Mer
sinn
em
März,
vüür
dausend
Johr,
er
ess
me'm
Jordan's
Pitter
un
me'm
Addi
Altenberger
do.
Et
ess
noch
fröh,
noch
nit
ens
vier,
do
steht
dä
Tommy
schon
met
drissisch
Andre
vüür
der
zoe
Düür.
Mann,
et
räänt
un'e
friert,
doch
da's
ejal,
sulang
mer
Tön
vun
drinne
hührt,
kennt
jed
Woot,
jede
Break,
sujar
noh
jedem
Schlußakkord
et
eezte
Riff
vum
nähxte
Leed.
Die
Sporthall
woor
schon
immer
do,
jedenfalls
länger
als
dä
Trotzkopp
met
dä
schulderlange
Hoor.
Er
woor
als
Kind
och
schon
ens
drinn,
met
singe
Eldre
hatte
domohls
Holiday
on
Ice
jesinn.
Un
er
weiß
ei'ntlich
nur
noch
wo
er
sooß:
En
dä
Reih
unger
dä
Uhr.
Doch
für
ihn
ess
die
Buud
hück
jet
wie
Mekka
für
ne
Moslem,
wo
mer
hinpiljere
muß,
sujet
wie'ne
Ozean
für
ne
Fluß.
Weil,
die
Band
ess
en
der
Stadt,
wo'e
su
lang
drop
jewaat.
Hück
ess
sing
Band
en
der
Stadt.
Vill
zo
schön,
öm
wohr
zo
sinn,
sie
ess
he
un
spillt
für
ihn.
Nit
em
Fernsehen,
nit
op
Plaat,
hück
ess
sing
Band
en
der
Stadt.
Die
Woche
drop
wie
blöd
jejobb,
die
Jittar
uss
em
Ahn
un
Verkauf
jing
ihm
nimieh
uss
em
Kopp.
Jeüb,
bess
dat
die
Finger
wund,
monatelang,
bess
datte
sämtliche
Akkorde
spille
kunnt.
Nur
die
Bühn
noch
em
Senn,
op
der
'e
dann
noch
jottweißwer
hatt
spille
sinn.
Un
hück
Naach
ess
'e
he
et
letzte
Mohl
met
singer
eijne
Band
drinn,
noh
dä
janze
Johre,
et
allerletzte
Mohl
he,
donoh
ess
he
Schluß.
Hück
ess
sing
Band
op
dä
Bühn,
op
der
er
se
all
jesinn.
He'n
dä
Hall
woor
'n
se
all
drinn.
Vill
zo
schön,
öm
wohr
zo
sinn,
sie
ess
he
un
spillt
für
ihn.
Nit
em
Fernsehn,
nit
op
Plaat,
hück
ess
sing
Band
en
der
Stadt
It's
March,
a
thousand
years
ago,
I'm
with
Jordan's
Pitter
and
Addi
Altenberger.
It's
still
early,
not
even
four
o'clock,
when
Tommy
and
thirty
others
are
standing
at
the
closed
door.
Man,
it's
raining
and
freezing,
but
it
doesn't
matter,
as
long
as
we
can
hear
the
music
inside,
know
every
word,
every
break,
and
even
the
first
riff
of
the
next
song
after
every
final
chord.
The
sports
hall
has
always
been
there,
at
least
longer
than
the
defiant
guy
with
the
shoulder-length
hair.
He
was
once
inside
as
a
child,
with
his
parents,
to
see
Holiday
on
Ice
at
the
time.
And
he
actually
only
remembers
where
he
was
sitting:
in
the
row
under
the
clock.
But
for
him,
today
the
building
is
like
Mecca
for
a
Muslim,
where
one
must
make
a
pilgrimage,
like
an
ocean
for
a
river.
Because
the
band
is
in
town,
which
they've
been
waiting
for
so
long.
Today
my
band
is
in
town.It's
too
good
to
be
true,
they're
here
and
playing
for
me.
Not
on
television,
not
on
record,
today
my
band
is
in
town.
worked
like
crazy
all
week,
the
jitar
from
the
buy
and
sell
shop
never
left
my
mind.
practiced
until
my
fingers
were
sore,
for
months,
until
could
play
all
the
chords.
Only
the
stage
was
still
on
my
mind,
where
would
then
have
played
with
goodness
knows
who.
And
tonight,
I'm
here
for
the
last
time
with
my
own
band,
after
all
these
years,
the
very
last
time
here,
then
it's
over.
Tonight,
my
band
is
on
stage,
where
I've
seen
them
all.
We've
all
been
in
this
hall.
It's
too
good
to
be
true,
they're
here
and
playing
for
me.
Not
on
television,
not
on
record,
today
my
band
is
in
town.