En
dä
ahle
Stadt,
wo
ich
herkumm,
dämm
Millionedorf
ahm
Rhing,
wo
ming
Ahne
schon
jelääf
hann
un
ming
Pänz
jeboore
sinn,
pass
′ne
Jeißbock
op
em
Stadion,
dat
dä
Diva
nix
passiert,
dä
ruut-wieße
Ballerina,
der
su
manch
Häzz
he
jehührt.
"FC,
jeff
Jas,
mir
wolle
fiere!
jeff
Jas,
he
weed
nit
resigniert!
jeff
Jas,
selvs
wenn
mir
verliere!
jeff
Jas,
mir
stonn
zo
dir!"
Ruut-wieß
kritt
mer
ahnjeboore,
en
die
Weech
erinnjelaat,
wer'n
dä
Südkurv
opjewaaße,
dä
blieht
ruut-wieß
bess
en′t
Jraav.
Ich
sinn
dä
Weisweiler
noch,
wie'e
dä
Pokal
huh
hällt,
wie'e
zwesche
Löhr
un
Flohe
om
Balkon
vum
Roothuus
steht.
Dä
FC′s
sick
jestern
Meister
un
dä
Pott
blieht
en
der
Stadt
vum
Hans
Schäfer,
Thielen,
Weber
un
vum
Overath.
Klar,
su
manche
Liter
Wasser
floß
sickdämm
ahm
Dom
vorbei.
Et
joov
manches
zo
verkrafte,
trotzdämm
stommer
zum
In
that
old
city
where
come
from,
the
million-town
on
the
Rhine,
where
my
ancestors
once
walked
and
my
children
were
born,
a
billy
goat
watches
over
the
stadium,
so
that
nothing
happens
to
the
diva,
the
red
and
white
ballerina,
to
whom
so
many
hearts
belong.
"FC,
jeff
Jas,
we
want
to
celebrate!
jeff
Jas,
they
will
not
resign!
jeff
Jas,
even
when
we
lose!
jeff
Jas,
we
stand
by
you!"
Red
and
white
are
inborn,
instilled
in
our
veins,
who
grew
up
in
the
Südkurv,
they
remain
red
and
white
until
their
grave.
still
see
Weisweiler,
how
he
held
the
cup
high,
how
he
stood
between
Löhr
and
Flohe
on
the
balcony
of
the
town
hall.
The
was
champion
yesterday
and
the
cup
remains
in
the
city
of
Hans
Schäfer,
Thielen,
Weber
and
Overath.
Of
course,
many
a
liter
of
water
has
flowed
by
the
cathedral
since
then.
There
have
been
many
things
to
endure,
and
yet
we
stick
with
the