B.U.G. Mafia - Socului și capăt 14 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни B.U.G. Mafia - Socului și capăt 14

Socului și capăt 14
Socului and end 14
Yeah, direct din cartierul smenarilor, pestilor, curvelor, ciorditorilor,
Yeah, straight from the neighborhood of peddlers, pimps, whores, thieves,
Barbugiilor, jepcarilor, direct din cartierul profitului ilegal,
Cheaters, cowboys, straight from the neighborhood of illegal profits,
Acolo unde banul curge grupa mare acolo unde fraieri nu stau in picioare
Where money flows in big groups where losers can't stand
Direct din pantelimon,
Straight from Pantelimon,
Dintre toti baieti de cartier am ales:
Of all the boys in the neighborhood I chose:
Uzzi, baiat de capat 14 pantelimon, curvele vor sa-l testeze gabori vor sa-l aresteze,
Uzzi, boy from end 14 Pantelimon, bitches want to test him, cops want to bust him,
Caddy, direct din soclului la microfon, smenar de cotul strazii deasupra tuturor,
Caddy, straight from Socului on the mic, pimp from the corner above everyone,
Juice zis tatae cum ziceau la familia, fraieri sa planga si bani sa curga...
Juice, the one they called dad in the family, let the losers cry and the money flow...
Gyeah ha ha ha...
Gyeah ha ha ha...
97 an de gratie toata lume′ acum vorbeste numai de Mafie,
97 the year of grace, now everybody's talking about Mafia,
Albumul 1 Mafia unii au zis vrajeala, Bagami-as p***'n mama voastra nu va dam voua socoteala,
Album 1 Mafia, some said bullshit, fuck you, we're not accountable to you,
Numarul 2 Inc-o zi inc-o poveste, i-am intors pe toti pe dos cum pantelimon petrece
Number 2, More of the same, another story, we turned everyone upside down like in Pantelimon
Al treilea Nascut si crescut in Pantelimon pana cand moartea ne va despatia stat prea mult in top,
The third Born and raised in Pantelimon until death separates us, spent too much time on top,
Si facem banii,
And we make money,
Ne p*sam pe toti cei care ne sapa pe la spate
We piss on all those who snitch on us behind our backs
Vorbiti degeaba, incercati degeaba
You're talking in vain, trying in vain
Acum toata tara asta stie ce-nseamna Mafia
Now the whole country knows what Mafia means
Si acum gyeah concluzie,
And now gyeah conclusion,
Bagami-as p***-n mata mai subtire fraiere
Fuck you, loser
Caci ai de-aface cu mafioti Tatae, uzzi, Daddy Cady, inc-odata pentru toti
Because you're dealing with gangsters Tatae, Uzzi, Daddy Cady, once again for everyone
Oameni de cutura vor sa faca schimbari
People of culture want to make changes
De aia o sa-i las sa-mi ia p*** la-ntrebari
That's why I'll let them take my dick at questions
Si baieti in albastru au spus ca suntem o problema,
And the boys in blue said we're a problem,
Dar pentru ei tot ce se-ntampla nu-i decat dilema,
But for them everything that happens is just a dilemma,
Nu va mai ascundeti stiu ca va place
Don't hide anymore, I know you like it
Dar cum semigradati nu va lasa-n pace,
But semi-graduating won't leave you alone,
Cica suntem prea pe fata si vor sa ne-aresteze,
Apparently we're too obvious and they want to arrest us,
Fac tot ce pot si totusi iau bot
They do everything they can and still get into trouble
Cat despre concurenta zici ca e anvergura, au vrut sa ne jigneasaca,
As for the competition, you call it dimension, they wanted to insult us,
Dar si-au luat-o in gura
But they took it
Respekt pentru toti ce-si vad de treba lor
Respect for all who do their own thing
Milioane pentru ei zecimale pentru fraieri
Millions for them, decimals for losers
Desi multi ar fi vrut-o, mafia nu s-a dus
Although many would have wanted it, the mafia is not gone
Inc-odata 97 din ce in ce mai sus.
Once again, 97, going higher and higher.
Inc-odata te ridici sa explici taci dracu,
Once again you stand up to explain, shut the fuck up,
Mafia incita la, mafia incita la
Mafia incites, mafia incites
La ce morti matii, sugi p***!
To what dead moms, suck dick!
Esti atat de incapabil sa-ntelegi, tineti gura!
You're so incapable of understanding, shut up!
Droguri spui tu...?!
Drugs you say...?!
Inc-odata Violenta spui tu?!
Again Violence you say?!
Inc-odata interzis si-n Ploiesti, interzis si-n Satu-Mare, interzis si-n Severin,
Banned in Ploiesti, banned in Satu-Mare, banned in Severin,
Respenkt Vacanta Mare,
Respect Vacanta Mare,
Baieti au c***e
Boys have bitches
N-avem dreptul la vorbire libera, ma doare
We don't have the right to free speech, it hurts me
Sunt cinci ani, am spus cinci ani de cand rap-ul romanesc a-nceput sa faca bani
It's been five years, I said five years that Romanian rap started to make money
A stat va roade, rap-ul este prea pe fata
It's been gnawing at you, rap is too obvious
Sun atati-a primari, atatia baieti de piata
There are so many mayors, so many market boys
Atatia gabori care vor sa ne interzica,
So many cops who want to ban us,
De la Mafia, ****!!!, va dedïca.
From Mafia, damn it, he'll take care of it.

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