Bap - Jojo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bap - Jojo

Ich weiß nimieh wo, nur noch wie se do jing,
I can't recall where, only how she walks there,
Die verbiesterte Ahl met dämm Hung ahn der Ling,
The embittered old woman with the shopping bag on her left,
Zum Krüppel jemästet, wie en Karikatur,
Fattened to a cripple, like a caricature,
Ne Jojo, belle kann, ahn ner Schnur,
A Jojo, that can bark, on a leash,
Die die ahl Frau nit losslöht, op jarkeine Fall,
That the old woman never lets go, under no circumstances,
Ihr läuf keiner mieh fott, wie die andere all,
Nobody runs away from her anymore, like all the others,
Wie Mann, wo ihr nur en Schachtel Feldposs vun blevv,
Like the man who only left her a box of field post,
Die se usswendisch kann, ävver trotzdämm ophivv.
That she knows by heart, but still keeps.
En Sütterlin steht do, wie schön se ens woor,
A Sütterlin script says how beautiful she once was,
Vüür allem ihr Naas un ihr pechschwazze Hohr,
Especially her nose and her pitch-black hair,
Wie die vun Zijeunerin övverm Koppeng,
Like that of the gypsy woman above the bed,
Op dämm Ölbild, dat ihr ens ihr Doochter jeschenkt,
On the oil painting that her daughter once gave her,
Die, die jetz joot verhieroot en Rüsselsheim livv,
Who, now well married, lives in Rüsselsheim,
Met zwei Enkel un jed Johr zum Muttertaach schriev,
With two grandchildren and writes every year for Mother's Day,
Wie der Sohn, der sich Johr un Daach nimieh jemeld,
Like the son, who hasn't reported for years,
Nur dat Dier, sons kei Minsch hätt die Ahl op der Welt.
Only the animal, otherwise the old woman would have no one in the world.
Oder dä, em Ahnzoch, su lang ich nur weiß,
Or the one in the suit, for as long as I can remember,
Nahx " beim Büb " ahn der Thek steiht un unnohbar deit,
Standing next to "the boy" at the bar, acting aloof,
nur sprich, wenn er sich jet ze drinke bestellt,
Who only speaks when he orders something to drink,
Och hatt sich dat all nit esu vüürjestellt,
He too hadn't imagined it all this way,
Als er domohls aktiv en der ahle KP,
When he was once active in the old Communist Party,
Noch beseelt vun der Machbarkeit singer Idee,
Still inspired by the feasibility of his ideas,
Der vun Freede, Gleichheit en Freiheit jekämpf hätt.
Who had fought for freedom, equality, and liberty.
Jebraat hätt ihm dat nix, nur die Zick em KZ.
It brought him nothing, only time in the concentration camp.
Donoh Strafbataillon ahn der vorderste Front,
Then penal battalion on the front lines,
Wo er övverjelaufe un doch nit verschont.
Where he deserted and yet was not spared.
Ne sechs Johr lange Winter, Sibirien dann,
A six-year-long winter, then Siberia,
En e Bleibergwerk jottseidank nit ahn de Wand.
In a lead mine, thankfully not on the wall.
hätt nie widder Fooß jepack, selden jelaach,
He never regained his footing, rarely laughed,
Sick′e zosinn moot, wie et nohm Kreech jing övver Naach:
Had to watch how things changed overnight after the war:
Schnell et Parteibooch jewääßelt, wat nit ens schwer.
Quickly changed his party membership card, which wasn't even difficult.
Die ahl Nazis, nit er, wooren lang widder wer.
The old Nazis, not him, were back in power for a long time.
Antoinette, die bürjerlich " Erika " heiß
Antoinette, whose real name is "Erika",
Un jed Naach Eck Maternus un Mainzerstrooß steiht,
And stands every night on the corner of Maternus and Mainzerstrasse,
Bess zwei, drei vill Freier kumme nit mieh.
At best, two or three decent clients don't come anymore.
Dat verletz'se, et dunn nit nur ihr Kramfohdre wieh.
It hurts her, not just her varicose veins.
Jeht off stundelang hin un her, waad dat wer hällt,
Goes back and forth for hours, hoping someone will stop,
Für ne Quicky öm Röcksetz se bruch halt dat Jeld,
For a quickie behind the bushes, she just needs the money,
Wenn och nimieh für Freddy, och leev sinn kunnt.
Even if it's no longer for Freddy, who could also be sweet.
" Dat fott ess, obwohl er su ärsch op ihr stund!"
"That he's gone, even though he was so crazy about her!"
Hä, Big Spender un Heini, Doof,
Hey, the big spender and Heini, the fool,
Un Lisa, die Mösch, domohls leef et su joot.
And Lisa, the chick, things were going so well back then.
En Schampanjer jebaad un met Nerz uffjedrüsch.
Bathed in champagne and dressed up in mink.
Hück Naach hällt bloß de Schmier, övverhührt, dat se lüsch.
Tonight only the greaseball stops, ignoring her desire.
Nä, kei Mitleid vun dänne, nit vun su en Pänz,
No, no pity from these guys, not from such a punk,
Der ihr Mutter se sinn künnt, wirklich, em Ähnz!
Who could be her son, really, in the end!
Dann ald levver Neid, se fröher jespürt,
Then rather the envy she felt before,
övver dämm stund se drövver, hätt nie jestührt.
She got over it, it never bothered her.

Авторы: Wolfgang Niedecken, Hans Wollrath, Manfred Boecker, Alexander Buechel, Jan-christoph Dix, Klaus Heuser, Stephan Kriegeskorte

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