BAP - Irjenden Rock'n'Roll-Band - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BAP - Irjenden Rock'n'Roll-Band

Irjenden Rock'n'Roll-Band
Irjenden Rock'n'Roll-Band
Engk Januar, ne graue Nohmeddaach, drusse om Meer tob ne Orkan. Die Bürjersteije sinn noch huhjeklapp, weil die Saison fängk eez en drei Mohnd ahn. Ungen ahm Strand litt noch jottweiswat römm, su ziemlich alles, wat op Wasser schwemmp. Vun ir'ndwoher hührt mer, wie irjendwer e Schlaachzeuch stemmp. Dat kann nit sinn, öm die Zick läuf he nix, öm die Zick höllt die Insel Luff. Em Winter weed relaxt un repariert, em Sommer weed he schon jenooch jeschuff. Doch vüür Villa, die'e Schloß sinn künnt, steht jetz sick paar Daach ene Truck, als'e ahnkohm he, noch rappelvoll met Instrumente volljepack. Saat, hätt vun üch schon wer kapiert, wat dat für Type sinn un wat dodrinn passiert? Okay, wie't ussieht halt en Rock'n
In January, a gray afternoon, outside on the sea a storm rages. The sidewalks are still folded up, because the season starts here in three months. Down on the beach there's still all sorts of stuff lying around, pretty much everything that floats on water. From somewhere you can hear someone beating on a drum kit. That can't be right, nothing's going on at this time, at this time the island takes a break. In winter, you relax and repair, in summer you work hard enough. But in front of the villa, which could also be a castle, there's been a truck parked for a few days now, when it arrived it was still chock-full of instruments. Say, has any of you figured out yet what kind of guys they are and what's going on in there? Okay, from the looks of it, it's a rock'n
Roll-Band die vun uns he noch keiner kennt, irjenden Rock'n Roll-Band. E paar Daach spääder ess Himmel blau, et Meer deit su, als wöhr et immer zahm un uss Villa hührt mer't jetz jenau: Die sinn ahm jaare'n zwar zo sibbe Mann. Bass, pump, Trommler spillt laid back, dozo e Riff wie vun dämm Ein, Pianopääle un'e Saxophon, wat singk ess su wie't schingk jeheim. Nä, su ne Text hann ich noch nie jehührt, dovun versteht mer ech' kei Woot, wat jetz nit heiß, dat mich dat ir'ndwie stührt. Juan, saach du ens, wat ess dat für'n Sprooch? Wat driev die her? Die hann doch ir'ndne Plan, für nix fährt mer doch nit su wigg! Dat deit sich doch kei Minsch freiwillig ahn, un ussjerechnet en Johreszick! Saat, hätt vun üch schon wer kapiert, wat dat für Type sinn un wat dodrinn passiert? Okay, wie't ussieht halt en Rock'n
roll band that none of us here knows yet, some rock'n roll band. A few days later the sky is blue, the sea pretends it's always been tame and from the villa you can hear it now: they're seven men in there. The bass is pumping, the drummer plays laid back, with a riff like the One, piano parts and a saxophone, what he sings is apparently top secret. No, I've never heard lyrics like that, I don't understand a word of it, which doesn't mean that it bothers me somehow. Juan, tell me, what language is that? What brought them here? They must have some kind of plan, nobody drives that far for nothing! Nobody would do that voluntarily, and at this time of year of all times! Say, has any of you figured out yet what kind of guys they are and what's going on in there? Okay, from the looks of it, it's a rock'n
Roll-Band (die vun uns he noch keiner kennt) un wie et schingk noh dämm, wat mer vun he uss hührt op jeden Fall en Band, die brennt. Irjenden Rock'n Roll-Band. Meinste, mer sollt ens froore? Meinste, die löhte uns ens rinn? Mer dääte och nit stühre, ahm Engk hilf do ne joode Wing!? Pass op: Wenn die hück em "Ca'l Patro" sinn, dann schwaad ich die ens ahn, ob mer nit morje ens jet hühre künnt, mer wonnten doch treck nevvenahn
roll band (that none of us here knows yet) and from the sound of it, from what we can hear from here, it's definitely a band that's on fire. Some rock'n roll band. Do you think we should ask them? Do you think they'd let us in? We wouldn't be a nuisance either, maybe a good wine would help after all!? Listen: if they're in the "Ca'l Patro" tonight, I'll ask them if we can't hear something tomorrow, we live right next door after all

Авторы: Helmut Krumminga

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