lui 13 sau lui 16, NU, lui 14, sunt nascut criminal, te fac vraiste
At the knifers at the end of 13 or 16, NO, 14, I'm a born criminal, I'll mess you up
S-a terminat cu vrajeala
The bullshit is over
Inca o data strig Pantelimon, inca o data
Once again I shout Pantelimon, once again
Pentru ca daca esti de-al meu ar trebuii sa intelegi
Because if you're one of mine, you should understand
Daca n-ai ce cauta, pleaca in mo.tii tai de aici
If you have no business here, get the hell out of here
Stop cadru, stop . Gherila PTM, Gherila PTMCati-va baieti buni,.fac, fac sa dispari
Freeze frame, stop . Guerilla PTM, Guerilla PTMA few good guys,.make, make you disappear
Gherila PTM, dïn PTM pt banï .
Guerilla PTM, from PTM for money .

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