B.U.G. Mafia - Respect pentru cartier - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia - Respect pentru cartier

Respect pentru cartier
Respect for the neighborhood
Sant din Pantelimon, cum am spus de-atatea ori,
I'm from Pantelimon, as I've said so many times,
Cartier de baieti, baieti deasupra tuturor.
Neighborhood of boys, boys above all others.
Si prietenii cei mai buni, Adi si Marian.
And my best friends, Adi and Marian.
Milioanele sa curga pentru Uzzi si Mr. Juice,
May the millions flow for Uzzi and Mr. Juice,
Va am la inima mea, stiti ca asta-i mai presus.
I hold you in my heart, you know that this is above all else.
Respect M, sora mea din Salajan,
Respect M, my sister from Salajan,
La Familia, Balta Alba, sant cei care fac bani.
La Familia, Balta Alba, they are the ones who make money.
Inapoi in Pantelimon, Sud-Est, Bucuresti,
Back in Pantelimon, South-East, Bucharest,
Invata sa-ti iubesti cartierul si el te-nvata sa traiesti.
Learn to love your neighborhood and it will teach you how to live.
Despre Chiti si TuGui, numa de bine din cartier,
About Chiti and TuGui, only good things from the neighborhood,
La fel si despre Sile, niciodata n-a fost un fraier.
The same about Sile, he's never been a fool.
Admiratie pentru smecheri, respect pentru Centaur,
Admiration for the hustlers, respect for Centaur,
Bani din ce, in ce mai multi si la gat s-atarne aur,
Money more and more and gold hanging around the neck,
Respect romanilor si tiganilor din Pantelimon,
Respect to the Romanians and gypsies from Pantelimon,
Dumnezeu fie cu voi, bafto-delo-delo.
God be with you, bafto-delo-delo.
Refren: Uzzi x 2
Chorus: Uzzi x 2
Smenari, pesti ci curve-nseamna... Pantelimon,
Hustlers, fish and girls-meaning... Pantelimon,
Jointuri, bautura-nseamna... Pantelimon,
Joints, drinking-meaning... Pantelimon,
Barbut si baieti cu clasa-nseamna... Pantelimon,
Dice and boys with class-meaning... Pantelimon,
Am toti tovarasii cu mine-nseamna... Pantelimon.
I have all my comrades with me-meaning... Pantelimon.
Iubesc Pantelimon, la fel ca pe femei,
I love Pantelimon, just like I love women,
Are tot respectu meu, ii am la suflet pe ai mei.
It has all my respect, I hold my people dear.
Socului, Pantelimon, Capat, Pantelimon,
Socului, Pantelimon, Capat, Pantelimon,
Pentru Juice si Daddy Caddy, deasupra tuturor.
For Juice and Daddy Caddy, above all others.
Pentru Robert Boxeru, cu pumnu mai tare ca fieru,
For Robert Boxeru, with a fist harder than iron,
As vrea sa stii ca la sufletul meu vei fi mereu.
I want you to know that you will always be in my soul.
Pentru Mutta si La Familia, Salajan, yeah,
For Mutta and La Familia, Salajan, yeah,
Puya si Sisu, baieti de cartier.
Puya and Sisu, boys from the hood.
Si sant cu Baxter, yeah, doi smecheri,
And I'm with Baxter, yeah, two hustlers,
Bani, arme si femei, smenari fara pereche,
Money, guns and women, peerless hustlers,
Iar pentru fratele meu Muschi, ar trebui sa stii,
And for my brother Muschi, you should know,
Nimeni, niciodata nu ne va desparti.
No one, ever, will ever separate us.
Port atat de mult respect pentru Pantelimon,
I have so much respect for Pantelimon,
Aici e cartierul meu, e patria smenarilor.
This is my neighborhood, it's the home of the hustlers.
Respect pentru femeile de cartier,
Respect for the ladies of the neighborhood,
Respect pentru, pentru, pentru cartier.
Respect for, for, for the neighborhood.
Refren: x 2
Chorus: x 2
Socului, yeah, Amfora... yeah,
Socului, yeah, Amfora... yeah,
Din Capat 14 pana-n Baicului scrie Pantelimon, yeah.
From Capat 14 to Baicului writes Pantelimon, yeah.
Aici ma simt acasa,
This is where I feel at home,
Cu baietii zi de zi pe-afara, viata-i frumoasa.
With the boys every day outside, life is beautiful.
Respect pentru smenarii de la colt de strada,
Respect for the hustlers at the street corner,
Tovarasii mei, pentru ei femei si bani sa curga.
My comrades, for them, let women and money flow.
As vrea sa spun acum ceva despre cei care
I would like to say something now about those who
S-au dus, odihneasca-se in pace.
Have gone, rest in peace.
Si din nou, respect, acum pentru gagici,
And again, respect, now for the girls,
Dac-ar fi sa mor as vrea sa mor cu voi aici,
If I were to die, I would want to die with you here,
La mine-acasa, langa ai mei,
At my home, near my people,
Uzzi si cu Daddy Caddy, baietii Mafiei.
Uzzi and Daddy Caddy, the boys from the Mafia.
Inc-o data pentru 97 din Pantelimon, yeah.
Once more for 97 from Pantelimon, yeah.
Eu sant Tataee, suflet de smecher,
I am Tataee, soul of a hustler,
Respect pentru cartier.
Respect for the neighborhood.
Refren: x 2
Chorus: x 2

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