Et blieht länger hell jetz, obwohl et ess immer noch Februar.
It stays lighter longer now, even though it's still February.
Ne Winter he ess ausschließlich lästich, wie dä Matsch, dä als Schnieuss schwere Wolke singe Wääsch nohm, Tänzerinne nevvebei, nur öm ze stirve, he om lauwärme Asphalt, Kamikaze en ner Stadt, wo jede
Winter is just annoying, like the slush, that takes your laundry as a heavy cloud a dancer next to it, to die, on lukewarm asphalt, Kamikaze in a city where every
Hilferoof bloß unjehührt verhallt. Mir fällt en Strooß enn, die vun Ostende bess Mekka, quer durch Europa als E5 führt, wigger woor ich noch nie, trotz all dä Breefe, die ich jeschrivveun nie affjescheck, doch für die du,"Entschuldijung!", Nohporto zahle mohts, all die Eroll-Flynn-Visione, für jed einzelne däät sich et lohne, Sensatione mein ich, nit Madame Toussaud. Alexandra, jeev et zo: Mancheiner föhlt sich he em Stech jelooße, Alexandra, nit nur du. Du johvs mir Bruht un Spiele, Alexandra, ich weiß schon, du föhls dich wie ne ussrangierte
Call for help is just ignored. I remember a street, which leads from Ostende to Mecca, right through Europe as E5, I've never been further, despite all the letters, that I've written and never mailed, but for you, "Excuse me!", I'm willing to pay postage, all the Eroll Flynn visions, for each one it would be worth it, sensations I mean, not Madame Toussaud. Alexandra, admit it: Some feel left behind here, Alexandra, not just you. You gave me shelter and games, Alexandra, I know, you feel like a discarded
Weihnachtsbaum noh Neujahr.
Christmas tree after New Year's.
Wie′n Aapenisel ennzesinn stund ichvüür dir, un Aug en Augkunnt ich dich lesewie e opjeschlaare Booch.
Like an ape I stood in front of you, and eye to eye I could read you like an open book.
Ich kann e Liedche dovun singe, blohß och doch Alexandra, es wohr doch wohl nit jenooch.
I can sing a song about it, but still Alexandra, it wasn't enough, I guess.
Nit jenooch. Alexandra, jeev et zo: Mancheiner föhlt sichhe em Stech jelooße, Alexandra, nit nur du. Ey, Alexandra, nit nur du. Hör doch zo. Nit nur du. All Zeremonie, Beschwörunge un Rituale, ding Cohen-Plaate, Jaques-Brel-Samplerun Spazierjäng em Rähndann die rührende Versuche, affzoschöddele die Tristesse, die wohren aussichtslos, die braaten et wirklich nit, denn eins ess secher wie et Amen: dat wo suvill Kirche stonn, et hundert pro en janze Häädze Bichte jitt. En janze Hääd! Alexandra, jeev et zo: Mancheiner föhlt sichhe em Stech jelooße, Alexandra, nit nur du. Nit nur du. Alexandra, jevv et zo: Mancheiner föhlt sich he em Stech jelooße, Alexandra, nit nur du. Nit nur du.
Not enough. Alexandra, admit it: Some feel left behind here, Alexandra, not just you. Hey, Alexandra, not just you. Listen. Not just you. All the ceremonies, incantations and rituals, your Cohen records, Jacques Brel samplers and walks in the rain then the touching attempts, to shake off the sadness, they were hopeless, they really didn't make it, because one thing is for sure like the Amen: where there are so many churches, there is a confession in every whole heart. A whole heart! Alexandra, admit it: Some feel left behind here, Alexandra, not just you. Not just you. Alexandra, admit it: Some feel left behind here, Alexandra, not just you. Not just you.
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