B.U.G. Mafia - La Greu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia - La Greu

La Greu
The Hard Way
Atentie, ca venim la tine-acasa
Watch out, we're coming to your place
E despre bani intotdeauna, pune-i pe masa
It's always about money, put it on the table
Si daca nu vrei sa pui, ia ochii pe casetofon
And if you don't want to, keep your eyes on the tape deck
99 la greu, direct din pantelimon
99 the hard way, straight outta Pantelimon
Pentru baietii care-au fost atunci de la-nceput cu mine
For the guys who were with me from the beginning
Pe care-i vezi in colt de strada cum se uita la tine
The ones you see on the street corner looking at you
E la fel ca intotdeauna am zis totul pentru bani
It's the same as always, I said it's all about the money
Nu conteaza cine esti, ce vrei si cati ani ai
It doesn't matter who you are, what you want, or how old you are
La baietii din cartier nu le place de tine
The guys in the hood don't like you
Fratioare fugi, vezi ca vin dupa tine
Girl, run, they're coming after you
Iar acum suntem toti, noi toti si mahoarca
And now we're all here, all of us and the weed
Hai cu noi dupa bloc, mergem cu barca
Come with us behind the block, we're going on a boat ride
Am auzit ca ati vorbit cum ca v-ar deranja ceva
I heard you guys talking like something was bothering you
O sa venim dupa voi si va dam muie gieeee
We're gonna come after you and give you the finger, yeah
Inc-o data cu baietii mei, doar cu ei
Once again with my boys, just with them
Facem parte in masina cateva bulioane lei
We split a few million lei in the car
In acelasi timp in care tu incerci sa faci milioane
At the same time you're trying to make millions
Altii iti tot sapa groapa, chiar sub picioare
Others are digging your grave, right under your feet
Da-le decisiva, loveste din prima nu-i lasa
Give them the decisive blow, hit them first, don't let them
Nu te baza ca vor cadea kiar ei in ea
Don't count on them falling into it themselves
Tataie, Uzzy, Caddy si tot ce inseamna Mafia
Tataee, Uzzy, Caddy, and everything that means Mafia
Baietii mei, luptatori, la categoria grea
My boys, fighters, in the heavyweight category
De la Arad la Bacau si din Sighet la Bucuresti
From Arad to Bacau and from Sighet to Bucharest
Aveti respect pentru noi, tot respectul pentru voi
You have respect for us, all the respect for you
Cand vorbesc la microfon lovesc chiar unde doare
When I speak on the mic, I hit right where it hurts
Pentru toti baietii de cartier, la mai mare
For all the boys in the hood, to the fullest
Turnatorii sa suga pula,? husenii? sa suga pula
Snitches can suck dick, hussies can suck dick
Si la fel pentru toti care nu stiu sa=si tina gura
And the same goes for all who can't keep their mouths shut
Nu e loc pentru prosti, totul e la greu
There's no room for fools, everything is the hard way
Mafia s-a-ntors si-asa va fi mereu
Mafia is back and it will always be this way
N-aveti decat sa ravniti, sa vorbiti, sa barfiti
You can only envy, talk, gossip
Dar unde suntem noi, voi nu puteti sa fiti
But where we are, you can't be
Niciodata nu o sa puteti sa fiti ca noi
You'll never be like us
La noi incepe tot cand se termina la voi
For us, it all starts when it ends for you
E vorba de fii-ta cea draguta stii c-o fute un smenar
It's about your pretty daughter, you know a hustler's gonna screw her
Si de fi-to ala prost, l-au facut baieti iar
And your stupid son, the boys got him again
Linia dintre noi a fost trasa de strada
The line between us was drawn by the street
Tu stai pe a ta, eu stau pe a mea, ramane asa
You stay on yours, I stay on mine, it stays that way
In timp ce tu te uiti in dictionar sa pari mai elevat
While you look in the dictionary to seem more elevated
Eu iau sampania si femeia si cu banii si-am plecat
I take the champagne and the woman and the money and I'm gone
Nu te mai intreba de ce, nu mai cauta motive
Don't ask why anymore, don't look for reasons
Este prima treaba pe care trebuie sa o tii minte
It's the first thing you need to remember
Se face tot la greu de ani de zile la greu
It's all done the hard way, for years the hard way
O sa sugi pula mereu daca tu crezi ca ai tupeu
You'll suck dick forever if you think you have the guts
Sa te FUTI cu baietii din cartier
To FUCK with the guys in the hood
Mai bine te-ai uita in portofel
Better look in your wallet
Cheile de la masina, vezi pe unde dracu′-i ma-ta
The car keys, see where the hell your mom is
Pe aici s-a intamplat ceva pentru ca vine Mafia
Something happened around here because the Mafia is coming
S-a terminat cu jmekeria iarasi
The show-off game is over again
E exact ca atunci cand te-am ars prima data
It's just like when we burned you the first time
Verifica la coaie inainte sa vorbesti
Check your balls before you talk
Fiindca baietii te aud, te gasesc si-o belesti
Because the boys hear you, they find you, and you get it
Ai dosarul in cacat la fel ca si femeia ta
Your file is fucked up just like your woman
Nu difera chiar nimic la amandoi va place pula
There's no difference, you both like dick
Am auzit c-acum un an cand te-ai dus sa dai la buci
I heard that a year ago when you went to get laid
Cand te-ai apropiat de pizda te-ai umplut de muci
When you got close to the pussy you got covered in flies
Asa ca da-te-n mortii ma-tii, taci in gatul ma-tii
So fuck off, shut the fuck up
Suntem aici pentru bani asa ca taci in mortii ma-tii
We're here for the money so shut the fuck up
Special pentru tovarasi care-o ard la greu
Especially for the comrades who are hardcore
Inca una 99 pentru cartierul meu
Another one from 99 for my hood

Авторы: Alin Adrian Demeter, Dragoş Vlad Neagu, Vlad Irimia

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